
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Vision 12 - Silvery-what? (2)

My surroundings dissolved, revealing a white canvas like someone has poured white paint over them and everything suddenly became white. I look around scared and confused, there was nothing on the site and the whole world was dyed white. What is going on?

" Mom? Mama! " I screamed struggling through the little dizziness.

I couldn't understand what is happening. I didn't even get to cope with everything my brain suddenly remembered and Reality got peeled away from me in an unexpected way.

I searched around me, desperately looking for something when A silhouette of someone standing far away from me came into my view, and Hope lit up inside me.

I ran towards him, fiercely. The feeling of witnessing my mother and my world snatched for me felt... very scary. The long silhouette slowly formed into a back, that was facing toward me. I reached closer and was about to shout, 'hello' or 'excuse me' but words got stuck in my throat.

The man with a long black coat, which was shining in this white world like it contained the whole universe in it, turned his head to look at me.

My eyes looked at him as his head with black hair similar to mine turned and followed along his body. We stood face to face and my steps halted on their own. Feeling surprised would be an understatement to what I was feeling, because The person in front of me had the same face as me.

My own reflection looked at me. He was majestic, and had an aura like a god. But all that felt fake to me over my own face. Those eyes changed peacefully and a gentle smile appeared on mine, or rather I should say his face.

" Reality is nothing, but a dream within dreams. " he stated as a fact.

" What? "

" Once you accept it. It becomes yours. "

My mouth remained hanging unable to get my words out but with his words ending like a rhythm suddenly a flash of light appeared, brighter than the world itself and everything disappeared.

My eyes opened once again and a message hovered over me like an angry friend looking down on me.

[ The Exclusive Skill 'False Awekening' has been activated. ]


Past the familiar slate screen, which I haven't seen in a while. I saw a familiar ceiling appear again, but it was different from before. It was the ceiling of the room I was staying in as an assistant professor in 'Trivia'.

" Ducas, calm down. " a familiar feminine voice resounded.

" But- "

" Think calmly. "

Voices of Valerie and Ducas reached my ears.

Wait, Isn't this my room? what are they doing in my room? Before I could figure out what is happening. Valerie spoke with some concern in her voice.

" Doctor, Isn't there anything you could do? "

" I am sorry miss. His condition is nothing like I have ever seen before. " Doctor said.

Ducas and Valerie must have brought me back to my room and called a doctor to check up on me. Well, that was a good thing, the last thing I want now is to get my health to deteriorate, but then I realized I have a skill that literally serves my body to be in top condition.

" What is exactly abnormal with him? " Valerie's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

" Even I am not sure" Doctor spoke with some confusion. Then what good are you if you can't tell a condition of a healthy awake person? I thought to myself.

" His heart rate is going fast and slow, but nothing else, and dark matter around him is nondetectable to me. He is more than fine, it is like he never had any contact with the matter. "

" You mean like people before the year zero? "

Okay. This conversation is going somewhere it really doesn't need to go. Better think of something Arthur, before you are sent as an abnormal and the church will cut you open.

To be honest, I was curious about my condition regarding the whole dark thing he was saying, but I don't want to advertise them. I will hold off until I could find someone who couldn't harm me in any way.


I deliberately let out a low moaning sound and suddenly I took notice of the entire room. People in the room heard my voice and approached me.

" Sir Arthur. "

" Doctor please take a look. "

Valerie called the doctor to check up on me again. He came and pressed his stethoscope onto my chest, he also pulled up his sleeves in one swift movement to see his wristwatch, as he checked my pulse.

" It looks like his heart rate has stabilized now. "


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' is relieved. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments " Thank God." ]

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments " You are a God. " ]

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " I am glad. Here, I'll give you some points. " ]


[ 500 points donated ]


[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments " See, I told you. He is fine. " ]


With the result of the doctor, several Nubeculas's messages appeared infront of me, like an audience waiting for results.

Valerie and Ducas looked relieved after hearing the doctor's judgment. Gumiho gave me some points, which is good.

I tried to sit up against the backrest of the bed. I acted like it was difficult for me to move my body, but actually, it was not that difficult. I felt fine, 'Zoe's Heart' must have recovered me by now.

" You should rest Sir Arthur. You don't need to get up. "

" I am fine. "

Ducas didn't seem convinced though, but I ignored him and sat up while acting like it was difficult for me to move. The doctor did some basic check-ups on me and said I am currently fine, then he left. Although he looked confused the entire time.


" How are the citizens and the Plaza? "

I let out a sigh and asked about the situation. What happened after I fainted? that was the second most important question I had in my mind.

Valerie and Ducas didn't reply to my question, they were just looking with some weird look in their eyes. Why are they not saying anything?

" Worry about yourself first. "

Instead, a third sweet angelic voice, which had some frustration in them. Persephone was sitting beside me on the bed.


[ Some Nubecula likes your attitude. ]


[ 800 points donated ]


[ Some Nubecula are discussing about you. ]


What attitude? And what are they discussing? I really should do something about the Nubeculas watching me.

After some time, Ducas was the one who answered my question.

" Citizens and the plaza are safe. Miss Valerie took care of the remaining bombs, and after you fainted some Legion officer showed up and arrested the people who attacked us. "

" That is a relief. "

I was genuinely relieved that officers of the legion showed up and prevented any spies from leaving.

Again Valerie and Ducas looked at me with the same weird expression as before. I was just glad that none of the spies escaped, it would have been a problem if they did.

" Anything else I should know? " I asked, finally pushing the conversation to an end.

" Professor Yates also visited earlier. "

But Valerie thrust it at an unescapable speed. I was surprised. Does Lisa and I have become close enough that she could visit me, Does she have more trust in me now?

" I will meet with her. "

" Sir Arthur, I will tell her about your condition, you should rest. " Valerie offered to help and like a sick miserable person I took it.

Ducas insisted to stay in the room so that he could take care of me, and he looked determined for some reason. I also thought I should get some rest. I nodded and spoke to Valerie.

" Miss Valerie, can you go with him? "

" I will. "

" Thank you. "

And with that Valerie and I made a deal, she would take him out. Also for some reason, Valerie looked happy, she is just like how I remembered her from my dreams.

But suddenly talking about Lisa reminded me of something, it was about what the spy told me just before I fainted.

' You should quit the job and return to wherever you came from. '

Based on what he said I am certain of one thing, someone wants me to quit this job and leave the city.

Someone who had a problem with me being Lisa's assistant, and had ties with some spy or assassins. A name naturally came into my mind.

' Eddie Sherman '

It had to be that two-faced bastard. I already knew he had some connection in a gangster community, but If I recall correctly he never went to such lengths. Well then again, there never was someone who became Lisa's assistant before.

He was too weird for me to understand. Even at the opening ceremony, I couldn't understand why he was making that false pretense. He already had a well of family and everyone loves him. Why the act?

I pity him, his efforts are futile anyway, and he never succeeds in getting close to Lisa.

All his actions are based on political behavior. He wants more power and I understand that, that's the basic nature of a human being. But if you have more than enough to live peacefully, then Why?

Nonetheless, I need to get rid of him. I don't know if he would do something in the future, but I am not going to give him any chances. I would prefer if unnecessary problems are resolved quickly.

Ducas and Valerie told me about some more basic things that happened, I told them to keep it short.

" You both should go back to your dorms. This is a faculty dorm, students are not allowed so late. "

The incident took place in the afternoon and I fainted for a couple of hours, so it was almost evening now. Ducas has already brought dinner so there was no reason for them to stay.

" Sir Arthur, I could stay if you need anything. "

" No need. I am fine. "

Ducas again insisted to stay, I told Valerie to take him with her. Valerie convinced Ducas and they both went for the door. Ducas went out first, Valerie was about to go too when my words stopped her.

" It was not your fault, Miss Valerie. "

Valerie suddenly flinched and stopped by the door. She didn't say anything, her face was infront of the door's edge, away from me. I also noticed how her hand gripped the door handle tightly. I remember how she stiffened up and her face got paled, during the fight. She was lost when she saw me in front of her.

I knew she blamed herself for my condition. She didn't show it on her face, but I knew her better than that.

" But- "

" You would have done the same. "

I cut her off, her voice was low but I didn't need to hear her words. She would have done the same for Ducas, She would have helped her friends like she did in my dreams. She was competitive by nature but she had a good heart.

" Goodnight Sir Arthur. "


After a few seconds of pause, Valerie said goodbye and left after that, closing the door behind her.


[ Some Nubecula Likes your Sympathetic words. ]

[ 400 points donated. ]


Why are they talking about me being sympathetic? I wasn't trying to be sympathetic. In my dreams, Valerie was trying to live in hiding, and because of that she had to suffer quite a bit. But still, she will become one of the strongest in the future.

But there were some triggering points to that in her life if I remember correctly, and there was only one time that I have seen her stiffen up like today. It was when her parents died. I didn't want to falter her growth, forming a deviation in her life. She needs to become strong so that I don't need to do too much.

" Anyway, what about today's riddle? Did anyone get the answer? "

I spoke to the empty room around me. Before I met with Lisa today, I asked a riddle on my usual nonexistent show.

The riddle was 'You answer me, although I never ask you questions. What am I?'.


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' comments "It's a telephone." ]

[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' comments "We got it while you fainted." ]

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " I was so close. " ]

[ The NUbecula 'Gumiho' is dejected. ]

[ Some NUbecula are consoling 'Gumiho' ]


This time 'Raziel' answered. It looks like they were not that worried about me, I can't say I am surprised because that's just how higher existences are.

" Congratulations. Do you want to ask any questions? "


[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' Commentes " No. " ]

As expected.

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments " Then let me ask one. " ]

[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' Commentes " Sure. " ]


Raziel wasn't interested in asking any questions. He is a simple guy, I still didn't know why he was watching me. He gave his chance to Gumiho, I honestly had no problem answering a few questions about myself.

I wanted to become popular with not-so-high realm existences which will get me into some unnecessary trouble but popular enough that I have a high audience who could give me a large sum of points.

Gumiho always asked some basic and stupid questions. I knew she isn't that interested in asking me anything, none of the Nubeculas were. They all are god figures, they know almost everything that was going on among the people of the planet, and even if they miss something, they like to keep the anticipation of it. They hate spoilers.

That was the reason Raziel didn't ask any questions, that was also the reason I wasn't that worried. Unless they suspect something really balance-altering about me, I didn't have anything to fear.


" I am tired now. "

After that sleepiness took over me. I guess there is still some fatigue left in my muscles. I covered my mouth with my left hand as I let out a yawn, looking at my right side suspiciously.

Two rings on my fingers, black, and silver. The silver ring shined brightly as I took out an Item from my storage ring.


[ item: Total Isolation.]

[ You have used Total Isolation. You are now isolated from the outside world. ]

[ Effect of the item will be for one hour for a day. ]

[ Duration left: 41 minutes. ]


[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments " You are going to take bath again? " ]


I used Total isolation every day whenever I took a bath or a shower, I had to maintain my privacy. Today I used it for twenty minutes so forty minutes were left.

I ignored the comments as the black spherical item rested in my palm. I placed the black ball on the left desk beside the bed. There was a small cylindrical metal stand and the Isolation item could rest right on top of it.

After that, I went to sink into the mattress. What a day! Too much happened. I was just planning on making notes for the next class, and I did everything but that.

Noticing the black edges of the fall ceiling, I recalled what had happened inside my mind, and I felt a headache building up. I still had to make those notes, wait, Did Lisa visit because of those notes? When I think about it, that might be possible, she sometimes becomes very serious about those things.

I also remember the weird dream I had, What was that? Was it really a dream? I did see myself at the end. Was that my own personification?

I let out another sigh and tried to sink further into the bed. I didn't want to think about all this anymore. My family would have been alright, my absence shouldn't create that much of a problem. It should be like I went back to college.

My body turned, rolling itself while trying to find a comfortable position but it wasn't that easy. I moved my head to look toward the right side of the bed.

There was a companion beside me. Persephone also looked at me from the corner of her eyes and following that she turned her head to look down at me, and our eyes met. I didn't say anything at first, I thought she would say something but she also didn't.

The silence created an awkward atmosphere. Felling frustrated Finally, I spoke.

" How long are you going to keep holding on to it? "

I tried to move my fingers trying to free them from her grip but I couldn't move them freely. My hand was held on tight by her.

She remained impassive and I got no reply.

Ever since I got up, I realized that she was holding my hand. I didn't move when the doctor checked my vitals, I also didn't ask Ducas and Valerie too much about the situation, and I also had to use Total Isolation because Persephone didn't let go of my hand.

I looked at her through my sleepy eyes, the bed was comfortable and the pillow underneath my head was soft as well. I wasn't that tired but I felt even more sleepy because of it.

Persephone just kept looking at me. I looked into her eyes for a few seconds, searching for any foreign feeling that was there inside but all I felt was confusion, and then turned my head to the other side.

If she wasn't going to say anything and I could not find anything through the soul contract, then what can I do? It is not like I can forcer her. I felt My eyes forcing their way to close themselves when I felt a tight squeeze on my hand.

A frustrated frown appeared on my face as I ignored the tight sensation, but then the lack of my response was countered by another tight squeeze, but I again ignored it.

Then suddenly she squeezed it even harder. I felt like groaning, but I endured it and turned my head back at her, angry and frustrated.

Persephone's eyes and expression remained unchanged, and I couldn't understand anything from them. She had a frown and so do I. She seems to be searching for answers inside my eyes, but what is it? What the hell does she want?

" What is it? " I spoke unable to contain the frustration inside me.

" ... "

" If you don't want to tell me don't tell me, but you better not do it again. " I gave last warning.

" What will you do if I do it again? " She scooted over me, challenging me.

What the hell? Is she trying to pick a fight with me? but I couldn't say anything back. What can I say? I can not do anything to her.


I let out a sigh, I am in no mood for an argument. " Nothing." I broke our eye contact, closing them, and turned my head to my right "I will do nothing. What is bothering you? "

Since she held my right hand I couldn't turn to my left. So I rolled towards her and adjusted myself into a comfortable position. It is better to avoid arguments with women, I learned that because of my mother. I could never win an argument with her. Suddenly my mother's face fading away came into my mind.

" Who are you? "

Persephone finally spoke pulling me from my thoughts. Maybe because I snuggled too closer to her or because my eyes were closed heightening my other senses, but it felt like Persephone whispered into my ears. But didn't she ask a weird question?

" Arthur. " Still I answered in a quavering sleepy voice.

" ...What are you? "

What is this weird fifty questions session? Should I have had an argument instead? My thought changed pretty quickly, as she started asking me weird questions.

" A normal human existence. "

I tried to find some sensible answer to her nonsensical question. My eyes were closed but I still felt her piercing gaze at me. I felt a little embarrassed. I answered her questions quite literally, I knew she didn't want those answers.

" What is actually bothering you? "

Before she could ask more weird questions I spoke first forcing myself through my arm but she didn't let my hand leave her grip. Persephone looked a little uneasy and shifted back as I took a hold of bed's headrest on my back.

" While you fainted I had this weird feeling. " she started, looking towards shelves as her free arm folded under her chest resting on her lap as usual.

It looks like now we are going somewhere, I should have asked that before.

" What feeling? "

" I felt like your soul was thinning. "

Thinning... what? I asked myself. Is she talking about how the doctor from before said that my body seems to have appeared like I had no contact with dark matter?

" No, it was more like escaping. " she dismissed " I felt like your soul was disappearing. "

" That... is serious, I guess... "

I didn't know what she meant. Currently, I felt completely fine, but it is possible that she might have sensed something because of our Soul contract. Nevertheless, I can not take something seriously when I could not grasp what it meant.

" Your reaction is so calm. " Persephone eyed me through the corner of her eyes " Don't forget we share our souls, when it happened I felt like a part of me was disappearing. " She scolded.

" I am fine now. "

" Do you know why that happened? "

I didn't know, but it must have something to do with what I saw before. I am also concerned about that, more than anything else right now.

" I am not sure, anyway don't take it too seriously, and let go of my hand. "

I could feel Persephone wanted to talk about it more, but I told her to not think about it. She made an angry frown while turning her head at me and raised her hand which was still holding my own hand, soon that angry frown disappeared making a mocking gaze.

" What? Are you uncomfortable holding hands with a beautiful woman like me? "

There is the Persephone I know. I couldn't help but laugh in my mind. The first thing she does is tease me, but I was too mentally exhausted to be affected by that.

" Yes, it is making me uncomfortable. Please let go of it. "

I wanted to lie down. How I am supposed to be comfortable while someone holding my hand like that?

" You are no fun. "

She released my hand with a little push after commenting on my reaction. Without thinking much about it I lay down and tried to relax but I couldn't help but think about the dream I had.

" What is bothering you? " She spoke with her usual motherly voice.

A hollow laugh escaped my mouth. She asked me the same question I asked her before, and she didn't reply.

I didn't want to talk about it, I wanted to stay silent as she did, refute her but there is no point in lying, I was too curious. The Soul Contract let us feel each other's feelings, so she could tell.

" I had a dream..." I barely squeezed the words out " about my home. "

" Was it a bad dream? "

" It was about a normal conversation with my mother I had years ago. "

Well, at least for my mother it was a conversation, but I was sure it was always an argument on my part, which I was always trying to avoid. I didn't consider anyone that close to me, but I couldn't help but wonder, how everyone was doing?

" I see. "

She didn't ask anything after that and kept shuffling through my hair. I guessed she must have felt I didn't want to talk about it. Soon I settled on the sensation and fall asleep.

I wanted to wake up early next morning, so that I could make notes for tomorrow's class.


-Why didn't you wake me up last night?

" Don't start a couple's fight with me. I didn't know you had some work left. "

-You think I will have someone like you? who didn't even know if I had some work left or not?

" Can you even have someone better than me? "

I frowned and then licked my lips. Damn it. I couldn't say anything against that.

Right now, it was five-thirty in the morning. I was sitting on a chair in front of my work desk which I told Ducas to place in the room after I met with him at the opening ceremony.


I let out a sigh. I wanted to say something, but I don't like arguing that much. It is exhausting. Focusing my attention back on the papers in front of me over the desk, I heard my window slowly being opened.

Click. Thud.

The window opened and a person appeared jumped through the window closing it behind him.

His back was towards me, but I recognized his silver hair. It was Ducas. After closing the window he turned around, and our eyes meet through my glasses, his body shook a bit and he stiffened up.

Ducas stood in front of the window, looking everywhere avoiding my eyes. I look at him while sitting on my chair and spoke in a hoarse voice.

" What are you doing? "

" Umm... "

To be honest, I wasn't that interested in what he was doing here. I was feeling sleepy, it was hard enough for me to open my eyes and I still had to complete making summary notes.

I looked at him while resting my head on the palm of my left hand. My head was a little down so I had to raise my eyes a bit, I am so not a morning person.

" Say something. "

" Sir! I didn't want to wake you up. So I came from the window. "

A frown appears on my face. What the hell? Why is he speaking like that? Ducas spoke like a military soldier while taking an attention stand.

He looked like someone from the military who is reporting to his senior. Wait. How did he come from the window? It is on the fifth floor. How often does he do that?

" Forget it. What are you doing here so early? "

I wasn't in any mood to think about complicated things. It was also useless to understand how a scam character like him can do weird stuff like coming from a window on the fifth floor.

" Ah. I came to check up on you. I also brought breakfast with me. " Ducas pulled out a huge basket.

Where did this basket come from? I didn't see it before. I might be too sleepy to make out anything.


[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' comments "Breakfast is important." ]


A message on the usual comment slate screen appeared. She is also awake? What are all these people doing so early in the morning?


I drank a glass of water that was on my desk which made me refreshed a bit and spoke while putting the lid on top of the empty glass.

" I am fine. I have some work to do, I will eat later. "

" Then I will set it on the table and wait. "

Do whatever you want. Who am I to tell an overpowered person like him what to do? Ducas put the basket on the table and went to stand like a guard.

Ten minutes passed since Ducas came through my window. I tried to complete my work, but I couldn't.

" Why is he looking at you like that? "

Right? I thought as Persephone pointed out the same thing I was thinking. I couldn't concentrate because Ducas kept staring at me. I raised my eyes to look at him.

He had a goofy smile on his face. It was really annoying. I thought there has to be a reason for his smile, I wanted to ask, but I felt like I will get more annoyed by it.

" Ducas. "

" Yes, yes? "

" Turn around. "

" Yes? " his goofy smile faltered to an innocent confusion.

I ignored him and made a circle in the air with my index finger, indicating him to turn around. Ducas saw my action and turned around.

Much better. I thought, a little refreshed by taking off his distracting gaze. After that, I was able to focus on my work.

It was about to be seven-thirty in the morning now. I already had the breakfast that Ducas brought.

I was descending the stairs and soon reached the reception area. As always Todd was there, he looked toward me and bowed slightly to greet me, and I did the same.

" You " I pointed at Ducas " go attend your classes. "

He didn't reply and stared at me with some weird determined look. I felt like he was saying ' I will go with you. Sir Arthur! '. I felt a sudden cold sensation on the back of my neck visualizing the scene, but I didn't show it on my face.

I ignored him and without saying anything else, I went towards Lisa's office. I only heard a breath escape his mouth but I walked away.

Soon after reaching Lisa's office. I knocked on her door, and a sweet-stern voice followed from inside, after which I went inside.

" Good morning Miss Lisa. Good morning headmaster. "

I greeted Lisa and as always Hekate was also in there. Two pairs of eyes looked toward me.

" You seem to be doing fine. " Lisa said.

" Meow. " Hekate also meowed in her cat form which was adorable.

" I am fine. " I said forming a smile " Miss Valerie told me that you visited yesterday while I was unconscious. I appreciate it. "

Valerie told me last evening that Lisa visited me while I fainted, and naturally, I didn't forget.

Lisa nodded her head and then walked towards the door, I handed her the file I had. It was the material I prepared this morning.

She swiftly took it from my hand, like it was normal. After that, we both went out of her office. It was about time for her class.

Hello Readers.

Finally another chapter. Sorry, it got late, I had a terrible accident, and couldn't write for a while. It was awful.

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter and please tell me about it in the comments.

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