
Hazel's first friend

"hi I'm Nora, you are the new girl right". she adjusts her glasses In a weird way. I nod. she giggles "that was the cold sports senior you know. he is really handsome and all the girls want him but can't tell him".

???why is she telling me this I can't remember asking, sigh I need to cut this off. "look I need to go for sports okay" she sees the seriousness in my face and straightens up. I walk out the door. " wait I'll join you". Nora shouts from behind.

doesn't she ever give up...urgh.. she comes to my side and we walk to our lockers in the girls dorm.

we quickly dress up for p.e and run outside. once we get to the field I take a quick glance at the senior from earlier.... sigh.

A high jump kind of something was set up and students gather round it... um waiting.

Nora jumps in front of me startling me. woah. "what what what do u want" I ask clearly paranoid. she smiles weirdly" sorry, I just want to say that the all students high jump challenge is forth coming so that's why it has been set up", she smiles widely now" I saw the confusion on your face so I explained.

oh makes sense.....she was only helping just a friend would. I shake my head and nod.

" so.... why aren't you signing up?". I run my fingers through my hair. when it comes to small talks I am terrible.

she bows her head in defeat" I'm really scared of heights no matter the kind" .


"there's nothing to be scared of". I take off running picking up the stick aaaaaand swoosh and fly over the bar and land on the foam standing straight. "see Nora, super easy". I jump down from the foam. she stared with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. I look around, she's not the only one, everyone is staring.