
The next step

Layla had sent out a messge to all of those in the Sil rescue team, as well as Wince who wasn't part of the rescue team but part of the operations because what was going to happen next, she had a big part to play in it as well.

They were now able to freely use their powers. She herself had entered one of the camps that had been set up by the humans and Dalki. There were six Dalki, nearly all of them three spikes, while being surrounded by 20 humans with abilities for support.

A lot of the rubble in the area was lifted into the air, and before the others could react, it was all sent flying right towards the group. The Dalki were able to punch the rocks away, meanwhile the humans were using their powers but some were hit in the chest or knocked in the head pretty badly.

"Who has such power to lift so many things? Do the aliens have powers as well!"

"This is the ability of someone who's at least level 8!"