
The Cursed Child

The students were told to prepare themselves for the event. They started to pick thier best beast gear and left whatever they didn't need behind.

They then were organized by the soldiers into thier new groups. Once again, it seemed like even on the second day, all the first years were placed in the same group. This was to continue making the fights fairer and enjoyable. Even if a first-year was stronger, thier was the key difference between them and the second years, which was using a soul weapon.

As the students finished getting into thier groups, several heads twisted and turned, and mumbling between the participants seemed to be going around quickly. They all realized that the infamous ZombieP was no longer there.

Looking over at all the groups, Nate noticed that he wasn't with his newly found friend he had just made, since he was a second year, but it also seemed like everyone was turning to know to look at him.