
Shadow army

Back in the vampire settlement, before the group had been called off to head into war, Ronkin was lining up with all the others. Apparently there were still a few last minute preparations for everyone as they needed to sort out grouping and more.

Because of all of that, the vampires were given a few more minutes with their families. For Ronkin, he didn't want to head back to his family, he had already said his goodbyes, and he didn't want those painful feelings to resurface, instead he thought that heading into the forest to do some hunting would be better for him to calm down.

There usually would be guards on the outside, but this time, even they had been called into battle. So it allowed Ronkin to head straight into the forest on his own.

While walking through the forest, he saw no beasts, but it did give him some time to be alone with his thoughts.