
Protect or attack

The kids at the school slept on campus and were each given their own rooms. One thing that was different between the regular vampires and the decedents, was that they were both given separate areas.

This was actually due to Silver acting behind the scenes. It had only been a day, but it was enough for her to see the mistreatment that was going on. She was sure that there would only be bigger problems if they were allowed to mix at this moment.

It wasn't a bad idea, getting the two groups to work and act together, but going all in like this was risky.

A meeting had been called in the evening and the teachers were trying to come up with a way to solve this problem. Twelve of them were present at the table including Silver.

"The problem is we can't even punish them," Gina said. "They hold a higher position than us and threaten us."

"If they do that I can always report it to their leaders." Silver replied. "They will be punished for abusing their powers."