
High Expectations

Going through Kazz' teleporter didn't feel any different from those they had gone through before.

Still, it wasn't some school trip this time. They weren't going to an unknown planet to fight beasts, but instead they were going to a world most humans wouldn't even know existed.

As always, it only took a small moment for them to appear at their destination. When the whole group opened their eyes, they found themselves in a large empty room with four guards seemingly awaiting them.

"Wow, we're actually here! Only… is it just me or does this place look kind of plain?" Nate asked, looking around. He didn't realise it, but some of the guards grimaced at this comment.

"What, did you expect we would arrive directly in the throne room? We're in some sort of landing room, you idiot, of course it would look like every other room." Sam replied.