
2 is better than 1

Today, the celestial space was a bit livelier than usual. With new celestials appearing, more talks of celestials working together and also, the celestial named BB staying in the space for so long, it was clear it was not the space it used to be, and today too, something strange had occurred. 

With a lack of new celestials, Xox was floating about, looking for people he could work with. Honestly, he tried his best to avoid a particular area due to what happened last time and didn't travel too far from his own spot either. That's when something caught his eye. 

'What is going on over there? Has someone created a separate space in the space…that's strange.' Xox slightly frowned as he started to float over. 

He could see that around eight celestials were already in the new space and had gathered around a ball of energy. It was strange to see a new space in the current space because the celestial space created for all celestials was most effective on the flow of time.