
My Twin (my crush)

Alex, an introvert but well behaved teenager by fate got closer to his crush and by the way found out he was a twin. A twin to an HUMOSTH. After enjoying lot of merits from his twin, find out how Alex repaid him.

enigma417123511 · Fantasia
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15 Chs

to be forgotten....

Like I was put under a waterfall, I woke from my sudden sleep. Tried to wipe my face but I noticed my hands and legs were tied. Couldn't see well but I could hear clearly the gossips among the crowds. "They look so alike" that was the topic. Definitely, I knew Charles was present.

"Charles, are you there?" I called.

"Your foolish acts has brought an end to you" like he was grieving.

"Charles, what's going on" I began to develop fear. He kept mute and I cried, I begged for answers

"You caused it" he screamed all of a sudden. "you caused it".

"I don't get you, just say it" I yelled back at him, then came this silence in the hall. All eyes were on us. Although,  I couldn't see well but I observed right.

"Well even if I don't tell, you are still as good as dead" he replied.

"Charles shut up and tell me, who are this people,. What is going on.." he screamed back saying:

"You shut up!".

First time he would shout at me. I felt helpless. I knew something was wrong but don't know where.

"Am sorry, what ever have done, please forgive me" I apologized.

"No, no…..not now... don't be sorry yet. Your sorry isn't going to wake Alistair"

Now I was shocked. "Aliis…. Alistair is dead?" I asked and heard the crowd mourn. "I didn't kill him" I said and repeated but no one wanted to listen. I was untied, falling to the ground. It took almost a minute before I raised myself.

Looking at Charles, he was red. Looking so dangerous in a black attire.

He was always on white but my eyes were seeing clearly. "Charles…" I wanted to get close but I was hit on the leg. Felt the pain right from the brain, and I wept silently.

"I fell for you, protected you and your friends but you choose to make me cry. I warned you but you wouldn't listen" he sipped his beer and continued.

"You allowed your eyes to control you, despite the warning you were given" he said and had another sip.

"Rita's great grandfather happens to be among the D'ADMIN of the dead. You made his grandchild pour hot tears and he made my father suffer a slow painful death, and that's because…(belched and continued)…. He knows about us".

I didn't know what to do, beg or cry. I started playing a footage in my head and truly have gone too far. So, all this while, I wasn't tormented. I was just being stupid and reckless.

"Oh, I almost forgot, let him feel to be far from home" Charles said and took his leave but I saw him whispered in one of the guards ear.

As instructed, they played me home and I saw myself dead. My parents and friends were grieving, including grandma and Rita. Like I was said to fall in a pool and got drown.

"Eehhh!! Am not dead" I screamed

"Shut up monkey, they cant hear you" on of the guard said.

Saying the path I was following was the beginning of my end, this was it but the story has just began.

*** *** *** ***


I had just twenty one days to live. I would be fighting the sacred dog of the HUMOST. It had eight legs and four eyes. It was said never to be defeated, not even by the strongest man among them. I knew I wouldn't be able to set my eyes to see the living world again so I begged that I should be allowed to watch my family and few of my friends before my death. I never thought ALEX would end up being a food to some sacred dog. What a tragedy!

Charles didn't come visiting, I had to spend the few days around strangers that hungered for my death. My wish was granted, I watched my family mourn and grieve over me. Even, I was already buried despite am still here. For the rest of my living days, I cried and laughed. Weep whenever I remember how I was starting to catch up and laughs whenever I remember my mistake, it was a traumatic experience.



Finally arrived, the D-DAY. My heart raced millions of time before I was called out to the avenging humost that want me dead. I was set free and thrown in a cage, like a ring sealed to the very top with iron rods and only a single door. Have been praying since the past few days but I guess I just had to face the consequences.

Charles walked in and everyone stood to their feet. He has been announced the new Alistair  (humost leader). Actually, Alistair is a post, like a title not a name. His name was Carl.

I looked my twin in the eyes but there were no space for mercy. This isn't Charles, it was my actions. I was to be judge by my action. Tears dropped but I had no choice.

"Do you have any last word" his vise asked and I nodded.

"18 years in the living world and I never felt what it looks like to be happy. Never knew what life is…and living it like not valuing it. I began to learn the very first moment you came in my life, and am still learning. Now that am trying to make amendment, why wont you allow me" I said and fell to my knees. Crawled to the feet of the people and held a leg.

"Just one more chance, and am promising to make things right" I cried.

Alistair came down to the people and seemed their opinion.

"He should be put to test" an old woman suggested and it grew in their head, so I was put to test.

I was brought out of the cage and taken to a small river.

"This is the river of rebirth,  only the righteous will succeed and no one as ever did" Alistair noted.

If my fate was death, so be it. That will serve as a lesson to others but if I should succeed, I'll surely live my life right.

Without fear, I walked gently into it and started my quest. So many obstacles but I didn't flinch, not even a little. Breaking the record, I succeeded and swim back safely. Charles helped me up and hugged me, "Its nice to have you back".

*** ***

But my body has been buried, how do I get back?

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