
My Twin (my crush)

Alex, an introvert but well behaved teenager by fate got closer to his crush and by the way found out he was a twin. A twin to an HUMOSTH. After enjoying lot of merits from his twin, find out how Alex repaid him.

enigma417123511 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Extending my stay..

Episode 15

Just the little party and I already forgot about what happened few hours ago. Also not thinking of how to get back, I was on top!

Party over and I was so tired. Entered one of the room in the palace and…..

*** *** ***


"in the stave, lies my grave" he said to me.

I woke up with a severe headache. Last night was a hit. Looking around and tried synchronizing with the dream. Suddenly I remembered I was chatting with Alistair, I mean Carl.

"in the stave, lies my grave", he said that to me. I stood to my feet and reasoned as I walked through the hall leading to Charles.

"Can the lost souls appear in dreams" I asked as I served myself a cup of wine.

"Am sure you haven't brush your teeth" he said in his glowing robe with gold touches on the edge.

"Meaning" I asked.

"nothing…..just perceiving" he laughed.

"Nut, just answer my question"

"Uuhmm… yeah, anyone can appear in dreams"

"Your dad, he spoke to me and I guess he's trying to pass a message"

He jumped out of bed and closer to me.

"What did he say" with a waiting tone

"in the stave lies my grave" I gave.

Confusion was all over his face as he repeated the statement. "Guard" he called and sent for the priest. "try putting something nice, hundreds of eyeballs will be present" he said to me and I was asked to excuse him. Following the servant, I arrived my shock. "this is your room, sire" she said and left me in the mahoosive room. I just couldn't raise the dropped jaw.

I explored for few minutes and still wasn't satisfied but got a meeting to attend.

"But, am starting to feel at home" reasoned for a while. And true, the feeling of "am in my prime" was already settling in me. "Rachel, Rita, school, home, will I just forgo.

Swayed away the thoughts and concentrate on the color combination.

*** ***

I was late, so had to hurry and I ran towards the huge, magnificent door and opened it. He was wrong, there weren't hundred but thousands of eye balls. I was shrinking but struggled to my reserve. The meeting  continued but I could still feel the sensitivity of some eyes. They won't stop gazing.

"Here with me is my brother and also the path to my father. He is the one who dreamed" Alistair presented.

The school cheers were nothing to be compared to the humostians. I'll rather call that a roar.

Loud cheers and they all gave a slight bow. To be sincere, I felt honored.

"Alexander The Great" an old creepy man with long white hair, hindering anyone from seeing his face. I wondered if he really had a face but, no face_ no talking. (Things might be crazy most times).

"Actually it's just Alexander, never been great" I clarified

"You've always been great" he chuckled. "tell me, what did he say"

"He said, in the stave lies his grave"

"I see" he turned to the crowd.

"Now the long lost customs and traditions is the cure".

There was a great silence. From his talk, civilization from the living world has blinded the peoples from their own traditions. The stave became a mystery as none could remember it. Not even the creepy old man nor Alistair. This was a surprise to me. Few hours ago, they were to execute a boy because he passed his boundaries with people of custom and traditions. I stood up in annoyance and walked to the crowd

"am highly disappointed in all of you. I thought I was to be killed for a reason but now I know you all are just passers by. None of you here deserves to be a humost." I yelled to the very top of my voice.

Perhaps, too much. Might have gone far cause the rate of murmuring increased rapidly and I prayed I was not to be sentenced for talking too  much. I watched closely their reaction and at a sudden, they all raised their hands, making it look like the catholic church members, when they want to pray. Both palms facing each other like they wanted to pray. I turned to the old man and he did the same.

"What's all this" I asked

"We say sorry, Alexander the great" the old man replied.

I felt calm and not knowing what to do, I went back to my seat.

Charles seemed he had something to say but he didn't. Rather, he faced the priest and asked what the solution is.

"the gods are far from home…." The old man said(I wonder what his name was)

"…..and that's why am seeking if there is a solution" Charles interrupted.

"All we need is a pen and a book" he announced

"You must be joking" I laughed but it wasn't looking funny.

"The pen and book will be kept in the river of rebirth for a day and we shall see what is hidden" he said.

To my surprise, they had no pen nor book, what the heck!. Not like they are new to it but it was forbidden for them to touch. At this point I busted, in laughter, with the saying that they (pen and book) don't keep secret and were forbidden by the humost.

When I was in the living world, I use to keep a pen and a sticky note pad my pocket, no matter what. I sacrificed mine and was told to put both in the river. They were too scared to touch.

"How would you expect them to work after ruining them with water" I asked Charles.

"Just do as he say" he instructed.

After the necessary rituals, we headed back to the castle with Thousands awaiting the light to shine in the black hole

*** ***


"Don't you miss home" Charles asked as we were dinning.

"Am home, with you am home" I phrased

"I see, what happened that night?". He asked

"you can get choked" I said and continued eating.


Probably I was trying to get through my past, thinking of how I made so much mistakes in the living world. After this long thought, I concluded.

"I want to go back home" I told Charles. He smiled and asked "why?".

"Its better I dig a grave for my past" I replied.

"I want to show you something before you leave" he said and walked to his bed, bend and..I don't know. He did something and his wardrobe made a sound. Looking like a darn basement, he led the way and I followed.

Walking for about 1 minute, passing by some strange statue, he finally stopped.

"what did you notice so far" he asked and stared at me.

I thought for a while and I remembered those descriptions.

"The statue and their quote" I figured.

"When I die, I'll get a statue and my biggest wish written like those quote. Well, just for those who proved to be worthy of it" he explained.

"Wow, that's heroic. You're definitely in the list" I said and patted his shoulder.

"That's the thing, I don't want to be among those"

"You're kidding right. I would kill to have a statue and a quote….

"I wish to be human like you…."

"oh, fuck you bro, like I knew" I turned to walk out but he held my hand, and like he was running hot. I turned back astonished.

"Your temperature…." I notified but he collapsed.

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