
My Twin (my crush)

Alex, an introvert but well behaved teenager by fate got closer to his crush and by the way found out he was a twin. A twin to an HUMOSTH. After enjoying lot of merits from his twin, find out how Alex repaid him.

enigma417123511 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

going deep in it....

Episode 13

It was a rough but fun Friday. After so much fun in school, Rita made me have this Friday feelings. We played and joked till bedtime and I persuaded her to sleep in my room. "Let me get in my pajamas" she said and went downstairs.

"congratulations on your award" Charles spoke from a corner. "all thanks to you bro, you're the best" I said even I didn't see him. "Goodnight" he said and I didn't feel his presence again. "Goodnight" I replied and Rita barged in.

"is he here?" she asked. "just left" I said and sat on the bed. "I hope I could meet him one day" she said and bounced on the bed. "warning" she said ,pointing her finger to my face. "what?" I was sure I didn't do anything. "I snore so good" she said and I laughed.

"I fart a lot" I said and she stood to her feet. "I cant stand that" she said and wanted to leave but I stopped. "Just kidding".

Past ten, we were still chatting. Past eleven, and I wasn't feeling sleepy, so as her. Bringing up the idea of us watching a movie. "probably, that should work" I suggested.

Maybe it was fate or I just cant explain that night. All channels were on blues. Tuning from channels to channel, we arrived an arousing movie, which was soul catching. It got to a scene were two lovers had this sensational kiss and....

*** *** ***

"Good morning ma" I greeted. Still in my pajamas but was about to eat. "good morning" I greeted Rita but no response. "Rita" grandma tapped her and like she was in a trance. "oh, so sorry ma" she begged. I greeted again and she replied. Definitely she was thinking of last night, but that doesn't change a thing.

"You're good?" I asked and she assured she was fine. "you don't look it" grandma interfered but her reaction tells she doesn't want to talk about anything.

"my friends will be visiting today ma" I informed grandma. "friends, Rachel and who?" she asked. "Rose and Sharon, they are Rachel friends" I replied. "Okay, so what..." grandma was saying then Rita suddenly stood and dashed in her room, the guest room.

"What's wrong with her" grandma asked but I couldn't reply. xcuse met she said and excused herself, heading to Rita. I thought of eavesdropping but that was childish, so I finished my food and went  back to my room.

Unusual, Charles, I thought of him for a while. He has his ways so I didn't bother my mind. Made sure I was suited cause of the three wise ladies. Just to be certain, I brushed after eaten and had this crazy bath that lasted 30 minutes. Got in a blue skinny jeans , not  too skinny and a black round neck top. Just needed to be my best.

Waited for my guest and I suddenly remembered Rita. "Maybe later", I thought but her name kept ringing in my head. The right thing should be done, so I went downstairs to check but surprising enough, grandma stopped me and I sensed she was also annoyed.

"Grandma…" she popped in. "meet me upstairs" she said and went upstairs. Not like I didn't know I wronged her and Rita but I guess I was possessed for the second time. Went to her but her words were hurting so I flared up and left the house. I knew deep down that I was at fault but ...…. I just cant explain those moments. You wouldn't even ask me what I did wrong. I called Rita a "bitch", not intentional.  After watching a scene, where two teens had this romantic hot French kiss, you know…

"I don't like girls who fall for boys, I see them as bitches" knowing so well that she likes me. I knew those statements weren't right but I wanted to give space.

"let's meet at Sharon's house" I informed them. Getting there before Rachel, I was entertained well. She was home alone, so we had the house to ourselves.

"I like your shape" I said to Sharon.

"thanks" she smiled

"what's this on your clothes" trying to touch her perfect b**bs

"Are you normal" she yelled.

"Just helping"

"Be careful"

She went up stairs and I also felt stupid. "What's going on with me. I need Charles but where on earth could he be?", I was disturbed. Not long, Rachel walked in and I hugged her. "I've missed you" I said but she just gave a smile. Sharon came downstairs and they both started pleasants.

"here" Rachel proposed a chain to me.

"Do it right" she added.

I was flabbergasted to see the chain I bought her few weeks back. "you didn't…." She winked and turned her back, waiting. I gently placed it and kissed her hand like in the movie.

"can you guys try to be considerate" Sharon said from the dinning and we laughed.

Having fun at every corner of the house. Suddenly, Rachel asked why I choose Sharon's house as the joint and without skipping I explained what happened overnight till the very moment we were. She looked me in the eyes and slapped me.

"What was that for" I asked.

"I'll forgive you if you apologize to grandma an her granddaughter" she frowned.

"What if I don't" I said.

"Then you are not the Alex I know" she said and they both left me, standing by the pool.

I felt like have messed up but am not feeling guilty. What the heck is going on. Now I reasoned Charles. "Where the heck are you bro" I said softly. Walking by the pool and I felt an heavy hit on my  neck….


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