
my truth

Equality, love, humility, honesty, purity, these are the qualities of humanity; He went on the policy of deceit, deceit, price, penalty, differenceAdopting, sowed the seeds of hatred between mankind and human beings and then humans started fighting among themselves and due to this humanity became weak and taking advantage of this weakness, demons and demons attacked mankind. And by the time the human race could understand something, even before that the demons destroyed the entire human raceHukum became Shah, once the power came in hand, those demons committed unrelenting atrocities on mankind, they made the entire human race their slave due to their hatred of mankind. And due to the fire of this stomach, mankind also stopped attacking each otherThe demons would pick up the women and teenage women of any house that did not back down and force them to either leave them or kill them and then eat them raw, due to the atrocities of the demons, the whole world After all, the human race is the god of gods, MahadevHe decided to go to the refuge of Mahadev. Humanity worshiped Mahadev for 2000 years. Finally, because of his devotees of humanity, he became happy and he appeared on the earth. Seeing such plight of her devotees, she turned red with anger from her eyesThe blazing flame started rising, finally he opened his third eye and he started dancing the tandav, as he went on dancing, different human and animal figures came out from his body and those figures became all the grandfathers present in the world and She started annihilating the demons just like the orgyAlthough all the demons and demons present in this world died while dancing, all humanity stood in front of them to see their orgy dance. He started running here and there to save his life, but how much was heEven if he didn't do anything, he could not escape the wrath of all Mahadev, he killed all the kings of the demons, the kings of the demons, there was a 4-month-old boy whose parents were killed by those figures in front of his eyes. Seeing his parents dying like this helpless, in the mind of that childThe blazing flame of anger towards humanity and Mahadev lit up in front of the dead body of his parents, the demon boy crawled on seeing those dead bodies, and he looked at the helpless child in his eyes. Seeing this, Mahadev also felt pity on him and he decided to forgive that childHe decided that he had also seen the feeling of hatred towards himself in that child's eyes. The demon was saved, after the end of all the demons, Mahadev was again from this worldBut in this world a janu child was still alive and that too with the fire of his vengeance towards humanity, he took shelter in the dense forests and by cutting off his body parts, he started increasing the demon race again. Taking inspiration from Mahadev Tandav dance, he renamed his clan as Tandav clanFrom then he started to infiltrate the human race, he regained many supernatural powers and now he came to know that a prince in the world has the blessings of Mahadev and was born again to eliminate the demons from the world. If this happened, then he made his body soulless in his sleepThe demons believed that their enemy was over, but after 900 years, the prince again assumed the body of an orphan weak boy from a distant country. Can an orphan boy with a weak body really face the demons? Or will he again become a victim of the deceit of the demons or will this againThe kingdom of demons will be established in the world, keep reading to know the story my truth(This story is a fantasy in a parallel world)

Raging_dragons · Guerra
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs


This sound wave comes to the ground, due to which the iron humans on the ground also stagger, above that pit some wolf human fall from the wall of the pit and fall back to the bottom of the pit, which is built on the boundary of the prison city. There are no residential houses around 10 km, otherwise hereRivers of people's blood would have flowed, as soon as the security cover opened the wall, the killers of the Tandav clan were constantly coming inside the city, along with them there are many pets, these animals looked very disgusting, their height From five feet to more than thirty feet, many animals are fullMany animals are half-skinned, many animals were running on three legs and many pets were running jumping on one leg and on the back of all those animals they would have been the killers of the Tandava clan. It is going on in the minds of many soldiers that the people of this orgy clan are so strangeWhere are the poor animals from where all those killers came out of the door of blue energy, running fast from near that 2 km pit, all the soldiers were running fast towards the soldiers of Bharatpur state, all the soldiers were also 2 km long pit built on that land All those killers were running from near to this stateA very tall building was built, there were buildings made of stone 150 meters high, all the people had gathered from the balcony of this building and they were also watching this war going on in front of them, at this time that 2 kilometer pit. On the shores are standing iron human beings who are shouting to the pride to be called backThose iron humans were not convinced that their hero pride went straight inside the door of hell from where this wolf human was trying to come out, pride was a hero for all of them because he alone It was on the strength of those people that lives were saved twice tonight and this time in difficult timesHow could he leave with pride, then one of them jumps into a deep pit whose depth is not known, whatever may be that iron man, he is with pride in this difficult situation. He could not leave behind him the other 13 iron humans also inside that deep pitSeeing these iron humans leaping, the soldiers as well as the killers and wolf humans present there were also wondering how they jumped inside that deep pit without caring about their lives, those iron humans took the leap. After a while, he took out his sword and fell as soon as he fell downThe wolf coming up from there started biting the humans, all those iron human beings with a knife in their other hand got fixed on the wall of that pit and with the help of the sword of their other hand they were trying to climb up from there. All of them were acting like a group of holes in the wall of that pitBut like a group, they were roaming from here to there and every wolf who came in the way was going to cut down the human beings, seeing the courage of those iron humans, the soldiers present above as well as the killers of the Tandav clan were astonished. Along with the king, the group of iron human beings of Kalicharan fighting in the skyAttention had gone towards him, he was seeing how that iron man, without caring for his life, was going on killing all the wolf humans present there, the iron man standing next to that deep pit also descended into this deep pit like him. Those wolf wanted to kill the human, but those iron humans had courage and passion like themIt was not, seeing them, they were feeling ashamed of themselves, because of this, those iron humans also got excited and they also started killing the wolf humans coming fast upwards, due to falling in this deep pit. The supporters of pride felt that pride was now dead and the reason for this was only that wolf humanAnd they start killing those wolf humans with their full power, they used to fight together on wolf humans by staying in groups, due to which their power had increased a lot, on the other hand there were many orgy clans in the sky. Black eagle birds had also come inside the city and they kept on attacking the soldiersAll the soldiers present there were being answered by targeting them with arrows and bows. Bharatpur state also has an army of eagle birds. Let's do it high in the sky by looking at the eagle birds all aroundThe people of the state present in the balconies of the buildings go back to their homes and close the door from inside. At this time Raja and Kalicharan were also sitting on their birds and attacking each other in the sky itself. A strong wave of sound should be generated in all the eight directions in the whole sky, colliding with each otherIf any hawk bird came in the middle of that wave, then due to the shock of that wave, it would have fallen from the sky to the ground immediately, whether the bird is of Tandav clan or Bharatpur state within 2 km radius of their fight. No bird is daring to go in Kalicharan and Raja Veer Pratap SinghThe eagle birds were also attacking each other in the sky, they were attacking each other with their big claws and beak But his strength was equal to that of the bird of Kalicharan, the sky, the ground and the battle inside the ground tooThe atmosphere had become the same pride had entered the prison building falling down in this deep pit, before it fell down, that building was continuously falling down deeper, it was falling down continuously for five minutes It was too much time, but that building was constantly falling downIt seemed to him as if there was no trace of this depth, the wolf man climbing up from the hole in that ground was not paying attention to this building at all, he was constantly climbing upwards. In that falling building, first of all it moves towards the device controlling that blue energy andHe sees whether he is able to remove that device from its place or not, but only then he was feeling the sudden increase in temperature inside that building, he immediately goes to the door of this building and sees it. The building is about to fall straight down on a river of lava, he immediately uses his momentumand directly reaches that blue energy yantra, he uproots that yantra from its place with his full power. Blue energy comes directly towards this yantra, all that energy comes in this yantraIt gets accumulated in it and then the wall of this prison building was turning red, along with pride was also feeling a lot of heat inside this building, he immediately runs towards the door of the prison with this device. The pride was immediately close to the river of lava, using his full speedHe jumps on a stone on the side of the river of lava, after which he goes straight to the prison building and falls into that river of lava. Seeing that he would fall in the river, his life comes to life, he raises his head and watchesSo he sees that he has come far below the surface of the ground, he does not see any wolf-human anywhere, he could not even hear the sound of the war going on on the ground, even though he was in the river of lava. At this time it stands on the stone present in the side, but still the temperature here is very highWill have to go upstairs soon, otherwise his condition could have worsened due to excessive heat, he immediately puts that device in his storage ring and takes out a rope from it, which he stole from wolf humans while in prison. He throws that rope upwards on a stone, that rope straightGoing to that stone and sticking to it, that rope did not tie any knot on the stone, but still she went to that stone and stuck very firmly, proudly pulls that rope and then that rope It does not come out of its place. Pride could easily go upwards by climbing on it. Proud to see itWas surprised that there were many such ropes in the storage ring of pride, pride starts moving upwards rapidly using these ropes, he was continuously moving upwards using those ropes for half an hour half an hour After he began to feel the vibrations on the wall, he understood that he was all a wolfMan is close to him, then he was moving upwards carefully, he reduced the speed of his climb up beforehand And with the help of these tunnels, those wolves were going into the hole of this land and their livesMoving upwards with the help of claws, he sees that there is a huge network of tunnels inside the ground and wolf humans were visible everywhere in those tunnels, he came out of the tunnels running vigorously. Were going up through this hole in the ground