
my truth

Equality, love, humility, honesty, purity, these are the qualities of humanity; He went on the policy of deceit, deceit, price, penalty, differenceAdopting, sowed the seeds of hatred between mankind and human beings and then humans started fighting among themselves and due to this humanity became weak and taking advantage of this weakness, demons and demons attacked mankind. And by the time the human race could understand something, even before that the demons destroyed the entire human raceHukum became Shah, once the power came in hand, those demons committed unrelenting atrocities on mankind, they made the entire human race their slave due to their hatred of mankind. And due to the fire of this stomach, mankind also stopped attacking each otherThe demons would pick up the women and teenage women of any house that did not back down and force them to either leave them or kill them and then eat them raw, due to the atrocities of the demons, the whole world After all, the human race is the god of gods, MahadevHe decided to go to the refuge of Mahadev. Humanity worshiped Mahadev for 2000 years. Finally, because of his devotees of humanity, he became happy and he appeared on the earth. Seeing such plight of her devotees, she turned red with anger from her eyesThe blazing flame started rising, finally he opened his third eye and he started dancing the tandav, as he went on dancing, different human and animal figures came out from his body and those figures became all the grandfathers present in the world and She started annihilating the demons just like the orgyAlthough all the demons and demons present in this world died while dancing, all humanity stood in front of them to see their orgy dance. He started running here and there to save his life, but how much was heEven if he didn't do anything, he could not escape the wrath of all Mahadev, he killed all the kings of the demons, the kings of the demons, there was a 4-month-old boy whose parents were killed by those figures in front of his eyes. Seeing his parents dying like this helpless, in the mind of that childThe blazing flame of anger towards humanity and Mahadev lit up in front of the dead body of his parents, the demon boy crawled on seeing those dead bodies, and he looked at the helpless child in his eyes. Seeing this, Mahadev also felt pity on him and he decided to forgive that childHe decided that he had also seen the feeling of hatred towards himself in that child's eyes. The demon was saved, after the end of all the demons, Mahadev was again from this worldBut in this world a janu child was still alive and that too with the fire of his vengeance towards humanity, he took shelter in the dense forests and by cutting off his body parts, he started increasing the demon race again. Taking inspiration from Mahadev Tandav dance, he renamed his clan as Tandav clanFrom then he started to infiltrate the human race, he regained many supernatural powers and now he came to know that a prince in the world has the blessings of Mahadev and was born again to eliminate the demons from the world. If this happened, then he made his body soulless in his sleepThe demons believed that their enemy was over, but after 900 years, the prince again assumed the body of an orphan weak boy from a distant country. Can an orphan boy with a weak body really face the demons? Or will he again become a victim of the deceit of the demons or will this againThe kingdom of demons will be established in the world, keep reading to know the story my truth(This story is a fantasy in a parallel world)

Raging_dragons · War
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Some tunnel was lying empty here, seeing those empty tunnels, pride secretly enters that tunnel without any wolf coming in the sight of human and sits looking at a clear place, pride does not understand. It was believed that this Tandav clan is a group of killers but how they have so many killersThey were coming as well as they had thousands of wolf humans, this entire tunnel will end, but the number of these wolf humans will not be reduced, their number may be more than the population of Bharatpur, but this killer is such a large number of people. From where to bring this thing was beyond his understanding and only then he remembered somethingGoes and he takes the scientist Vikrant out of the storage ring, after coming out of the storage ring, he starts looking at his side, he comes to know that he is not in the prison but in some other place and it smells very dirty here. He is not used to smelling the foul smell, so he vomits immediatelyMakes it so that his drunken wine comes out through his mouth, after recovering a little, he proudly asks which place is this not a prison and whose filthy smell is coming, then proudly then immediately his storage Seeing this, the scientist takes out the blue energy instrument from the ringHe goes and says looking at pride, it is impossible, no one can take this instrument out of its place Do it and if you do not help me at this time, then your my family's hereTill now the lives of the people of the entire state will be in danger, even these killers will erase the name of our entire state from this world, no one will even remember that there was a state named Bharatpur in this world, after that that scientist By closing his mouth, he starts listening carefully to the things of prideOn the other hand, a fierce battle was going on over the ground. The killers of the Tandav clan and the soldiers of Bharatpur state were going on killing each other, this war had now reached the place of living of the common people, the killers were entering the houses of the people. And the beautiful women there were picking up the virgin girls and running away togetherSeeing that many gold, silver jewelery and gold currency were also being looted, the students of Kendriya Sainik Vidyalaya and their teachers ran towards those killers. Without caring about their lives, they were going to compete with those killersThe people of the rest of the state also gathered after seeing the killers entering people's houses and looting, that killers can rob the houses of others, then they can rob their houses too, the people of the whole state used to get whatever weapons they got in their hands. Using them, he ran towards the killers, that acid of MirchiThe people present at the height started throwing finely towards those killers, from their homes, they started throwing flammable substances towards those killers, now the general public of the state was also involved in this war, all the iron human together whose number is more than a thousand. The 2 kilometer long holes made on the ground are deposited on the sidesAnd he was not allowing any wolf human to come above the ground, he was cutting them to death before they came above the ground and he was dying from there and falling down into the deep pit along with the supporters of pride The iron man was also going to kill those wolf humans by staying inside that pit, till this time the orgyThe killers of the clan and many soldiers of Bharatpur state were also killed, but beyond the protective shield of blue energy, thousands of killers were still visible, where look, the killers of the Tandav clan were seen wearing black clothes like this. It seemed as if only the killers of Tandav clan were everywhere in this whole worldHe is and he is going to kill all the soldiers of Bharatpur state, all those killers are wearing black clothes on their body and they are standing with sword in their hands and they are dancing with sword in their hand There is a lot of fun in hunting because of the wave of their swordThere is a complete silver-like luster on the ground, at this time all the iron-man together were not allowing any wolf-human to come out of the ground, if they come to the ground and bite anyone who is on the ground all around the wolf-human. The army is formed and the entire city of Bharatpur turns into a crematorium and then suddenly thereThe number of wolf-human increased suddenly on the wall of the hole in the ground, wolf-human and wolf-human began to appear at every place. They started coming upwards, they became so much in number that those ironsHumans also found it difficult to handle them, that wolf was holding the human iron and throwing them down and they themselves were coming upwards on the ground, if they come on the ground, then the situation will be very difficult for the king. The situation was seen, he comes down fighting with Kalicharan, Kalicharan tooThe king understood this strategy, he was forcing them to stay in the sky, when a wolf human came on the ground, as soon as he came up, he picked up a soldier and cut his teeth on his neck and threw him on the other side. After this, he jumped towards the other soldier and he was cut on the neck by that wolf humanThrowing him on his side as if it were a piece of paper, after that he fell towards the rest of the soldiers, behind him many wolf humans also came above the ground and that too started burying his teeth on the soldiers' necks. Let's see the wolf human coming over there and the general of the state present thereThe people who were fighting with the killers could not believe their eyes that there could really exist wolf humans in this world, they saw that he is very powerful, he was not killing the soldiers, he was just cutting them After a while of his bite, he himself was turning into a wolf-humanAnd that wolf human was also being bitten by other soldiers, they could not see themselves turning into a wolf human, they left killing those killers and started running back to their home, taking advantage of this, those killers ran away from them. They fell behind the people, especially the kings of women and teenage girls at this timeGoing down wanted to kill those wolf humans, but Kalicharan was not giving them any chance to get down, if he removed Raja Veer Pratap Singh from his place, taking advantage of the same time, Kalicharan would have killed Veer Pratap Singh. Seeing it coming on the ground, there was a stampede among the soldiers of the stateNo one could see himself turning into a wolf-human, the soldiers started running from there and the wolf-human started running after them, along with the rest of the killers of the Tandav clan were also entering the city rapidly. And they were going to kill the people of the state, the circumstances there changed completelyIt was our end. Blue light starts appearing and there are all the wolves climbing upstairs.Humans start falling downwards, seeing that blue light, the king thinks what is happening now, what is this new force, as well as he is praying to God in his mind that oh God, we should be in this difficult situation. Save us, show us the way from here, that blue light would come up slowly from that pitShe was going as she was coming up, all the wolf humans present there were falling down into the pit, soon that blue light comes on the ground, that blue light is an iron human whose blue light spread all over the body The iron man comes up as he moves his hand forward and follows one of his handsA 13 iron man comes out and all those iron men run towards the wolf man there with their swords He who is an iron man wrapped in blue light is proud when that wolf man has lifted those iron men up When the pride was thrown down from his storage, the iron men who were falling down from himBlue light was shining on the entire armor of the iron man who was inside the pride at this time, as well as more than 100 knives are stuck on the armor of that iron human and one of those knives is continuously a blue light bullet. Proud was controlling the knives with his magical powerWhatever blue light bullet was coming out of those knives, it went straight to the neck of the killer of an orgy tribe, so that the killer's head was getting severed from those knives, the blue energy bullets were continuously coming out of those knives. It was going out and within a second, two bullets were coming out of a knifeEvery single bullet was going to separate the head of a murderer, there, the wolf ran towards human pride, seeing that the killers of the Tandav clan were being cut off and jumping in the air. But all those wolves could not compete with this new power of human prideSeeing that they were being killed in a jiffy, there was a new enthusiasm in the rest of the iron humans present there, they again went towards the pit on the ground and they started killing the wolf man coming out