
My Trans-Dimensional, Overpowered Protagonist, Harem Comedy is Wrong,

Hikigaya Hachiman, shortly after an odd Valentine's day, finds himself in a new world filled with magic, monsters, and gods. Though he knows not how he got there, he knows that the only way back to his home is through the Dungeon. Armed with a few tricks, a wholly unnatural affinity for magic, and his own, self-serving mindset, he just might manage to achieve his goal. Well, if he ever manages to get a party. NOTE - This fanfic is not mine Original: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/my-trans-dimensional-overpowered-protagonist-harem-comedy-is-wrong-as-expected-oregairu-danmachi-complete.367903/ IF YOU WANT TO REMOVE THIS STORY PLEASE COMMENT DOWN BELOW.

OmnipresenceBeing · Anime e quadrinhos
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123 Chs

Of Course, I Have Several Tricks Left. (8.1)

Spell Stones, embedded at the end of staves, allow firmer control over magic. As a Mage, I can technically create them myself from Monster Crystals, but I wasn't keen on taking to studying both carving and the intricacies of magic. One did not simply kill a monster, place a sharpened Monster Crystal atop a stick, and wave it about. No, that's a method to make explosive spears. They're very useful but they're not staves.

Everything from being able to direct a spell's speed, concentration, and direction depended on a stave. However, most Magic Users used Staves so that they could store magic into the Spell Stone while chanting. Like 'paying off' the Spell at the start, it eradicated the chance for Ignis Fatuus to occur in the body of a Mage due to a surprise attack or anything else that could break their concentration. So, despite the fact that Staves could be used to amplify Magic, many Mages used them as insurance that they won't die because of a miscast. Better to have the end of a stave explode rather than one's arms or hands.

Still, experienced Mages touted staves that were focused around concentrating and directing their attacks. Being able to direct their attacks above monsters, or turn a barrage into a single, concentrated lance, is fairly important when dealing with power that could wipe out several city blocks. Using hands alone only allowed an attack to propagate forward, and that's quite useless when meatshie- allies are in between them and an army of monsters.

Overall, I'm sure that any decent author would've went on about the limitations on Mages and why they haven't cleared the Dungeon. There's a ludicrous amount of downsides to being an ordinary mage. They couldn't move quickly, their spells took an immense amount of time, and their job made sure that they needed to devote immense amounts of time into making sure they're focused. A decent Author would've explained it along those lines. I was fairly sure that Zaimokuza simply wanted his magic users to fit the western-fantasy that he was going for. In fact, the fact that I saw that the most 'efficient' styles of Spell Stones resembled crystal butterflies and other chuuni-designs, pretty much confirmed the tubby bastard limited my selected class for sheer aesthetic alone.

Zaimokuza, if the staves I ordered have stupid-looking, crystal animals or flowers on their ends, I'm going to kill you.

"These are quite possibly the most simplistic, crude staves that I have ever laid my eyes upon, Hikigaya." Alf somehow managed to sound as imperial and haughty as always despite the Amazon hanging off her midsection. Truly, you have been raised well to be so well-versed in insulting people while looking ludicrous. "Though, I suppose, given your personality and cheapskate nature, I should be surprised that they aren't mere Spell Stones tied onto the ends of iron rods."

"They're still better looking than the clunky and tasteless stave you're carrying around, Alf-oujo-sama." I gave my own retort habitually. I gave Viridis, who gave a stuttered greeting, a nod as I walked towards the case where my ordered staves were. Looking them over, I released a sigh of relief. Each was 'only' a short, black metal rod with a shaped Spell Stone atop it. Looks like my choice of separating the effects amongst four made it so that I didn't have a stave of idiotic design. "Though I suppose, given your fashion sense, I should be glad it's only an eyesore and nothing more."

"This coming from a man who wears a mask and coat no matter the occasion, Hikigaya?" Alf shot back with a glare. Still, I noticed her crossing her arms over her green, thick jacket. Yeah, you can't talk about my coat! It's better than yours! I made it from the hide of a Dragon whose head I caved in with a chunk of a Minotaur's halberd! It has pockets inside and outside! My cape is built-in! Yours has useless straps for no reason! Zaimokuza's a bigger nerd than I ever was! "Besides that, wearing a nic- acceptable formal wear at all times is but a simple, lazy method of ensuring that no one can complain of your style of clothing!"

"Ha!" A misstep, I needed to put this to my advantage! Such a weakness needed to be capitalized upon! At last, my ability to pay attention has finally paid off! "You were about to admit my clothes are nice!"

"I said your clothing is acceptable." Alf nearly recoiled, but gathered her composure quickly. Damn. I thought I had her. She had amended. "Clear those ears of yours, Hikigaya. Your clothes are merely acceptable at best."

"A three-piece suit meant for combat isn't merely acceptable." Still, I persisted, digging my heels on the verbal battle. "That just confirms the fact that you have terrible taste, Alf."

"Such recalcitrance on a petty matter speaks leagues of your imbecilic nature, idiot."

"So you're just going to bring out the thesaurus when you're about to lose, Dictionary-sama?"

"Your display of casual obstinacy speaks for itself, cretin."

"Anyone with a brain would know that you're avoiding the subject, Alfthesaurus-chan."

"R-riveria-sama! H-hikigaya-kun!"


A sudden voice cut us both off before we could go on. Oddly enough, the two of us turned and spoke as one towards the voice. Though we were both focused on the source of the interruption, I had the strangest feeling that our little bout of synchronicity was because of different reasons entirely. I had turned because I knew I was about to win, while Alf seemed to turn to the sound the moment my name was called out. Odd.

"Ah, um, ah." Viridis paled, and her knees began to shake. Instantly, I felt as though I had kicked a puppy. Worse, this puppy was deliberately made to be cute and adorable. Undoubtedly, Lefiya Viridis's character was the archetypical easily-flustered, earnest, and nice Mage girl. Going further into the puppy metaphor, I supposed this was the equivalent of kicking some sort of a hybrid between an Akita hound and a Pomeranian. It's a good thing I liked cats. The look on Alf's face as she realized that she just lost her composure at her own student was priceless. I'd participate in it again if it meant seeing the shock on her irritating, smug façade. "A-are we not here to e-evaluate the differences between your current magic and y-your previous state, Hikigaya-kun?"

"Then, please excuse my actions, Lefiya." Alf gathered her composure quickly, coughing into her hand to hide her embarrassment. I was tempted to comment on that, but Hiryute elbowed my side. The look in the Amazon's eyes told me I should stop talking. That I should just bask in the successes I already had. There was also a threatening undercurrent in her glare. The promise of swift, unyielding justice. Needless to say, I chose life over amusement. "Well, I suppose that we should begin to test your Spells now, Hikigaya-k-kun?"

"I am." Eh? What's with the sudden honorific? You know that your student calls me Hikigaya-kun because I saved her life, right? There's really no need for you to try and act nicely to me because Lefiya owes me something. Wait, why am I trying to convince you to treat me like trash? This is a goldmine! Ha! I bet she's forcing herself to say that because her student was here! Ah, this was hilarious. Too bad Hiryute was stopping me from pressing forward. Such a valuable opportunity lost. "Then, I'll start with the Focusing Stave…"

Hefting the first of the four, different staves, I prepared myself to start my first practice with my new weapons…

Only to stumble as the ground began to shake tremendously. I caught myself easily, given the fact I lived in Japan for most of my life, but the other three grabbed hold onto the table where my staves sat. However, even I had to rely on the piece of furniture as the shaking didn't cease.

I was sure that one of us was about to voice the question that was on all our minds… but before anyone could, the walls of the basement were pierced by immense, green tendrils, framed with petals, and filled with slavering maws.

The monsters that the Loki Familia had been searching for. The ones capable of killing Level 3s. With the ability to resist the blows and strikes of Level 5s.

Weak only to magic.

So, of course, it would only be wise to attack the Witch's Secret House.

We didn't engage the surging mass of deadly tendrils in the basement. That would've been a move worthy of the swift death that would've followed. Granted, I was probably the only one that would've died, but that's simply semantics. The unnamed plant monster was taken straight out of a Hentai, but was thankfully dangerous and lethal. The fact it was a dangerous, terrifying threat made my respect for Zaimokuza double. Oh wait, zero multiplied by two is still zero, better luck next time you, perverted Chuuni. I know where you ripped this monster off! You're giving anyone who likes anime a bad name, dammit!

Rapid movement, no visible eyes or other sensory organs, capable of tearing through stone fortifications with ease. Information provided by Loki is trustworthy. Unknown monster is possibly more dangerous than Goliath. Unknown number present. Head possible weak point? Possibility of multiple heads? Potential weak point?

Anyway, Alf grabbed Viridis and Hiryute hefted me up before we rocketed up the stairs. I barely managed to grab my staves before the world blurred and we were suddenly inside the shop. Lenoa was conspicuously absent, along with everything else in the store that was remotely valuable. Damn, I wish I had a way to disappear with all my valued possessions. That would make life a lot easier. An inventory system would be ridiculously powerful if you can store and take yourself out of it.

Start casting Spark. Utilize Amplify Stave. Lenoa and valuables not present. Possible betrayal? Unlikely. Nothing to gain from death. Wouldn't be capable of taking on entire Loki Familia or Elven Nation. Amendment: Viridis possible target of Lenoa due to Elf Ring. Low probability of possible treachery. High probability of Spark doing no damage. Cast Spark into support pillar for ceiling. Ceiling collapses behind group. Rubble only marginally slows tendrils but does no damage. Sensory organs blinded by dust or lightning?

Hiryute followed Alf, and soon enough I was standing atop a roof, and I realized it wasn't just an attack on the Witch's Secret House. I was glad that I started up my 'Combat Mind' because I'd have been shocked still for a long time by the sight of Orario being ravaged by a literal army of monsters.

Fifteen. Thirty. Seventy. Eighty. Ninety-seven. At least a hundred, including pursuers. In groups of three. Arranged on intersections. Planned attack. No. Invasion. Adventurers mustering from Babel. Monsters hadn't broken through. Noon. Majority of adventurers still within Dungeon. Shock on faces of all current allies. No fear. Worry present. Good. Capable of taking on current array of foes. Attach self to group for safety. Disengage limiters on cloak. Take command? No. Alf superior leader. Provide supplemental magic support? Lefiya. Physical strength? Provided by Hiryute. Presence is superfluous, possible weakness, can't endanger others-.

"Hiryute, tie the enemy down! Hikigaya, Lefiya, fast, impact-based chants only! Keep them away from me." Alf barked and I immediately turned to her. Gone was the elf I knew. The one that stood before me was the Heir Apparent of an entire nation and capable of wiping out armies with a single spell. Hefting her stave into the sky, the immense amount of magic that poured out of the emerald-elf was immense. This was a being who deserved the name Nine Hell. "I will handle these interlopers myself."

Just this once, I supposed that I could break character and take someone else's orders.

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