
My Trans-Dimensional, Overpowered Protagonist, Harem Comedy is Wrong,

Anime & Comics
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  • 123 Chs
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What is My Trans-Dimensional, Overpowered Protagonist, Harem Comedy is Wrong,

Read ‘My Trans-Dimensional, Overpowered Protagonist, Harem Comedy is Wrong,’ Online for Free, written by the author OmnipresenceBeing, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ROMANCE Fanfiction, ADVENTURE Fan Fiction, HAREM Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Hikigaya Hachiman, shortly after an odd Valentine's day, finds himself in a new world filled with magic, monsters, and g...


Hikigaya Hachiman, shortly after an odd Valentine's day, finds himself in a new world filled with magic, monsters, and gods. Though he knows not how he got there, he knows that the only way back to his home is through the Dungeon. Armed with a few tricks, a wholly unnatural affinity for magic, and his own, self-serving mindset, he just might manage to achieve his goal. Well, if he ever manages to get a party. NOTE - This fanfic is not mine Original: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/my-trans-dimensional-overpowered-protagonist-harem-comedy-is-wrong-as-expected-oregairu-danmachi-complete.367903/ IF YOU WANT TO REMOVE THIS STORY PLEASE COMMENT DOWN BELOW.

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盛雀歌的母亲被小三上门挑衅,后郁郁而终。 记仇十年,后妈和妹妹费尽心机想攀上那位谁都惹不起的大佬,被她半道截胡。 未曾想这一截,盛雀歌就此英年早婚。 后来她作为龙城律界新人,因两年来胜诉率百分百,被传傍上了大佬。 而大佬,早已婚配。   某日宴会,据说大佬屈尊降贵,追妻而来。 盛雀歌把大佬堵在男厕所门口:“今天不解释清楚,你就别想走。” 周遭响起嘲笑声。 大佬冷眼环顾众人:“你是我娶回家的老婆,谁有异议,来找我。” 围观人群瑟瑟发抖:……试问,谁敢?   【采访篇 上】 某日 贺大佬作为全球顶级建筑事务所老板接受采访。 记者:“贺先生谈谈中标的新机场方案灵感吧?” 贺大佬:“我太太喜欢。” 记者:“.....那贺先生为何临时决定参与竞标呢?” 贺大佬:“我太太想让我参加。” 众记者:“......” 别问,问就是贺太太一手操控。   【采访篇 下】 盛雀歌刚下庭,媒体蜂拥而至,重点却是贺予朝近日绯闻。 记者:“盛律师怎么看您先生与当红小花共进晚餐一事?” 盛雀歌:“没看法。不吃醋。无所谓。” 记者:“……” 盛雀歌冲着镜头一挑眉:“你们不如问他,我和我的当事人见面,他为什么非得跟着?” 众记者:“......” 哦,原来这是个大佬化身忠犬的故事。

香菜牛肉饺子 · General
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714 Chs
Table of Contents
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Volume 1
Volume 2 :Volume 2
Volume 3 :Volume 3
Volume 4 :Volume 4
Volume 5 :Volume 5
Volume 6 :Volume 6
Volume 7 :Volume 7
Volume 8 :Volume 8


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upload more please.................... ........................... ........................... love it......................................


Dang... this is actually pretty good. On another note, is it just me that thinks Hachiman's personality resembles Aizawa ..................


Hi, I read this story before on another platform then I saw your comment about how the story is not your own. While I am not an author, I know that most of them dislike having their story reposted without their consent. You should ask for the author permission first before posting the fanfic if it is not yours. The work should also be properly credited by giving the author name not just the original link to the fic.


شكراً لك على القصة............................................................. يرجي الإكمال[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


Love the humor and comedy aspect of the writing, and it doesn't come across stilted or awkward in the dialogue in my opinion. Contrasted with some of the darker aspects like dealing with death and loss, makes for an overall great story so far. Keep up the great work!




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No entiendo porque no tiene calificación todavía, es muy buena historia////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


Tengo que decir que... Me encanta. La historia y como usas a hachiman esta bastante cerca del original en cierto sentido. Esperare los siguientes capítulos con gran expectación.


La historia es buena al inicio pero luego se va agravando en una idiotes de problemas tras problemas y desgracias poco graciosas torciendo poco a poco la personalidad del mc para darle una mejor participacion cosas que no pasaria si le dieras su propia aventura al mc en lugar de comvertirlo en un acople del protagonista. La historia es interesenta sin embargo todas esas situaciones cliche no coinciden con el temperamento del personaje y fuera de eso combierten la historia en algo pesado de leer. Solo eso por lo demas le daria un progreso mas gradual en las interacciones en lugar de hacerlo drastico de la nada.


Is this a translation? If so, can anyone please give me the title for MTL or raw If not, just a link would do too


a very good fanfic. I don't really like the world this fanfic happens in, but it is still enjoyable to read about the world in this fanfic. Usually fanfics in this universe are below average in quality and only few chapters long. I am pleased to see such an exception as this novel


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