
Caught up in a fight ---2

"The female restroom is over there." Yan Feng said, pointing. Mei Xing nodded swiftly, giving him a sweet smile then immediately made her way in, without taking a glimpse at Yan Feng. As soon as she was inside, Mei Xing shut the door close and locked it immediately.


Yan Feng stood outside waiting for Mei Xing, he leaned close to a nearby wall, then sighed deeply. A young lady who looked almost half naked walked towards him, her face brightened up as she recognized his handsome look and knew who he was-The leader of the Yan group. "Oh Mister, Yan Feng! Nice to meet you," the lady said sweetly, offering her hand to him. Shockingly, Yan Feng didn't accept her handshake and moved away from her view. He walked to one of the empty chairs beside the restroom and sighed.