
My Supreme Magus System

When a ordinary teenager Alex is unexpectedly transported to the magical realm of Eldoria, he begins as a powerless outsider. However, his fate takes a remarkable turn when he gains access to a cheat-like System, granting him extraordinary abilities. As he learns to wield magic and sword, forms unlikely alliances, and faces both allies and adversaries. Lets follow the journey of Alex's as it unfolds—a tale of growth, building relations, and the pursuit of survival and dominance in a world brimming with magic and danger. _______________________________________________________________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/sTxPZdmnk3 Wiki: https://my-supreme-magus-system.fandom.com [A/N: The image is not mine, all credit goes to the original creator. Please message me or comment if you want me to take down the image.]

PP_Qwarts · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

Combat Assessment [3]

Pointing his spear at Alex, Trey declared, "Fight me and show me what you've got."

"And what makes you think I'm not giving it my all?" Alex retorted.

"I can see from your movements; your body language brims with spirit, but I notice hesitation and a slowing down in your attacks. You also seem unusually fresh despite all the matches, suggesting you haven't pushed your limits or exerted yourself." Trey analyzed astutely.

Alex was impressed by Trey's insight and made mental notes, gaining new perspectives on understanding opponents.

"You could say the same for yourself; I observed your last match, and you appeared carefree, unconcerned about your opponent." Alex remarked.

"Hmm! You're quite perceptive too. I anticipate enjoying this match immensely. Let's not delay any longer and begin." Trey suggested eagerly.

"Yeah, I wasn't planning on taking it easy on you either, even without your suggestion." Alex responded with determination.

In past matches, Alex hadn't given his all, relying solely on his physical strength without utilizing his magic or skills, ending fights swiftly with direct hits.

'Frankly speaking, I didn't need to exert my full strength, but this guy is not easy. Though I didn't intend to hold back, doing so now would surely result in defeat.' Alex reflected as he dodged a spear thrust and sought an opening to strike Trey.

Trey moved with feline agility and aquatic grace, eluding Alex's attacks and maintaining distance with skillful maneuvers.

'Spears have a wide attack range, while swords have a narrower reach. I can't close the distance to land a blow on this guy. Well, he's facing the same challenge, but...' Alex analyzed.

Both Alex and Trey engaged in a delicate, evenly matched duel, with fleeting advantages shifting between them, yet neither managing to land a decisive blow.

Spears often have considerably longer reach than swords, allowing the spearman to attack and control the distance while potentially keeping the swordsman out of striking range.

While a skilled swordsman could potentially exploit openings in a spearman's defense, Trey's speed and proficiency countered Alex's attempts effectively, making victory elusive for both.

While the match unfolded, Trey's smile persisted, relishing the exhilarating contest. It had been some time since he'd enjoyed a fight this much.

"Alex, I never imagined I wouldn't land a single hit on you. I've faced opponents from the Advanced class and managed to injure some, but you anticipate my moves effortlessly."

"You say all this, yet you wear a smile as if victory is within your grasp and you've already won." Alex observed.

"...I'm smiling? Perhaps it's because I haven't experienced this much excitement in a while. You've truly surpassed my expectations." Trey admitted.

"I don't know what expectations you had, Trey, but brace yourself for my next attacks." Alex declared, launching a relentless barrage of strikes.

With his sword, Alex had a diverse array of offensive maneuvers—slashes, stabs, and parries—posing a formidable challenge for Trey to predict and defend against.

Taking a defensive stance, Trey utilized the spear's length to create a protective barrier, thwarting Alex's advances.

This added another layer of challenge for Alex, who found it equally difficult to approach for an attack without risking himself to counter-thrusts from Trey's spear.

Both fighters struggled to gain an advantage, each wary of exposing themselves to counterattacks.

After a prolonged stalemate, progress was made, with both sustaining minor injuries as they inflicted damage upon each other.

Although Trey managed to land some hits on Alex, they proved ineffectual, as Alex's skills rendered him impervious to distraction or disruption with such minor injuries.

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On the bustling stages, the audience eagerly awaited as the match unfolded, their excitement palpable in the air.

"Do you think this emerging dark horse will take down the shining star of our intermediate class?" one spectator whispered in anticipation.

"Hell nah! Have you forgotten who Trey is? His family boasts generations of decorated soldiers. Their prestige rivals that of noble houses. How could anyone without a lineage defeat someone of his caliber?" another countered confidently.

"You're overlooking something." interjected a student nearby. "Notice the smile on Trey's face. He's usually stoic in fights, but that expression speaks volumes. I saw him wear that same grin on our third day at the academy when he challenged an Advanced class student."

Similar discussions buzzed among Trey's classmates and spectators alike, each analyzing the unfolding match.

"Whoa! Trey just unleashed his Whirlwind Spear Sweep technique, a signature move reserved for opponents from the Advanced Class. Using it against someone from the Failure class is unprecedented."

"As a spear user myself, I can vouch that after employing this technique, Trey is bound to emerge victorious."

"I heard a rumor recently that Trey, along with two of his cousins, utilized an incredibly powerful spear formation to subdue a massive D rank monster."

"This Alex isn't to be underestimated either. Pushing Trey to his limits speaks volumes about his strength and skill. He's bound to ascend to our intermediate class."

"Not only will he ascend, but he's likely to secure a spot in the top three rankings. He's truly emerged as a dark horse in this combat assessment."

As the Intermediate class students engaged in fervent discussions, the Beginner class students, previously resigned to lagging behind, now wore smiles of newfound motivation, inspired to achieve more.

Meanwhile, some students from the Advanced class observed the match with a different perspective.

Trey's reputation preceded him even among the Advanced class, courtesy of his prestigious lineage and his penchant for challenging students above his grade.

"Decent skills, but still quite average. Let's see if he can best Trey today; that'll speak volumes about his potential." remarked one Advanced class student.

"What are your thoughts on the match? I'm placing my bet on the newcomer; he seems quite promising." another chimed in.

"Alex is skilled, but he's got a long way to go. Winning today would propel him forward, but then he'd have to face us, someone from the Advanced class tomorrow." added a third student, contemplating the potential outcomes.

Even the teachers found themselves drawn into the anticipation, unsure of the outcome in this fiercely contested match.

It was a tough call for them as well, with both contenders showcasing formidable skills.

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Back on the stage, Trey unleashed his signature move, the "Whirlwind Spear Sweep." The spinning maneuver created a whirlwind effect, aiming to knock back his opponent.

Despite lacking any special moves of his own, Alex's mastery of the sword, combined with his speed and strength, allowed him to hold his ground admirably.

"Alex, if you withstand this move, victory will be yours." Trey proclaimed confidently as the spear's spinning intensified, creating a torrential force pushing Alex backward.

Calmly assessing Trey's technique, Alex endured a few hits, biding his time to find the perfect opportunity for a counterattack.

Thanks to his skills in Minor Damage Mitigation and Minor Pain Tolerance, Alex evaded the attacks while minimizing their impact.

Employing a feint, Alex baited Trey into a defensive stance once more. Then, with lightning speed, he sidestepped the attack at the last moment, narrowly dodging the sweeping motion of the spear.

'Now is my chance.' Alex thought.

Seizing the opening, he launched a precise strike, aiming to disrupt Trey's balance and control as he executed his move.

'Whaa...!' Caught off guard by Alex's unexpected sacrifice, Trey faltered, losing his footing in a momentary lapse of balance.

Capitalizing on the advantage, Alex swiftly delivered a decisive finishing blow, securing victory as Trey struggled to regain his composure.