
My Supreme Magus System

When a ordinary teenager Alex is unexpectedly transported to the magical realm of Eldoria, he begins as a powerless outsider. However, his fate takes a remarkable turn when he gains access to a cheat-like System, granting him extraordinary abilities. As he learns to wield magic and sword, forms unlikely alliances, and faces both allies and adversaries. Lets follow the journey of Alex's as it unfolds—a tale of growth, building relations, and the pursuit of survival and dominance in a world brimming with magic and danger. _______________________________________________________________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/sTxPZdmnk3 Wiki: https://my-supreme-magus-system.fandom.com [A/N: The image is not mine, all credit goes to the original creator. Please message me or comment if you want me to take down the image.]

PP_Qwarts · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Combat Assessment [4]

The match concluded with Alex emerging victorious. Though not a landslide win like his previous matches, a victory is a victory nonetheless.

Extending a hand, Alex helped Trey to his feet, the latter brushing off the dust from his clothes as he got up with Alex's help.

"Congratulations on your victory, Alex! I initially thought I had you, but that last-second move of yours took me by surprise. You really caught me off guard."

Alex, unaccustomed to praise, responded modestly, "My win was mostly luck this time. Your special technique had me cornered. If I hadn't found that opening, you would have won."

"I see, so you were intentionally taking hits from my spear to find an opening."

'Here I was, thinking he was struggling to attack me.' Trey inwardly sighed at his defeat.

"Well, you were quite the challenge. I had to make some sacrifices." Alex replied.

As Trey extended his fist for a bump, he remarked, "Hey, I don't know why you've been hiding your skills and strength until now."

'Not hiding, just got stronger recently.' Alex thought wryly, unable to voice it to Trey.

"One thing's for sure, you don't belong in the Beginner class. I'd even say you're not fit for Intermediate class." Trey remarked as he left the stage.

Turning back, he met Alex's gaze. "Tomorrow, you'll be facing Advanced class students. Don't disappoint me. See you in Advanced class."

"What a peculiar guy. But he's certainly confident, and his skills back it up." A voice remarked from the sidelines, audible only to Alex.

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On the spectators' side, the entire seating area erupted in cheers. Various reactions filled the air.

"Damn! That dark horse really caught us off guard! He actually took down Trey."

"Wow! Incredible! Alex is so suave and dashing." His charm, coupled with today's display of strength, was winning him new admirers.

"He only won because no real weapons or artifacts were allowed. Otherwise, Alex would've been toast after the pounding he took."

"Call it luck or what you will, but he's the winner, and it's time to cash in on my bet. Today's my lucky day; who would've guessed Alex had it in him to pull this off?"

"Nooo! I wagered everything on Trey! How did he lose? How could he lose to some failure-class nobody?" A student lamented in a mix of fury and disbelief.

Alex's triumph undoubtedly seized the spotlight, drawing attention even from those previously indifferent to the rise of an underdog.

"It looks like Alex is headed straight for the advanced class. Going from the failure class to advanced is quite the leap; he's been flying under the radar until now." A student from the advanced class remarked.

His companion sitting beside him added, "Trey isn't a pushover. If Alex managed to best him, he's certainly no slouch. But only tomorrow will reveal whether he's truly worth our attention or not."

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Alex's victory was indeed surprising, yet the combat assessment wasn't concluded. A third of the students had been eliminated, having lost twice.

Most of those ousted belonged to the Beginner class or were low-ranking students from the Intermediate class.

With the weakest contenders sieved out, today held heightened importance for many; it was their final opportunity to vie for a commendable ranking.

'If I win my next match, I'll definitely secure a spot in the top hundred. But settling for less isn't an option; I am aiming for the top fifty, if not the top twenty.' Alex resolved inwardly.

Today, he would face opponents from the Advanced class. Having already defeated the top-ranked student of the Intermediate class, it seemed only natural.

"What caliber of opponent do you reckon I'll face, Aurora? I've watched a few of their matches, and those guys are formidable. Any insights?" Alex murmured, fixing his gaze on the towering screen displaying the match lineup.

"Feeling jittery? Relax, it'll probably be someone on par with the spear wielder from yesterday. You're leagues ahead of many here." Aurora reassured.

"Not nervous, just a tad anxious, that's all. How would you rate them?"

"Hmm, let me think...I'm no much sure, but I'd say they're usually around the strength of that Berserker Boar you killed."

"So, they'd be around D rank?"

"More or less, but rank isn't the sole indicator of strength. There are numerous factors, but in simpler terms, yes."

As the match lineup flickered onto the screen, Alex found himself pitted against Lena, a girl from the Advanced class.

With time before his match, Alex opted to conserve his energy. He sensed numerous gazes fixated on him as he settled into his seat, awaiting his turn.

Some approached him, inquiring about his sudden surge in strength, while others sneered derogatory remarks from a distance, insinuating foul play.

Unperturbed by the disparaging comments, Alex remained focused as he waited. Soon, his match was due.

Stepping onto the stage, he sized up his opponent, Lena, a striking girl with an average stature but with a unusual weapon.

Her weapon of choice was the tomahawk chain—a pair of throwing axes with chains affixed to them.

These axes boasted short handles and weighted heads, meticulously crafted for precise and accurate throws.

Connected by a ten-meter-long chain, they seamlessly merged axe cutting power with chain entangling capabilities, offering versatility in both ranged and close-quarters combat.

Though training variants, these throwing axes with chains still exuded lethality, capable of proving fatal if entangled or wielded with intent.

As the match commenced, Lena deftly spun the axe, infusing it with spin and momentum aimed squarely at Alex.

Alex refused to be a passive target, swiftly thrusting forward with diagonal movements, evading her assault.

Lena countered by retracting the chain, manipulating it along Alex's trajectory to maintain distance while keeping him engaged.

Alex demonstrated agile footwork and precise swordplay, deflecting and dodging the chain strikes.

With calculated timing, he awaited Lena's committed attacks before parrying or sidestepping, avoiding the lethal combination of axe and chain.

Similarly strategic, Lena maintained a safe distance, exploiting the chain's length to her advantage.

Her movements were fluid and agile as she maneuvered across the battlefield, her throwing axe poised for action.

With a flick of her wrist, she launched the axe towards Alex, the chain trailing behind like a deadly serpent.

In response, Alex attempted to deflect the projectile with his sword, but Lena's attack proved too swift and unpredictable to counter effectively.

The weighted axe head collided with Alex's defenses, disrupting his balance and creating an opening for Lena.

Seizing the opportunity, she unleashed a barrage of chain strikes, the weapon whipping back and forth with blinding speed.

Despite his efforts, Alex struggled to fend off the relentless assault, his sword deflecting some blows but unable to fully neutralize Lena's onslaught.

With each strike, Lena skillfully maintained her distance, thwarting Alex's attempts to engage in melee combat.

As the duel continued, Alex's movements grew more desperate as he attempted to find an opening against Lena's relentless onslaught.

Despite his best efforts, he found himself continually outmaneuvered by Lena's agile and precise attacks.