
My single girlfriend

How do you know it’s love and not just another relationship? Joy never did. Relationships have never been his cup of tea. Even when he and Manika are attracted to each other, Joy gets into another relationship thinking she is ‘the one’. And when Joy’s girl walks out on him and he falls into a deep depression it is Manika who comes back into his life and nurses him to health. This, when she is already in a relationship. It’s time for Joy to act. Will he realize her importance in his life and get Manika back? Or is it already too late? My single girlfriend ! is a journey of heartbreaks, love, laughter and tears.

Oliver5641 · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Episode - 6

I didn't get through any of the engineering exams that year, and I blamed it on my obsession with Nisha. So the next one year, I spent at home and prepared for the exams, which I should have cleared the first time around.

It is strange to think of it now, but I had totally lost touch with everybody. My old classmates had started to go to college and moved on with their lives, and to be very frank, I was never very popular amongst my friends; I had like two friends and they weren't friends, they were more like study partners. They promptly forgot me, and I forgot them. It worked for me though for it gave me more time to bury myself in Quantum Physics and Integration.

Sitting at home, I was getting even fatter; eating was the only way out of the labyrinth of

self-pity and depression and loneliness. After six months of staying at home, I weighed

close to ninety kilograms and our family physician told me I would soon be obese and

diabetic. My mom, concerned and panicked, thinking it was her fault that her son was flabby and dying, put me on a healthy diet and forced me to jog every morning.

Although I hated fruits and sweating in my tracksuit every morning, six months later, I was lighter by twenty pounds. I was still was pretty heavy—weighed around eighty kilograms in a five-ten frame—that was still better than weighing a hundred and ten.

Soon, I cleared the engineering college entrance examinations. College started on a

diametrically different style than how school had ended. All my jeans were loose now, so

they hung low. And unintentionally, I was among the first ones in college to have caught on to the low-waist baggy jeans phenomenon that had just hit the country!

Nobody knew now what an ugly nerd I used to be. Ugly, I still was, but not as nerdy as I used to be. Everyone took me as a quiet well-dressed guy; some people mistook my quietness as attitude, and they said I was a snob, something that I didn't mind.

Weeks later, I found myself hanging around with the coolest, hippest people in the college

although more often than not, I found myself out of place as I lacked the skill to converse! I

had never talked to people. I didn't know the places they hung out. And I never spent money on recreation. I was a misfit.

'Man! Why don't you say something?' Arnab said, miffed that I had stood there like a

dumb statue while he was talking to two girls from the dance team of our college. He, on the other hand, had been doing a remarkable job at keeping them entertained. They had kept giggling and laughing at his stupid small jokes. And frankly, I was a little jealous.

Who was Arnab?

I had known him for long … he had been in another section in our school and though I

was sure he didn't know I existed, I knew all about him. House Captain, captain of the football team et cetera … Though he was not very remarkable looking, he was certainly one

of the smartest people I had ever met. He was one of the few guys in our school who had a
