
Chapter 732: Meeting of Demons (3)

"You didn't tell me that she~ was going to be coming with us, Lord Belian~! The~ Scion of Asmodia, in the flesh~! My, I would dare say I'm starstruck at this sudden appearance!"

The red skinned woman grinned up at Jahi, her razor sharp fangs glimmering beneath the rays of the sun as she met the Asmodia Demoness' gaze, unflinching as those amethyst eyes were brought to bear.

She didn't even seem to care as she reached forwards and gently caressed Jahi's forearm, stroking her muscular blue flesh and cooing softly before saying "Impressive~! You live up to your namesake, Scion of Asmodia~! Nice muscular arms... I bet they'd feel excellent~ wrapped around my body, no~?"

Taking a step closer, the Beliali woman grinned even more at Jahi as she guided her hand towards her chest, only for that grin to almost split her features as she felt two blades rest on her throat.