
The First Kiss

That romantic moment   

That was a very romantic moment.

Although Oliver and Lily were new or rather Emily. They only knew a few hours ago for barely two days.

But everything that happens to Emily here was nothing but emotion. Emily's feelings were very excited.

she felt like everything was overrated.

Maybe she felt the air was lighter. Or the breeze was nicer. Or she was also now feeling she smell more flowers.

Those trees... It smelled like musk.

Emily's feelings were all motivated. All her feelings were inflammatory. Maybe she could feel the air on her skin.

The air touched her cheeks and she felt he kissed her.

Oliver was also making her senses tedious. It was like she can smell Oliver from afar. Or she can also hear his heartbeat.

His heartbeat was too high. Emily almost heard her with her ear. His breath had a voice.

She heard all that stuff like she heard a music tune.