
The Damn Ability..

Lily  lay on the bed, and it seemed like she was  probably sleeping.

Lily fell asleep to see a very weird  dream she had.

she saw a lot in the dream that she saw last night. But of the mess of dreams that there was one dream she had. It was that dream… Different.

It had fire coming out of Emily's body!!!

Her hands came out of the fire like she had magical powers!!!!

It was a lot of sugar and a lot of candy that Lily ate that had a strange effect on Emily's body that Emile  didn't eat before.

Emily used to grow weary every time she ate candy.

As her body had too much sugar that it could handle. That fire that got out from Lily's body was released from her billy like it was the source of heat.

That heat was moved through her body.

Her chest , her hands , her legs.. All of that was in her dream only in her brain. But the thing that Lily didn't know was that it was not Just a dream.

That poor girl was on fire literally .