
Saint Oliver Looking for Lily

Finally the wagon arrived at the village, the driver stopped the wagon then got down to the ground to open the door for the two villagers.

He opened the door suddenly, Oliver was still sleepy. The driver stopped seconds looking at them in surprise.

Oliver realized that he was hugging Lily's body in his arms and her head was on his chest. They looked like lovers or something like that.

At once he moved her away as he didn't want the driver to see them like that.

"We did it, we are in the village . Now you can go down and leave," the driver said in a serious tone like an order, he was supposed to go back to the royal palace.

The driver tried to help Oliver to carry Lily but this time Oliver refuse

"No I will do it by myself" Oliver said then he hugged Lily very strongly and carried her as a baby then left the wagon.

Oliver crosses the village carrying Lily between his arms as a hero carries his love after fighting for her.