
Revenge List

'What was that !

What a cold, non respectable reception!

It was.. it was.. it was offended.

A prince can never be received that way.. Never ever!

Even the youngest soldiers returning from the war are better received than this.

we were our creatures sneaking around like thieves.. No protocol, the bride was absent, the king absent, and even the maid they were absent! Just the queen with her personal guard !' Noah thought.

Even though he was all the way here tried to motivate himself positively and even though he was preparing himself carefully, everything was facked up.

What a sad situation.

But Noah was not sad, he was very angry. The situation was so personal. 

"There is no woman who can say NO  to me. There is no woman who can play hard for me.." Noah said in a loud voice.

The door knocked with one of his guards, at first Noah didn't want to answer as he told the person that knocked to leave.