
Followed By Demon

"Oh my Gad," Hazel said in a loud voice.

She was running like a crazy lady between the bushes. the bushes was hitting her face, and that not stopped her.

"Is that a thief? Is that a Demon?" Hazel said

She was still trying to run away from something that she didn't know what it was?

At that point Hazel ran another way that was not subdued to wake through, it is a very different way.

Even though she was very concerned about finding the doctor to save the princess, at this time she didn't concentrate on the road, she consecrated her fairs.

Hazel was that type of person that believed in all kinds of Para natural, fantasy and all creation.

"ahh ahh," Hazel's breathing was very loud, like she wanted to breathe that in all the earth.

If she ran more than that, she would lose consciousness.

"Breath Hazel breath, we still have a mission," Hazel said to herself.

But she will feel sorry that she stopped at this point, after a few seconds of her standing like that.

One more time Hazel heard that sound of the THING that followed her.

At this moment Hazel heard wolf's Snarl/bark even though it was not a Devil or something like that, the weakness of Hazel that made her pass out!


It was just one minute before Doro emerged from the bushes.

"Oh oh no no no ," Doro said.

Doro ran toward Hazel that lay on the ground.

"Why everyone loses his consciousness, "Doro said

Doro still cannot breath from running after Hazel.

"Wake up Hazel, it was me, it was me tried to make you afraid, not to kill you,"

Doro said.

So it wasn't fantasy creatures and fantasies, she was the friend who wanted to joke.

Hazel opened her eyes

"What!" Hazel said.

When Hazel opened her eyes Doro tried to give her a hug, Doro was really a friad about her friend.

But it wasn't that easy Hazel bush Doro away from here!

"Did you THIGH follow me?" Hazel asked in very hard toon !

Doro realized that her little game was covered and she was in a bad situation.

So Doro looked at the ground without saying a word. Hazel rebated the question one more time.

"Did you!" Hazel said.

Doro still looking at the ground

"Why?" Hazel asked with tears

"You almost killed me !" Hazel

Doro that huge big girl explore in crying

"Because you left me alone," Doro said during her crying like a little baby with tears and her mouth's saliva flying everywhere.

Hazel opened her eyes extremely like stirring at Doro that suddenly looked like a baby or little child.

"Ok, ok stop it," Hazel the thin small woman ordered the huge woman Doro.

Doro stopped her crying, but tears and saliva were still going all over her face, how she could explode like this like a lump of body fluid from tears and saliva.

"We still have mission, let's go," Hazel ordered

Dora wiped her saliva and tears in her dress and tried to get off the ground.

When Doro stood she gave her hand to Hazel, who was still sitting on the ground. The two girlfriends had a secret mission.

The two maids tried to figure out where we could go to be able to go to the bar.

in the way to the bar

"Why are you doing this?" Doro asked Hazel with confusion

"Doing what?" Hazel asked her didn't understand what her friend mains.

"trying to save the princess as you mean it, not for that bag of golden coins," Doro said in confusion.

"Yes, I mean it so much," Hazel said.

"That I was saying why? Princess Emily is an arrogant, evil, arrogant person who doesn't deserve love," Doro said with a very hate tone.

"No she isn't," Hazel said

But it seemed that Doro didn't convince of that.

"she was different person when she was child, I used to came to the palace when I was a little child with my mom, I saw her, she was a very good person," Hazel said and her gaze at the horizon as she remembered the past.

"You saw her at past not main that she was nice," Doro said

"No I am sure that she was very cute and sweaty child, she used to make crowns with flowers to the servants,.." Hazel said as she witness in court and defense about guilty woman, before Doro interacted her.

"She get sick about month than she got from that experience as a anther person," Hazel said

"So you are feeling a fried that she will get out that sickness as a very bad person more than she is!" Doro said as she finally understudied.

"Princess Emily act like she following the demon steps by she not like that in her heart," Hazel said


They saw Yzma the queen first maid that was talking to herself like a crazy lady.

She was walking very fast like she was on a mission.

That made Doro so angry- she was like an emotional child.

"we must follow Yzma," Doro said

"No, No, No more time you diffusion from our goal to get the doctor," Hazel was angry.

"no that time we didn't diffuse, Yzma is for sure walking that fast for the Queen orders and the Queen orders it all about getting Harry the princess Emily, "Doro said as explained.

Hazel was listening carefully but still that was enough reason to follow Yzma !

So Doro decided to confirm her point of view.

"And her way is the same way to go to the bar, that we must go looking for the doctor," Doro said.

At that poignant moment Hazel agreed with Doro.

"Let's follow her," Hazel said.

The two maids keep a distance from her target the maid Yzma

The three maids were running out the palace for the princess, two of them were to save her and one of them was to kill her.