
At The Palace

The status of Kuromo was a little complicated. Everyone in the palace had different feelings. That was not just for servants who get pissed off because they do a lot of hard work.

But it was also about royalty. What's up there. What's going on? That was a serious question.

The Queen was following the oranges in her own way.

The Queen wasn't following the oranges the right way.

She was hearing the mess get out. Not because she gave everyone orders about chaos. But because she was busy with her own daydreams.

A woman with a lot of daydreams. So she was a little focused woman.

The lady had gone mad because she got predictably what she wanted. !

Hysterical giggles. It's a talk-free style. Looks of contempt she was looking at Prince Leo. And also a lot of looks of admiration and flattery for Prince Noah.

She was doing it because no one was competing with her. Or there's no one to disobey her.

She could do whatever she wants.