
Long Live King Elias

“Your Majesty,” Matteo is led into the sitting room where Princess Abigail and I are waiting patiently for news of the activity on Minorca.

“Matteo, what’s happened? Did something go wrong?” I stand up quickly and Princess Abigail rises as well. We both must look very anxious because Matteo doesn’t waste time.

“No, Your Majesty. Everything went better than expected,” Matteo pauses and looks over at Abigail and she puts her hand over her heart.

“Is it Elias?” Abigail asks. Then Matteo lowers himself into a deep bow. Abigail looks over at me, worry wrinkling her forehead.

“Your Majesty,” Matteo says as he stands back up but both of us are silent. Either he is paying his respects for her loss, or something else altogether. “I’m not sure if it is my place to share the news. I have been asked to bring you both to Minorca.”

“Please. Matteo, is it?” Abigail asks and Matteo and I both nod. “Please just tell me what happened.”