
Group partner

“No be in a group with me James, John said putting his hand on his shoulder.

“Steve you can pair up with Anastasia, I will look for a partner,” Jane said looking keenly at Steve.

“Okay, Cos you are my project partner,” Steve said smiling from ear to ear.

“if you have all finished choosing your partner, you all will have to adopt pets and take care of them for one month.

Steve raise his hand                        

“yes, Steve what do you want?” the teacher asks and Steve stands up from his seat with all the students staring at him.

“What if we already have a pet at home?” he asks and sits down. And the teacher smiles

“you can’t use the one you have at home, and you guys won’t be the one to choose your pets, you will pick it at random.” He said bringing forward a basket, full of tiny papers.

“Choose a team member to choose the pets for you.” He said pointing at the basket.

Jane gulp and put her hand on her face.

“Am not even in a team, can I not participate?” she asks and Steve look keenly at her.

“It’s part of our test” he replied and she stand up and look around.

Steve walks to the basket and pick a paper he goes back to his sit and tries to open it when the teacher yelled

“Don’t open it yet! I hope this is everyone, is there anyone who doesn’t have a partner?” he inquired and Jane and one guy walk to the front he was wearing glasses, his hair was black and he has tanned skin, his clothes

were not so pleasing to the eyes. He uses his hand to push his glasses on his nose starring at Jane as she looks at him with side-eyes.

“You guys can be partners, now one of you grab a paper.” The teacher stated and the guys tries to take the paper.

Jane pushes him out of the way and picks a paper.

“Why are you being rude to your partner young lady? He inquired and she smirks

“I wasn’t being rude, am not just used to working with people.” She replied rolling her eyes.

“you will have to, this project is more like teamwork.” He stated and they all open their paper at the sound of the buzzer.

“A dog,” Steve said to Rachael and she give him a am afraid of dogs look.

“Don’t you like dogs?” he inquired and she nods negatively.

“well, you will have to learn to like them for our project.” He replied and she looks down.

And brings out a handkerchief from her bag patting her face with it.

“A hen! Gosh are you kidding me?” Jane lamented starring at the teacher.

“Is a hen, a pet?” she asked raising her upper lip in disgust.

“it can be, he replied stroking his chin in a sexy way. And she screwed up her face.

“Gosh! She exclaimed handling the paper to her partner.