
Our pets

“James, what’s yours?” Steve ask and he smiles

“A hamster?” he muttered

“Guys can you believe mine is a hen, it just seems like today is not my day.” Jane lamented.

“It’s just a hen you can take care of it can’t you?” Rachael added.

“I think I will leave the job to my nerdy partner.” She remarks glaring at him.

“you have to participate it’s teamwork remember, Anastasia doesn’t like dogs but I think we can make it work,” Steve muttered

“Am going home,” Jane said carrying her bag.

“But we are going to buy the pets don’t go,” Steve said stretching his hand as they all watch her leave. Her partner runs to them.

“Where is she going?” he inquired

“she is going to buy the pet follow her quickly,” Steve stated with a serious face and he runs outside the class.

“Haha, Jane can literally remove his arm if he pisses her,” John remarks putting his hand on Steve’s shoulder.

After the class, Steve drags James with him and they go to the other class to see Christian and his friends.

They sit in the back seat of the class and everyone started leaving the class and the guys try to stand up from their seats but they couldn’t move their butt.

“What’s going on why can’t I get up?” Christian ask

“Me too bro.” Another one replied swaying his hips.

“We are doomed are we being pranked.” Another one asks

“I think that’s the case but who will do such a thing.” He asks

“Let’s try to get up from here now,” Christian said moving continuously on the chair. “Fuck!” he exclaimed.

“we will have to abandon our pants on this chair if we want to leave this place.” He suggested.

“Am not going to do that what if my crush see me like this?” another one stated.

“so what do you suggest we do?” Christian ask raising a brow.                     

“Let’s try to move with the chair out of the classroom.” another one dragging the chair towards the door, making a lot of noise, they all follow suit dragging their chair with their butt glued to the chair.

“Hahaha.” Steve burst into laughter with tears rushing out of his eyes.

“Serves them right next time they won’t try bullying Anastasia again,” James said and they both walk out of the classroom and see the guys running with their underwear’s and the chair on the road.

Jane walks to her car and tries to open the door when someone taps her from behind she looks back and frown.

“What do you want?”  she asks rudely.        

“I wanted us to go get the pet together.” He replied.

“I will get it myself.” She stated opening the door of her car.

“We need to share the money of the pet and Trevor and you? He asks stretching his hand to shake her.

“Am Jane.” She scoffed and enter her car. In awkwardly put down his hand.

“Get in,” she said wearing her seat belt.