
Going to his house.

                                                              Author's POV

“How many cars did you bring Davis asks walking with his bodyguards

“Huh you know me I like flashy entrance I brought only five cars" Alicia replied applying makeup

“Five! You have not changed a bit" Davis said walking out of the room

“Darling come  let’s go," Alicia said to Bianca

Bianca walk after her slowly all the students are around the car starring at them.

“They are leaving and taking Bianca," one of the students said

 Davis is about to enter his car when Pete run to him

“Where are you going?" Pete ask

“Am going home to settle some family matter?" Davis said sitting in the car

“What about the competition?" Pete ask

“Don’t worry I will be back before the competition," Davis said smiling

“Wow is that your sister, she is so hot," Pete said starring at Alicia

“Don’t even think about her, she is older than you," Davis said and lock the door of the car.

Bianca sit with Alicia in her car, the car started moving one by one Anna and her friends run out of their room

“Davis! Davis!" Anna yelled and the car drove off

“Anna I think they took," Bianca Mary said

“I know just leave me alone!" Anna yelled at Mary and ran to her room

                                                                   Bianca’s POV

Wow I know Davis is rich but I never knew he was this rich this car is so expensive and it’s neat, it even smells nice, Davis sister is sitting right next to me I slowly use my side-eye to look at her am probably in a hot seat right now am literally going to Davis house to see his parents am scared.

“Hello darling what’s your name you look frightened don’t be scared no one is going to harm you," Alicia said holding my hand firmly

“This is my first time am sitting with a Hollywood superstar," I said looking away from her.

“Don’t be shy am also your sister you know, I want you to act like royalty in our house my parents leave like a royal family, you must really love each other, that Davis doesn’t wanna leave you alone am sorry if am talking too much?" she said smirking

“No you ain’t," I said sitting comfortably in the car

“We are almost there you haven’t told me your name," Alicia said grinning

“My name is Bianca" I muttered

“What a cute name for a beautiful girl like you how long have you and Davis, been seeing each other" she asks

“It’s about a month now," I said blushing

“Have you guys hand sex she said in a low tone

I can’t believe she is asking me such a thing

“No, we haven’t," I said trying to hide my emotion

“Wow that means my brother is still a virgin has he shown you any sign that he wants to have sex with you Alicia ask with a curious look

“I haven’t really noticed that" I said shyly

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