
Can leave without my friend.

                                                           Bianca’s POV              

I don’t know why I have a soft heart, I can’t believe I helped Cole after everything I hope he has learnt his lesson I open the door

Davis is already asleep, I didn’t see Pete out there maybe we didn’t actually hear his voice

I sleep beside Davis and cover myself with the blanket I fold myself into his arms

Look at his sweet lips his face is so perfect I wonder if he is a prince or something, I love him so much I close my eyes.

The next day

                                                                   Author’s POV

Davis and Bianca are eating

“Baby, what took you so long last night?" Davis asks putting food in Bianca’s mouth.

“(chewing the food) well I didn’t see Pete last night instead I saw….. "they both hear students screaming outside

“I will go check it out" Bianca walk out and saw students gathering around someone.

“She is Alicia Richmond the famous actress, her skin is spotless," a student said

                                                          Bianca’s POV

I can’t believe this, she is Davis elder sister she is an actress she is dressed like a queen I don’t stand a chance against her, I don’t know anything about Davis am speechless oh my god I think she is heading my way.

                                                         Author’s POV

“Hello miss am here to see my little muffin Davis I heard you are his friend," Alicia said smiling at Bianca

She stands like a statue with her eyes wide open (oh my god she is talking to me Bianca grin shyly)

“Hello am talking to you," Alicia said snapping her fingers

“Oh am sorry," Bianca said and bow slightly

“Where is Davis?" Alicia asks looking at her.

“He is in there" Bianca pointed to their room

Alicia walk into their room, she stroke Davis hair

                                                              Davis POV

Oh am dead what is she doing here I blush as she continues stroking my hair in front of Bianca.

“Little muffin dad heard about our condition he want you to come back home, he said he never wanted you to be a doctor in the first place, he wants you to come back and inherit the family business," Alicia said in a serious tone

“I am not leaving this university until I become a doctor," I said with a serious face

“Come let go, you can tell that to dad when we get home"

“Am not going without my friend" I said looking at Bianca

“Are you sure she is just a friend?" Alicia ask curiously

“Alright she is my girlfriend," I said and Alicia hover around Bianca

“Really so you are my little muffin girlfriend how cute" Alicia said touching Bianca’s face

“Stop calling me that I can’t walk" I muttered

“That’s why I brought your bodyguards with me" Alicia brings out her phone and makes a call 

minutes later

They walk into my room holding a pair of expensive suits they help me put it on.

“Carry him let’s go mum also want to see you she is worried sick about you, don’t worry am coming with your girlfriend in my car," Alicia said holding Bianca’s hand.

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