
Chapter 1- My Fantasy Not Yours

What do I want?

    I want someone to look me in the eyes and just stare. I don't want any rush,any actions just long stares at each other eyes. I want for that person to look me and just appreciate every part of me, someone who can see me and appreciate every little part of me,even to my flaws and every other details.

    Look me in the eyes and allow me see right through you. Allow me in. I long for a mutual connection,a mutual desire to know more and want more. I wish to be appreciated.

    That moment were nothing else around matters more than the one sitting right next to you with a smile not enough to light up the room but enough to light up ones heart. That very moment that is irreplaceable and unmistakably priceless,I want to grab your lips with mine and feel your skin beneath mine.

     I want to be cuddled by you and feel every inche of you,I want you to desire me and savour me when given the chance,I want to express my longings without any words,no much words, just sounds that spark fire to our burning desire and light up electric sensation,to keep me going all night.


   The thought of your wet lip underneath my neck and your hot breath through my jaw make me wanna just exploded but the thought of it ending afterward make me wanna hang on,for as long as my fuckin desire carries me.

    Am I the only one feeling insane? I wanna be on top of you stripped naked and nothing to hide,no obstructions. I want you to feel my warm wetness as I moan and wrap my feminine hands around your neck while you work on me devilishly and make me scream even louder, enjoying this sinful act with all pleasure.


   It feels so crazily good, to be worshiped,body and soul. It feels so good to want more and more and still can't get enough,it feels so good to have that one thing inside of you and enjoy it with no care of the word. Fuck! Fuck!! Fuck!!!

    I think I might come any moment...fuck!

  I heard the bell rang and I raised my head spontaneously to the sound. The class was over and everyone began to evacuate the classroom. I stood up and felt the wetness in-between my thighs,I guess I had a wet dream while sleeping off during class.

   I walked towards my drawers to get some new undess,it was the first time,yeh,so I had myself covered.

   "Let me guess,you came during class" My best friend,Oliver said standing behind me. I gave a lazy look and chucked at my own self.

    I closed my locker "I guess so" before heading towards the wash room to get cleaned up.

    After school hours I went to the bus stop to wait for the bus to come, Olivia went to a party with some of her course mate,i didn't want to go. All i wanted was to go home and rest.

    Everyday was a stressful one on its own,I didnt want any other extra curriculum activities included. On getting home,mom had already fallen asleep and it felt a relief,at least I wouldn't have to deal with her tonight.

    I took of my bag and clothes and cleaned up the living room as it looked like a mess, alot of alcohol bottles were every where, it took my 23 minutes to clean up before taking my bathe and going straight to bed. I had no appetite so my next plan was to sleep up till the next day.

   As I lay on my bed,the picture of his face again came flooding into my head. Those soft pink lips of his and his tall broad tone chest made my heart skipped a bite.

   Yeah it was crazy,for an 18years old girl like me to have wet dream and crazy fantasy but yeah,it was my fantasy and no one had any right to stop me from my imaginations.

     Weirdly enough I never even have had my first kiss. Its funny how in reality i dislike guys and get disgusted when admired by them but in my own imaginary world, only I knew how much I was a slut. Seducing men and getting fucked up pretty bad by them. Crazy right.

   Unlike Olivia who was a slay queen in real life,has the biggest popularity in school and have the hottest guy swooping around her every minute and hour but was yet to have her first night with a guy.

    Olivia would away say,she didn't need the guys trooping into her dm every night to flirt with her but she had all the varieties of guys she needed in her head. She says if a guys manages to get a taste of you then you loose your flavour quickly, doesn't make much sense to me but well,who am i to judge.

    Anyways tomorrow was going to be another long day,so i better get to bed. I closed my app diary and switched off my phone allowing myself to be welcomed by my imaginary boyfriend, Fredo.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Thank you all☺️❤️

blueydewcreators' thoughts