
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs


*Laura's POV*

"There's something else that's bothering me, but I don't think it's a big deal. Thank you very much for listening to my question and answering them. Please let me know if you need anything from me later." [Laura]

"What do you mean? You've been an incredible help this past day! Also, who wouldn't listen to their friend?" [Shin]

{How can he say something so embarrassing with a straight face?!}

Flustered, I feel the blood rushing to my face.

{I-I got to get out of here.}

"I-I see. Well then, I'll let you get some sleep. Bye." [Laura]

Uttering these words, I walk out of the door, closing it behind me. Making sure that no one is around, I walk over to my cell and close the door, locking out the outside world. Only then do I truly feel at peace.

Between laying down on the hard bed, or sitting on the hard and dirty floor, I hop up on the bed and stretch out my legs. I'm almost sure that laying down on a bed of rocks would be more comfortable bed than this, but since I'm in a jail cell, I can't really complain.

|Now all we will have to do is wait, my liege. With the information you provided him, I am certain that he will act on it. Especially with it coming from you.| [Aureole]

|I don't really understand what is going on? Why did you tell me to say those things? It was embarrassing…| [Laura]

|My Liege, I believe that informing him of these events will increasing your standing in his eyes. With you barring violent action, you have forced my hand to turn towards political action. While I am proud that you believe I can accomplish many things, please remember that I am a dagger at heart. | [Aureole]

|How is "increasing my standing" going to help me? Was that just payback for allowing you to be taken? | [Laura]

|I sense that he cares about you to an extent. With your honesty, it will only increase further making him a valuable pawn to ensure you're taken care of. | [Aureole]

|Cares about me! Taken care of? Are you trying to sell me off into marriage?! I don't need another arranged marriage. In fact, I'm staying the hell away from marriage. | [Laura]

Perhaps thinking of her encounter with a blue dragon, Laura shudders at the thought of marriage…

|Forgive me, that was not my intention. His feelings for you are not romantic, but closer to comradery. I believe that increasing your allies at this moment is important for the position you are in. With his connections with the Prince and several other "Nobles" as you call them, the likely hood of interfering on your behalf rises with his familiarity of you. | [Aureole]

Hearing that argument, I can only agree with Aureole's point. While I don't want to rely on other people's help too much, Shin does know a lot of Nobility, so he'll probably know the people who will be judging us.

|He did say that he knew the Prince and the Prime minister's son. He probably knows other people as well. | [Laura]

{If only I knew some Nobles, then I wouldn't have to rely on his help. Wait! What am I even saying? Know some Nobles!? Why would I want to know such dangerous people? My anxiety would have given me a heart attack by now…}

|Hey Boss, how come we can't just off them all? I bet if we worked together, we could easily sever everyone's head from their necks. Even escaping this "prison" could be easy for you if you had us. Why did you hand us away Boss? It's not like they could have taken us from you if they tried. | [Acheron]

|They told me to I had to give up any weapons I had. Where I come from, no prisoner is supposed to have a weapon. Plus, I don't want to hurt innocent people.

|Hehehe, should have said that part sooner Boss. Some miserable rat tried to pick me up a couple of minutes ago. Think he said something about taking me for his own. HA! You should have seen that little weakling run away after heating up my handle a bit. The smell of his burning skin and his cries of agony almost made me forgive him… Almost. | [Acheron]

|Acheron. I thought I said not to hurt people! Is he going to be okay? | [Laura]

|Don't care. Don't waste your compassion on useless mutts. He should be thankful that I let him live. He touched me. ME. Only the Boss is allowed to touch me…| [Acheron]

|Worry not, he seemed to have run straight to a healer. Depending on the healer's strength, he should be able to keep most functions of his hand. | [Aureole]

|That makes me even more worried! | [Laura]

|I believe that you should be more worried about the upcoming trial. Depending on how your actions are perceived, you may be harshly punished. While sifting through your memories, I've gathered that execution would not be out of the ordinary for a punishment. | [Aureole]

|*snort* Execution? That's cute. There's no way that I'd let those pests so much as graze Boss. She need only call me to her side to execute the executioner. | [Acheron]

|Naturally, I concur. My Liege, please call on us if the situation gets dire. We need only your permission to appear by your side. | [Aureole]

|Thank you both. Even though you are both talking daggers, which is crazy, I feel grateful to know you. If I ever feel endangered, I'll call on you. I'm going to get some rest, you should as well. | [Laura]

|Very Well. | [Aureole]

|Tsk, fine. | [Acheron]

With that, I end the conversation and stretch out my legs. Before long, I find myself growing drowsy, with sleep taking me before long.

"…hey, wake up…" [???]

"Mhmm, five more minutes…" [Laura]

"Come on. Its time for you to get up." [???]

"Mmm Huh? What?" [Laura]

After just opening my eyes, my tired eyes see a vague figure standing above me. Startled, I jump up, hitting my head on the overhanging shelf. Even if it was made from a thin piece of wood, it still hurt, a lot.

"Ouch…." [Laura]

"Woah, calm yourself. I'm here to pick you up. The committee has told me to bring you before it." [Roxanne]

The pain from hitting my head seemed to have woken me up as I now remember where I am.

{Oh right…the nobles are going to judge me because of the incident…}

My own thought process surprises me. If this were to happen to me back in Kaross, I would have passed out immediately. Yet, for some reason, they don't seem to scare me anymore. Maybe all the time I spent with Shin, who I thought was a super dangerous person, has desensitized me to them. Or maybe it was what Shin said about them having no real power in this world. All I know is that my previously frazzled nerves seem indifferent to them now. However, I still can't afford to make them mad if they are judging my "crimes."

"O-Oh, okay. Can you give me a minute to look presentable?" [Laura]

"That's fine, but don't take to long." [Roxanne]

With her leaving the room, I take off my clothes and shake them out to get rid of the wrinkles before putting them back on. I NEED a change of clothes. Wearing the same clothes for the past couple of days have made them unbearably gross. They still smell of sweat and smoke, which is unpleasant and not what I'm used to. Don't' even get me started on my underwear. If I wear them for another day, they might get up and walk on their own. I debated on whether to just throw them out entirely, but with my school uniform being a skirt… there's no way in hell I'll be doing that.

After putting my unform back on, I exit the cell and am met with the two people who brought me here.

"Hello Mr. Brock, Ms. Roxanne." [Laura]

"Ah you're ready. Good, good." [Brock]

"Sorry for startling you awake. I tried calling you form the outside of the room, but you didn't even wake up. I thought you were deaf because I was bellowing, and you didn't even stir." [Roxanne]

"Hahaha, I'm kind of a heavy sleeper. Sorry to cause you so much trouble." [Laura]

"Nah don't worry about it. It was funny to watch so it was all worth it." [Brock]

"I'm glad you found my struggle amusing. I should have sent you in there in my stead." [Roxanne]

"Oh? You'll send me, a guy into a young maiden's room to wake her up? I think I see many problems with that, don't you?" [Brock]

"…I'm asking for a change of partner for the next shift. I cannot deal with your idiocy any longer." [Roxanne]

Their arguing brings a smile to my face as it prompts my memories of me and Rufina.

{I never thought I would say this, but I kind of miss my friends. I wonder what Rufi is doing now. Probably trying to break into the dungeon to see me. Even if she's a little annoying, we've always been close since we were five. The first time I saw her, she ran straight too me and tackled me in a hug calling me "Sis". Thinking back on it, not much has changed in that regard.}

{I bet Sandra is mad about me being locked up. She's always been headstrong and even arrogant at times. Other girls don't like her because of this, but she's a really nice person. I remember that Rufi and I found her eating alone on the first day of high school. It seemed like a cloud was hovering over her head, raining down on her which made her seem really depressed. Before I knew it, Rufi, who never cared about anyone else, walked over to her and sat down beside her, asking if she was alright. It only really took a lunch break for us to become friends and we've been friends ever since.}

{Linda's the only one I don't know about. She's super shy to the point that she can't talk to people she doesn't know. Sandra brought her to our table one day and introduced her to us. Rufi and I thought said hello, but she didn't say anything back. At first, we were kind of upset, thinking that she was ignoring us. However, after we heard Sandra's explanation, we forgave her and spent more time with her. That's why I'm not sure if she would say anything about me being here, but I bet she would be mad too. I'm sure that Sandra and Rufi will make up for her lack of words.}

"hehehe..." [Laura]

A small chuckle leaves my lips as I think about the unstoppable duo of selfishness.

Unfortunately for me, Brock and Roxanne stopped arguing at that time, making it seem like I was laughing at them.

"I-I wasn't laughing at both of you. You just reminded me of my friends… but you don't know them so… aren't we going to be late. We should go." [Laura]

"Yes, you have a point. We will be late if we continue." [Roxanne]

"You should probably stay here and watch over the other teachers. I feel like they are plotting something because they've been quiet for a while now. I'll escort Miss Laura here to the room. It's not like she'll cause any trouble, right?" [Brock]

Faced with his intimidating stare, I somehow manage to give a response.

"N-No I don't plan on it." [Laura]

"See, perfect." [Brock]

"Very well. However, no turning the rest of the fort into a jungle. And you must return here immediately, understood?" [Roxanne]

"Yes Ma'am." [Brock]

Throwing a sarcastic salute, Brock does a 180 and begins making his way upstairs. After which, I follow behind.

Standing before the large red double doors, I feel a bit of nervous about what's going to happen.

"Did the others already go in?" [Laura]

"You were all tried separately, and you are the last. I haven't heard anything yet, but I'm sure they are fine. Unless you insult them somehow, I'm sure that they are fine." [Brock]

"I-I see. Well, I don't remember ever doing something like that so that shouldn't be a problem." [Laura]

"Then you have nothing to worry about. Just relax and make sure to explain your side of the story." [Brock]

"Umm…why are you being so nice to me? I've seen you around the school, but you were never this friendly to me." [Laura]

"After talking with Shin, I saw he was adamant about making sure everyone wasn't punished too harshly so I figured that you were friends. Any friend of Shin's is a friend of mine. [Brock]

Throwing this remark over his back as he walked away, I'm left alone in front of the double doors. Pushing the idea of friends to the back of my mind, I turn the handles and step into the room.

Hello Everyone,

How's everyone doing? Good I hope!

I'm bringing back Laura's POV to the main storyline to build up her character a bit.

I know, I know, "Boohoo, this chapter was just character development and B.S word filler." Listen... If you think that, then you didn't see the "call forwards" yet. :p

Anyway, Thank you everyone for reading and supporting my novel! We've passed 25k which has been crazy for me as it's my first ever novel.

Your Author,

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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