
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasy
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46 Chs


*Laura's POV*

After being greeted by two girls I've never scene before, I get told to sit down in the lone chair in the center of the room. With both girls taking their places beside me and giving seemingly giving me the cold shoulder, the atmosphere seems worse than I imagined, making my hands clammy.

After waiting for a couple minutes, a door in the back of the room opens and the Nobles start entering. At the helm is Prince Eren and Daichi, with several prominent nobles in tow. My steady heartbeat at witnessing their appearance surprises me.

{Huh. I guess I've really changed. Before being summoned here, I was always scared of the nobility and stayed away from them like the plague, but now I don't have any reaction. I guess I should thank Shin after all.}

That is, until I see the last two people appear in the doorway.

{Huh? WHAT?!}

Standing behind the nobles are two of my closest friends. Two people who I've know for over three years, Sandra and Linda are trailing behind the Nobles. Those two usually give off an energetic and relaxing vibe respectfully, but now, I know that they are where they belong. For some reason, they are wearing beautiful dresses that compliment their features perfectly. Even the ever-shy Linda ditched her standard T-Shirt dress in favor of a beautiful azure high low dress. Both her and Sandra looks composed and stately in their attire, making me realize that this is not their first time amongst the nobility.

{Haaah… I guess you were nobles all along weren't you…}

A little bit of anger stirs in my gut, but its' quickly replaced by sadness.

{Why didn't you tell me that you were Nobility? Did you not trust me, or did you know how much it scared me and kept it amongst yourselves for me? I wouldn't have been scared if it were you two!}

I stare a hole into the side of their heads to get their attention but to no avail. They either have chosen to ignore me or don't care. Not even receiving an acknowledgement from them makes them seem even more distant which in turn makes me borderline depressed.

With the nobles taking their place at the long table, the Daichi begins the trial.

"We, as representatives of Noble society, have been called together to pass judgment on the accused. Laura Silva has been accused of deliberately inhibiting the rescue of the teaching staff that left on the first day, resulting in their death's. She has also been accused of assaulting five students with all five needing medical attention from various head injuries. Congruous with the other cases, the victims accuse Laura Silva of unprovokedly assaulting them. Therefore, the crimes Laura Silva is being charged with are 2-degree murder and assault. Laura Silva, how do you plead?" [Daichi]

Being on this side of the table and hearing the crimes I'm accused of; I begin shifting in my chair.

"I-I Plead not guilty. I didn't do those things." [Laura]

"The defendant has plead not guilty to both charges. You may begin your testimony." [Daichi]

Finishing his role, he sits back down in his chair, crossing his legs. I don't know what happened to get him in this state, but he's obviously mad about something and I think that I'll be the one he takes it out on.

"R-Right. Well, it all started when…" [Laura]

After explaining all of what happened since getting brought here, as well as adding what Shin told me too, several hands get raised. The first of which is a girl that looks somewhat familiar to me.

"Would you please confirm something for me? While you had no reason to trust Shin Okamoto's judgement, you still abided by his commands. You also resorted in using force against your fellow students [???]

"Shin did say that his father was in the military, and he said things which made me believe him. And those other people threw a fireball and blew up the guardhouse. I just knocked them out to apprehend them." [Laura]

"You just knocked them out? Several of them are still unconscious to this day. I believe that the force you used is contradictory to your statement of simply "knocking them out." I believe that there was malice behind your intentions, laced with vengeance." [Daichi]

{They tried to kill us! What do you expect me to do? Just sit there and die?}

"That was exactly my point Daichi. The point in the story where your comrade shot an arrow into the shoulder of another student seems to cement these factors. Especially when you yourself admitted to closing the door on the wounded, leaving him to suffer without help. Your actions can only be summarized as malicious and lacking in competence." [???]

{While the other Nobles don't look happy, none of them are giving me such murderous eyes as the Lady and Daichi. For some reason, they both seem focused on getting me in trouble. Does that mean that the others are all cleared of their charges and their mad at that so they're taking it out on the last person? I swear that she looks familiar to me though…}

"Countess Arlette, Daichi, perhaps it would be best to allow others to ask questions as well?" [Prince Eren]

Prince Eren suggests that some others may have some questions, but the two people in his line of sight are Sandra and Linda, who've remained silent throughout the whole thing.

I Expect them to take the initiative and help their friend, but they do the opposite and shake their heads, not seemingly wanting to help me out.

Them not even trying to help makes me realize…

{…I guess they are Nobles after all.}

Everyday spent together, laughing talking gossip even crying together, was all for nothing. Like all true nobility, they didn't even care about a simple commoner like me at all.

"It looks as though there are no others who wish to speak, Your Highness. Then may I continue?" [Countess Arlette]

"…If you have more to add, then you may." [Prince Eren]

|My Liege, it seems someone else wishes to converse with you telepathically, should I allow thew through? | [Aureole]

|Someone's speaking to me? Then put them through. | [Laura]

|This is where the fun will begin. I hope you've made your peace with the world as I will be convincing the others of your execution. You will rue the day that you assaulted a Noble such as myself. I WILL be taking your head. | [Countess Arlette]

{Assaulted? When did I assault a Noble!?!?}

I comb through my memories until I finally put the pieces of the puzzle together. She was one of my classmates, specifically the one who I pushed when I tried to open the windows and got scratched when the chair exploded.

{Wait! She was a Noble?! Why can't they all be in a segregated class with their kind. Or at least let people know that they're Nobles.}

For the first time, I really hate the school's inclusion policy where all students are equal. Who ever thought that this was an innovative idea obviously never heard of "reality".

That's when I notice the strange aura emanating from Countess Arlette. While she certainly had hostility in her eyes before, her eyes now possess a sense of new power and the same cloudiness that Edjer's eyes had.

{Is she… being controlled?!}

Before I can warn the other Nobles, a large, albeit barely noticeable vapor escapes from her lips. The vapor vanishes almost immediately, but the effects are apparent; all the Nobles on the table have begun focusing their undivided attention on her. Countess Arlette gives a beaming smile to the others making several of the Ladies sigh in admiration and the Lords blush a deep shade of crimson.

{Did she just use a Skill? Why does it seem like everyone is looking at her like she's a famous model? Even the Sandra and Linda are joining in on it.}

"My Fellow Nobility, we are in quite a predicament. Not only have our beloved teachers been murdered by a group of students, but the entire group have been uneasy and lashing out at each other. We are currently at a crossroads, the entire reason we have lasted this long is due to our control over both the teachers and the students. If we were to not punish this type of behavior severely, others will surely delve into similar crimes. Like a vicious dog, it is important that we reign in the leash so that we can control their reactions. For this reason, we should at least punish one of the commoners involved. As for who, I believe the one in front of us fits the criteria perfectly. She injured many of her fellow students, ignored the injured and inhibited the rescue of the now deceased professors. There should only be one punishment befitting her transgressions, death. A public execution would both punish her and deter future behavior from the commoners. What say you of my suggestion?" [Countess Arlette]

"What a perfect suggestion Lady Arlette, I support your proposal." [Daichi]

"IT is both sound and reasonable, I accept the proposal." [Prince Eren]

"I also accept." [Member #1]

"Yes, it sounds splendid." [ Sandra]

"…Ok" [Linda]

"Everyone, please, don't fall for her words. She's using a Skill to control you. You have to fight it. Sandra, Linda I'm your friend. You can't send me to die. Please wake up!" [Laura]

Countess Arlette slams her hand down on her armrest,

"Silence. This is what a useless person like you deserves. Cease your arguments as the are useless. [Countess Arlette]

Turning back to the Nobles,

"It has been decided. We shall hold the execution tomorrow at noon before all the commoners. They will know not to question our orders." [Countess Arlette]

With an exaggerated point of her figure, she calls out to the two girls standing guard beside me.

"You two, escort her to a room and lock it behind her. We can't have our sacrificial pig squealing or running away. As for you, mutt, this is what you get for your actions against me. I hope you enjoy every moment of it." [Countess Arlette]

Grabbing both of my arms, the girls beside me drag me out of the room.

Getting pushed from behind, I stumble and fall, scrapping my knees in the process. I rush up and try to open the door, but as I grab the doorknob, I sear a distinct sound o the other side.


With the bolt sliding in place, the realization hits me as tears streak down my face.

{I'm going to be executed. I'm sorry mom… I won't be able to see you or dad again. I hope you can both live happy lives for me. I love you, Mom, Dad.}

I guess everything that's happen has finally hit me as I'm flooded with a tsunami of emotions. Fear. Anger. Sadness. Indignation. Shame. With all these feelings swirling in my head, I curl up in a ball on the floor and continue crying. That is, until I hear a familiar voice coming from above me.

"Can you stand?" [Shin]

Lifting my head, I try to look up and around, but the tears and swollen eyes get in my way. I quickly brush both my eyes with my sleeves and glance at the figure. Standing above me, with an idiotic grin is someone who I feared at first, but now consider a friend. He rubs both his hands back and forth in anticipation, laughing to himself.

"Hehehe, I don't know why you're crying for, but there's no need for those tears anymore. After all, you're not getting executed because we're about to pull of a prison break. And you have no idea how much I'm looking forward to this." [Shin]


I'm feeling sick as of late so I haven't written much for the next chapter. Today's chapter will be pushed to tomorrow.

Hey Everyone,

Hope you're doing well and enjoying life!

We're finaly getting out of the DAMN fortress. I know it's taken a long time, but this is going to be a long story in general.

Next chapter is switching back to Shin's POV, but I'll kind of miss Laura's POV tbh. I have a lot of fun writing her side of things for some reason...

Anyway, thanks for your support and reads! :)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

GlacialWolfcreators' thoughts