
My Not So Romantic CEO

You think I am the damsel in distress, sorry to burst your bubble but I am the CEO and from now on you are "MY SLAVE". She was the most famous ,beautiful ,sexy and ruthless CEO. She looks like an angel but actually she is a devil. She purchased him from a black market and she always like to toy with him but at the same time show him his place. He was a handsome guy who was a narcissist first. He was also a CEO but due to some conspiracy he went bankrupt and her own Ex-girlfriend sold him to the black market.Then he met the nightmare of his life. She was doing all the things because of her own reasons. She believes in hatred and not in love as for her " Hatred is a fire that empowers humans to reach their destination. " Meet Jia kapoor, who is not anything like a fragile woman. People always feared her presence. Some wants to stay away from her but some wants to make her theirs and claim her. Who will win at end and what's the reason for her hatred and revenge. Will she ever find love in her revenge game ?

DJ_96 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

The Big Announcement

Jia was shocked to see the man who was in front of her. "Of course our parents are family friends, your parents invited us, that's why I am also here. " He was smiling while giving her reply.

"Won't you shake hands with me, you know I have stretched my hands for more than a minute now. "

"You know instead of shaking hands with you, I

would rather like to break that hands of yours.

So do you still want me to shake hands with you Jay. " Jia said it with a confident smile.

"Jia behave yourself and talk with some respect with Jay, he is not only your business partner but my friend's son also. " Jia glanced at her father

"You know I am not throwing them out of this house right now, I think that's enough respect they can expect from me. " Her father was looking at her , with full of rage in his eyes.

"It's alright Mr. Kapoor, now I am used to your daughter's behaviour. " Said Jay with a comforting smile . "Jia why don't you take some time to think about this proposal, my son is a good match with you and if everything goes well I am sure you both will give me a grandson in a year. "Said Mr. Shah looking at Jia with full of hope in his eye's.

"Father , I am sure Jia will be a perfect mother of our children and also a dutiful wife. "

"Hey now don't force me to throw you both out of this party right now. As for you giving me time to think, thank you but I don't need it and for your grandson , I think your son can have two or three or more of that somewhere. You now how much your son love to play with other girls. You can also make one of them your daughter in law , as they might also love your idiotic son and Jay dear, you can choose anyone for the role of your dutiful wife, as I have a company to run, I am not free as you are. " Her tone was so cold that everyone was shivering because of that. She was so much angry that time that, she can shoot both of them at point blank. "Jia dear you know all those girls don't fit to be our daughter in law, they all are of loose character and you know men likes to play outside but, they change when they have responsibilities and I know for sure that my son will also change for you and the guy on your side don't even match with your status. " Said Mrs Shah with a smirk on her face.

"So now you will tell me, who will suite me and who won't? On top of that, You think that the girls he play with , are of loose character and how can you judge them, I think the one who has loose character is your son Mrs Shah.As for Varun he don't need to have a status,as with me being around he won't need that, but thanks for your concern. "

Jia firmly links her arms with Varun and looked at him with a smile on her face. Varun was shocked, as he didn't expect that she will take a stand for him. "Jia Why do you hate me so much and what do you see in trash like him " Jay was so angry when she linked her arms with Varun.He wants to beat the crap out of Varun at that time.

'What the hell, I was also a CEO not some kind of trash and I was also much popular than you at the time of my glory and the hell Jia will like someone like you. Dream on , she belongs to me now. '

Varun was thinking all of this, in his mind while looking at Jay fiercely. Jia started to speak " Hate you, hah who told you that, I don't hate you, hate is a big word and it's also an emotion but , I don't feel anything about you Jay , even your existence doesn't mean anything to me."

"Jia you still remember that I am the head of the family. How can you insult my guests. " Said Mr Kapoor . " I still remember that father but, you don't forget that this whole organisation belongs to me and everyone here only listen to my orders. "

"Jia how can you talk to your father like this. You still remember we are your parents. " Said Mrs Kapoor. " And who forced me to become like this mother , you both know very well. I am bored with all of your drama , now let me make an announcement." Jia started to move to the stage with Varun on her side. " Ladies and gentlemen we are all gather here for my parents anniversary. You know they love each other so much that some time they even forget about me. " Everyone started to laugh but only her parents, understood her sarcasm. "Now now, I am joking they love me so much , so that's why I also have a gift for them. As you all are thinking who is this nice looking guy standing beside me, I will ease your confusion. He is Varun and we both are engaged and we will also have our engagement party, very soon and all of you are invited.I hope my parents like my surprise gift for them." Everyone was shocked to hear this news , even her so called fiance Varun , he also didn't knew about this news but, the crowd started to clap and congratulate the new couple.Varun and Jia accepted all their wishes and congratulations.

Jay also started to walk towards the stage and started to speak " I don't easily give up Jia. Your announcement, won't change my mind. You will see that you only belong to me and no one can, snatch you from me. " Varun shouted with rage in his tone "Hey you, don't you see that she clearly is not interested in you and next time I see you near her , believe me you won't see the next day " He looked at him . " We will see about that , little lover, today I am leaving but I will meet you tomorrow at your office Jia. " He started to leave the party with his parents. "Oh wow, my slave you got some guts to say something like that to him. Just remember I won't help you if he beat you . " Said Jia while laughing. "Hey I was taking your side and that's how you thanks your saviour. "

Jia looked at him " I don't need a saviour, I am not some damsel in distress. I can handle things on my own. You understand that. You Stay here , I will be right back in a minute. "

She hurriedly leave for the gallery "What's the matter, why did you call ? " She asked someone on the call.

"Alright , yes don't worry everything is going according to my plan they all have to face my wrath. " Her tone was not only full of hatred that time but ,also a little sad but why ,only she knows."