
My Not So Romantic CEO

You think I am the damsel in distress, sorry to burst your bubble but I am the CEO and from now on you are "MY SLAVE". She was the most famous ,beautiful ,sexy and ruthless CEO. She looks like an angel but actually she is a devil. She purchased him from a black market and she always like to toy with him but at the same time show him his place. He was a handsome guy who was a narcissist first. He was also a CEO but due to some conspiracy he went bankrupt and her own Ex-girlfriend sold him to the black market.Then he met the nightmare of his life. She was doing all the things because of her own reasons. She believes in hatred and not in love as for her " Hatred is a fire that empowers humans to reach their destination. " Meet Jia kapoor, who is not anything like a fragile woman. People always feared her presence. Some wants to stay away from her but some wants to make her theirs and claim her. Who will win at end and what's the reason for her hatred and revenge. Will she ever find love in her revenge game ?

DJ_96 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Make Her Your Bride

At Shah Mansion

After heading out of the party, we went directly to our home. My dad was very angry, till we reach our home he did not utter a single word.

"Why are you so useless? You have a handsome face , make use of it. I don't know which trick you have to use, just make sure that Jia will become your bride only. Not only her name will help us in market but we can also have her business.

what can a young girl can do. If she fall in love with you and get married to you she will get busy in her household chores and taking care of children.

Then she won't have time for her business and at last you will gave the opportunity to claim her business also , as her husband. " My dad yelled at me.

I know of my father's plan from the start but how to tell him that Jia is not like any simple girl, which we can trick . Once she knows that someone is thinking evil , she makes sure that , the person will live a life worse than hell.

Right now I don't want to upset my dad , so I agreed with him. As for Jia, I am sure that at the end she will be mine . All girls like hard to get at first, I will let her play with all her heart content but at last I will have her.

Jay was smiling like a devil, he wants Jia to be his and only his. He was thinking of ways, to trap her.

On the other side

At Kapoor Mansion

While seeing off all the guest , Jia returned to her parents side. They were looking at her in disbelief. "How can you do this? We don't even know , what kind of guy he is. If you just want to play with him, just play. Don't suddenly announce , something like engagement." Said Mr. kapoor.

Jia looked at him and replied , " you know , I don't like toys from the young age father and also I don't like to play around like you and Mother. Once I want something, I will eventually have it and with my own caliber, you know that . Now I think it's getting very late and I don't want to ruin either your or mine time, so I will take my leave. " She looked at Varun, who understood that it's time to leave for them.

He once again said his goodbyes to Mr and Mrs Kapoor and started to walk out with Jia.

Before that Mr. Kapoor screamed, "you Unfilial child, how can you talk, with your parents like this.

We have raised you, you should do what we tell you, just like other daughters. " Jia smirked and looked at him and said, "Mr Kapoor next time try something like this again and see how I will end my relation with both of you. The parties that you are holding and even the house you are staying in, will all be gone , just in a blink, if I want it. The way you both raised me, I should have send you to the old age home but you know how generous I am, so don't try to pull something like this again, else your both fu**ed up stories will end ,in some gossip magazine or any news channel ."

Varun was terrified, like the way she was talking to her parents. He knew how cold hearted , she can become and he don't want to end up in any of those situations. He looked at her and hold her hands terrifyingly. His hands was trembling, Jia looked at him and felt that he was trembling.

She grabbed his hands and walked out of her parents home.

Then she started to move to her car. In the car there was only silence. Varun tried to brake this awkward silence, by asking her, " so what will you do about that, Jay? " She replied, " Nothing, I don't care what he do, but I know he will keep trying to disturb my peace ,sometimes I feel like,he is just a pest. "

Jia looked as she know , he will keep emerging one way or other , so she don't even care as his charms , don't work on her. Varun was looking at her helplessly , he knew that she regards that Jay just ,as a pest but he still thinks that he will try his best, to trying any way to have Jia.

Just the thought of this is ,making Varun crazy. Jia looked at his face and then she told him, " from tomorrow you will come with me to my office as my secretary , as you was previously running a company, so I hope you have at least some knowledge about it. "

She looked at him, with a smug on her face. Varun looked at her and ask her, " are you serious? I can come with you , to you office and yes , I have knowledge about the work. " Jia chuckled and started to speak that, " I thought, you only know about , how to being a narcissist and that no one can match your beauty. "

She laughed, watching her laughing, Varun was mesmerized , he without realising blurted out, " your smile is beautiful. " He then paused and realized just what he said right now. He has gone insane , he was just hoping that , Jia will not kill him right now and silence him forever but Jia just stated that, "I see, you are becoming courageous day by day, my slave but don't worry I won't do anything to you today, as I am in good mood today."

Varun silently thanked his lucky stars, in his mind. They reached the house, Jia took a shower and she went straight to bed. Varun also took a shower and he was also heading to his sofa but before that Jia ordered him, "come to bed and sleep her from now on. "

Varun was shocked , what he heard just now. He asked her, "what do you mean by that. " Jia looked annoyed, "can't you understand human language . " Varun then slowly started to move towards the bed but before that Jia grabbed his hands and pulled him towards her. He fell on top of her.

They were both have a very intense look , while gazing at each other. Varun tried to move but Jia grabbed him and started to kiss him wildly. Varun was lost at first but after sometime he was lost in only kiss , he also kisses her passionately and hungrily. After sometime they both were out of breath. Varun wants to continue on the ,next step but Jia stopped him before that.

"That's all for today, we have a meeting tomorrow Mr slave / Mr secretary. I will decide, when that next step will happen, not you. Varun was sweating like crazy, he ran to the shower to cool his body and mind. He thought that if this continue, he will go insane. This is a torture for ant guy.

After some time ,he moved to the edge of the bed and he tried his best, to not in contact with the body of Jia. She was watching his attempt, and she laughed in her mind and mumble, 'try all you want but you won't have, any escape sweetheart. Just you wait, I will make these days for you, like a living hell. '

The next morning they both started to get ready for the office. Jia told him that ,she has bought a shirt for him and be can wear that. When Varun looked at the shirt, he was surprised as it was one of the most expensive brand shirt and it was to his liking.

He thanked her and they started ,to move to the office together, in her car.

Jay was already there and he was surprised to see Varun beside her. He wanted to know that why Jia have bought her toy boy here. He stared at Varun with annoyance and asked , "What are you doing here, Mr little lover? " Varun simply replied to him, "from today onwards , I am not only Jia's fiancé but also her secretary ." Jay was shocked from hearing this new news.

He looked at Jia for confirmation and she smiled and replied, " My fiance is correct, from today onwards he is also my secretary. " Everyone congratulate , Jia and Varun for their engagement and Varun for his new job. Jia was smiling genuinely at her staff, which was very rare to see. Both Varun and Jay was shocked to see her smile. It was beautiful and breathtaking , it's just like an angel.

Varun can't understand one one hand she coldly reject the people, like her family,who are close to her and on other hand ,she treats her staff like they are her real family. Varun just can't understand who is the real Jia. She is just becoming like a puzzle to him, which he can't solve or even understand.


Sorry guys for the late update, I will try hard to update the story and I wish that you all are liking this story and at last I hope you all are safe and sound .