
My New Life in TBATE

Decided to rewrite the Synopsis as multiple people now have brought to my attention that it makes it seem like MC will just follow Arthur around everywhere and that’s just not the case. Now the synopsis begins. Jaron dies and is given the opportunity to reincarnate into a world of his choosing with one wish to help him along the way. He chooses the world of The Beginning After The End. Born into the body of an orphan of mysterious origins, Jaron uses his knowledge of the books to help himself awaken his core early. He meets new characters as well as familiar ones as he learns about his own origins in this world. He comes to develop a deep bond with his new family and his priories shift. He’s no longer preparing himself just to face the future enemies, but also protect his newfound family. The Helstea’s Hope you enjoy, as I have enjoyed writing this fanfic and it’s changed greatly from what I originally intended for it. I want to try and add some depth to things we just really don’t know. Alright now that the summary is out of the way, here is what you can expect. Upload schedule has so far been fairly consistent with at least one chapter per day and multiple on my days off of work. I can’t promise I’ll always keep that pace, but I will do my best. Also I do not reread or proofread what I have written. I apologize for the many misspellings due to auto correct I’m sure you’ll come across. I’m no expert in writing either, so expect run on sentences and the like, but I do try to keep everything as grammatically correct as possible. Im not the most knowledgeable when it comes to TBATE, so I’ll mostly just be trying my best to make with what I remember. I may even re read the books as I write to keep it fresh in my brain, so if anything is inconsistent with the story I apologize in advance. Oh well, on with the story.

SocioPhobia · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

Friend of the Family

When we got back to the mansion, courtesy of a spare carriage from Priscilla, we immediately had to fill Vincent in on everything that happened. He of course questioned about my cheek, which lead through the whole thing and by the end of it he could only sigh in relief that everything turned out okay.

"We will get you a new sword during the auction, Jaron. Do not worry." I gave him a faint smile as I clutched the handle that remained from my wooden sword. Even with it only being half an hour I could feel the loss of not having my sword. Like a phantom limb it was there but wasn't. The weight felt full until I looked at it and remembered it wasn't.

It's strange feeling this way about a wooden sword for but for all intents and purposes it had become apart of me after these years. It was about time I get real sword anyways, my body is strong enough to handle one, though the size will still be a problem.

"Well actually dad, you don't have to worry about that." I say as I scratch my cheek while looking away.

"Huh? What do you mean? Of course we do! We know how much that sword meant to you. Oh! And what am I going to tell Meredith when she inevitably hears about this." He said while holding a hand to his head, thumb rubbing one temple and middle finger the other.

"I'll talk to head mother, but as for not worrying about the sword… Well Queen Priscilla kind of "offered" to buy anything I wanted at the auction tomorrow." I said with a sheepish smile.

"Well we have to refuse." He said instantly.

"No no, I don't think you understand she "offered" to pay for anything I wanted in return for saving her daughter." He glanced back and forth between me and Tabitha before realization dawned on him.

"Ah so you don't have much choice in the matter." A collective nod was shared between me, Tabitha and Lilia.

"Very well, just make sure to not take advantage of their hospitality. Not that I think you would. Oh who am I kidding, knowing Priscilla and even Blaine I imagine they'll buy several things if you just pick one or 2." Again another set of nod were shared before we heard a loud yawn come from Lilia. Seeing the sky was now dark, and everyone feeling the fatigue of the day we called it a night.

[The Next Day]

The next morning I woke up at the same time I always do, just an hour before the sunrise. I head to the bathroom for my daily routine, but to also check out my scar on my cheek. Standing in front of the mirror I hold a light close to it and take in all the details.

At the height of my cheekbone just an inch below my eye it starts just below the outside corner of my eye and traces a downward arc until it reaches my earlobe. Like most scars it had the jagged tearing remnants at the edges of the scar, the width of it was probably only about half an inch. So not terrible, but it definitely contrasted my previously unblemished skin I imagine the maids and my mother will curse the knife thrower until they die. Both them and the assassin.

I'm not one to be to obsessed with looks but I can't lie I had enjoyed having such good looks. Besides it's not like it's hideous, if anything it just makes me look badass and I'm sure as I grow older it will shrink. Leaving the bathroom I go start my normal workout.

Starting with my warmup stretches, after these past 2 and a half years I had become incredibly flexible. Probably as much as any professional ballet dancer, I know they train for years to get that kind of flexibility, but they also don't have mana.

Stretches out of the way I start my first set of 10 laps around the property with wind drafts equal to 100 pounds of weight. After that is my 1000 sword swings broken up into sets of 100 swings at a time. Obviously I didn't have my sword anymore, but that didn't mean I couldn't still do my swings. A lot of times with stuff like this it's a large part visualization as well.

And after 2 and a half years of 1000 swings I could visualize pretty well. And so I began my swings. After each 100 I would sit and meditate, and today that meditation will be focused on building my core defenses. I realized after Vincent gave me the bracelet that obscures my core and makes it seem like I'm not awakened, that I can't rely on that forever. People who are a high enough level and really want to see through it, could if they wanted to.

Plus it's a good thing to build anyways, as I remember even Arthur wasn't able to see Professor Glory's core level or her mana affinity, also she was able to tell it was him that tried to see it. If I could get my core to that level if not farther that would be the ideal, though I think I need to learn about seals. The only problem with that is that I don't know anything about seals, I don't even remember anything in the novels about seals. Other than they are inscribed on magic items.

Another thing to add to the list I suppose. Focusing back in on my mana core I can tell I'm about halfway to light stage. Just a couple more months and I'll be there and working my way to bust through to silver. I don't know know how hard that will be though, Arthur had the help of the asuras when he made his breakthrough.

Alright, back to my swings.

Usually once I finished my morning workout I would begin my studies until a little after lunch before doing another set of training specifically focused on getting better with magic. Today however we are all going to the auction, which means I will have to skip those for today. It's probably for the next as my training just didn't feel the same today, with the absence of my sword.

Even my running felt awkward because of how used I had gotten to the sword resting in my right hand as I ran. At least I won't have to feel like this for much longer, and hopefully the swords being auctioned are the kind I'm looking for. I'd hate to have to use a non katana style sword, but if it's all that's left I'll make do.

With breakfast finished we all loaded into the carriage and headed to the auction house. We also had one of the guards from the auction house riding with us just in case; even though the attack was on Kathyln and not us specifically, it always serves to be safe rather than sorry. Besides he has plenty of people to spare after he recently renovated the place in anticipation of this 6th annual show.

Currently he's just been looking for a captain/trainer to really get them into shape. Wait, that sounded familiar… The Leywins! How could I have forgotten about the Leywins. They should be arriving any week now. Wow, my body went all tingly for a second there in the anticipation, that's like a real mile marker on the way to the main story line.

Maybe I can travel with the Twin Horn party for my adventuring? Sure I have still have to wait another 6 months, but they could always come back. And I'm sure if Reynolds vouched for them Vincent would agree. However they did lose one child already, so maybe he wouldn't. Oh well something for later, as we just arrived at the auction house.

We were quickly met by the house guards and they escorted us to the private box that we would be staying in with the royal family. While me, Tabitha and Lilia sat and watched as everything was getting set up and the other viewers all took their seats. It truly is a massive auction house, that now after the renovations could hold 3 times as many as before which meant it could now hold a little over 1500 people. It has 10 private boxes that sat above the normal viewers and then stadium style seats going down until you reached the showcase floor.

Sort of a half coliseum style as behind the showcase floor was a curtain and a wall where all the items to be auctioned were stored in waiting. Moments later the Glayder family arrived and we immediately bowed in respect before a booming voice brought us out of it.

"Nonsense, there is no need for my daughters savior to bow before me. Especially if we haven't repaid him yet. Stand Jaron, Tabith and little Lilia." Though he was trying to ease the formalities, with him being a king it just felt like a command more than anything else.

"Thank you for the kindness your majesty." Tabitha said, once again with a small bow.

"Think nothing of it Tabitha, and please while we are in this box just call us by our given names. Over the years I've had many dealings with Vincent and I know that he's probably the most agreeable of the nobles and merchants." He said still giving off the feeling of commanding or what have you, but it's definitely lessening as the conversation goes on. That could also be the occasional glances that Priscilla is shooting him however.

"Now, young Jaron." He speaks again

"Yes, Mr. Blaine?" He chuckles at this.

"I don't quite think I've ever been called Mr. Blaine before, but I'm not averse to it. If it's more comfortable for you and little Lilia, please use it." Me and Lilia give nods in response before he speaks again while placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I wanted to thank you personally for saving my daughter yesterday. I don't know what I would have done if something happen to her. So as Priscilla said yesterday anything you see here today will be yours all you have to do is speak up. As well as this." He is handed a small box by one of his guards and then he holds it out for me to take.

"Thank you, Mr. Blaine. May I open it now?" I ask while staring at the ornate and decorative box. Though box is almost insulting, as it's the highest form craftsmanship with different designs and metals weaves into the fine wood to make up the royal family crest.

"Of course." He says with a nod.

Carefully I prop the hinge attached cover up and what's inside is a circle of metal about the size of a CD from past life with their insignia on it again. I could also feel mana coming from it. The metal glowed a slight blue hue before going back to its shiny grey color. Out of the corner of my eyes I see them all nod their heads at the sight.

"Thank you for this gift, Mr. Blaine, but what is it?" I asked while still curiously studying the disk shaped metal.

"It is our family insignia, and will act as proof of you being a friend of the royal family wherever you go. The blue glow was the magic that's inscribed on it. It roughly judges a persons character and intentions, blue stands for pure, and also strength. Which fits with what I've heard about you." He answers while looking at me.

"I, I don't know what to say other than thank you for trusting me with this." I say with a small bow.

"No need." He waved me off, and as he did Vincent entered the room.

"Ah your majesties, you're already here. He said with a deep bow. Once again thank you all for coming." Vincent immediately said upon entering.

"No need Vincent, besides how could I miss the opportunity to meet my daughters savior. She's taken quite the liking to him from what I understand as well." As he says that you could see Kathyln jolt slightly and her cheeks grow red by a few shades, cutely contrasting her pale skin. She quickly buries her head into her mother's side, who chuckles and pats her head.

"Now dear, don't tease the poor girl." This caused another wave of chuckles from the people present, but I walked over to her.

"How are you, Princess? I hope you are unharmed from yesterday." I say with a gentle smile on my face, and she peeks one eye out from her mother's side. I hear her mumble but can't quite make it out.


"Speak up dear, no one can hear you like that." Priscilla gently chided the girl.

"Kathyln, don't call me princess." She mustered up the courage to look my way only for the redness to return so still the last part was slightly mumbled.

"Now that just won't do princess, for you still need protecting. Perhaps when you grow stronger, you can be Kathyln as I see a powerful mage wielding that name." I finish with a wry grin, and could see a slight sparkle in her dark black eyes at the sound of being a powerful mage.

""Ladies and Gentlemen if I could have your attention!"" A mana voice that seemed to be amplified around the stadium spoke out.

"It's starting, please prepare yourselves." Vincent said quickly and calmly.

""The auction is about to begin!""


Author's Note

First apologies if you got tricked by the title into thinking the Leywins were gonna show up.

Second idk what happened and how this turned into a long chapter. We left the Helstea mansion at only 900 some words and then the next thing I knew I was at 2200. To let you know how surprising that is, the next chapter will have the title that this chapter was supposed to have.

I guess that just shows how much I've been enjoying writing this FF. Also how is the "romance" I know it's not like true romance yet as they are only 4 and that would be weird. (Sorry not sorry lolis) But I hope I'm setting them up well enough for the future.

We will either meet the Leywins next chapter, or the chapter following. Most likely the following one, as I might accidentally write 2k words just on the things he gets from the auction.

Thanks for reading.
