
Unexpected plans.

Me, Tabitha and Lilia all boarded the carriage and headed into the main city. The carriage driver would drop us off before returning to get Vincent to bring him after an hour as they had decided to have us all eat at a popular high class restaurant. I imagine it's the equivalent of 5 stars restaurant in my past life as only rich merchants or nobles have the money to afford this place.

First however came the shopping, luckily Tabitha really does have a good fashion sense and generally picks out things that I like anyways. This time was no different as she had already decided that we would match tomorrow at the auction. I would have a kids version of what Vincent planned to wear and Lilia would do the same with Tabitha.

(AN: see commented picture for reference.)

While they would be similar the color schemes were obviously chosen to best suit the wearer. So mine was a black noblemen's style jacket with the trimmings and buttons being a bright blue. As well as the neck wear was a bright blue, I'm not sure as to the name of if, but looking at it made me think of a wash cloth or napkin bundled near the top while letting the rest hang down.

Black pants paired with black boots that ended just below the knees, and a wide flap belt that wrapped around at my stomach. With her knowing me she also ordered a swordsman's belt with a soft leather sheath that could hold my wooden sword. I was truly grateful because I thought I would have to leave my sword during the auction in order to look the nobleman part.

Just before we were about to leave someone called out to Tabitha.

"Tabitha? Tabitha Helstea?" A soft, melodious voice called out. Tabitha turned around quickly to see none other than the Queen of Sapin, Priscilla Glayder. After a brief moment of shock, she quickly gathers both me and Lilia and has us bow before Priscilla.

"Now now, no need for any of that. This isn't a formal meeting." She said as she approached putting a hand on Tabitha's shoulder as to raise her up. With those words me and Lilia looked up at her, and I'm embarrassed to say I was starstruck. In my defense however it's not everyday you see royalty, especially not in person.

It's one thing to read or see pictures about them, but I'm person you can feel a sort of aura around them.

"Thank you, your majesty." Tabitha says as she stands straight again.

"Please Tabitha, Priscilla is fine. I already have guards and maids at the castle who only call me majesty. At least let me get a reprieve from it in the casual acquaintance of a friend." She says with a bright smile that almost felt foreign on her ice Queen like face.

"Yes, you- I mean Priscilla. Thank you for considering me as such." She said with a pleasant smile on her face. "Are you here alone, Priscilla?"

"Hmm? No I'm not. Children come out and say hi to Mrs. Helstea and her children. Though Blaine is not here with us, he's not much of one for the crowded streets." As she said this 2 children popped out on either side of her. One a few years older that heavily favored the king in looks, it was none other than Curtis Glayder. Surprisingly I could feel a decent amount of mana within him, and could tell he would awaken in the next few years.

Next was the carbon copy of Queen Priscilla, though she didn't have the emotionless face yet that she will as she gets older, the rest of the features were there. Small and doll like, with porcelain smooth skin that's only a few shades lighter than my own. Big dark eyes, and long dark hair that reaches the middle of her back free flowing.

She seemed small even for her age and something in me felt the need to protect her. Her eyes locked with mine and they widened quickly before she shook her head at went back to the smiling face she had. It seems she's already getting trained on controlling her emotions, which is a bit sad as she has a great smile.

Looking from her to Priscilla and Curtis I see 2 different reactions. Priscilla has a knowing smile that all mothers seem to possess, while Curtis had a restrained glare. From what I understood about his character is that as child he was arrogant because of his position as prince, but who could blame him? It was restrained though, so maybe he's already starting to change a little at the time.

"Children introduce yourselves." Priscilla says while placing her hands on their shoulders. Curtis steps forward first and puffs out his chest.

"I'm Curtis and I'm going to become the strongest King of Sapin, so that I can protect my family and all the inhabitants of Sapin."

A respectable and honestly surprising wish from a prince, especially in this kingdom. It's been relatively peaceful for a while, but not only that his father the current king is only a red stage mage.

"I am Kathyln Glayder. I want to grow up to be dependable like my mother." She's says slowly and measured, I could see a bit of nervousness in her expression, but it was hidden quite well that most would miss it.

"Those are wonderful goals, and I'm sure you'll both be able to reach them. Now your turn kids." Now Tabitha pushes us forward slightly to introduce ourselves as well. Seeing that Lilia looks very nervous I decide to go first.

"My name is Jaron Helstea, I was adopted 2 and a half years ago. I want to become strong enough to repay my family as well as protect them and my future friends." Thought that's not quite all of it, it should do for a first time meeting with a Queen, prince and a princess. I get a curious glance from the Queen, but also another glare from Curtis that practically said 'You're not even a true noble and you're looking at my sister?!'

His glare quickly vanished when his mother seemed to pinch him on the back. Thankfully Kathyln didn't seem to have any averse reaction to my being an orphan statement. Finally Lilia spoke up although her nervousness shown through.

"I-I'm Li-Lilia H-h-helstea. Pleased to meet you." She finished before clutching Tabitha's dress with one hand. This earned a smile from the Queen and Tabitha.

"We must sit down and catch up, I would love to hear more about these little ones." Priscilla said

"Well actually we were shopping until Vincent got here before we went to Beauregard's Berceuse for a family dinner. You're welcome to join us." Tabitha quickly replied.

"That sounds wonderful, we were going to eat there after the auction, but depending how long it runs we may be too tired, so this is perfect. Hammond."

"Yes, my Queen?" A big guard in metal armor stepped forth before bowing.

"Go inform my husband where we will be eating, and that his appearance is.. requested." She said however the word requested was said with the same effect as if someone said required. It seems the king is not much one for these sort of things. Maybe he just doesn't have any friends and this is the queens attempt at getting him to be friends with Vincent.

"As you command, my Queen." Hammond bows once more before quickly exiting the clothing store. Priscilla then looks around and realization dawns on her that we've been taking up the store this whole time.

"Dina, please pay for the Helstea's things and then buy a few dresses for me and Kathyln as well as a couple suits for Blaine and Curtis. I'm sure you know our measurements. Have them brought back to where we are staying." A woman with sandy blonde hair and big round glasses stepped forward and bowed.

"Yes, Queen Priscilla." She said before she took off towards the store owner. Tabitha looked ready to refute the offer, but a big smile from the Queen seemed to make her choose differently. Man, queens are scary, imagine that kind of money to just buy so many things just because you took up time in their store. If anything just you being in here would have have boosted sales in the coming weeks as people would obviously want to shop in the same store their Queen did.

"Now lets go ahead and make our way to the restaurant, it feels good to stretch our legs from time to time instead of being cooped up in the carriage." Priscilla took charge as she walked outside and we deftly fell in line behind her. To my amusement I saw Curtis huff and slightly stomp his feet before a quick glance from Priscilla made him stand up straight and not stomp.

By happenstance or possibly by design of the 2 scheming mothers, I was walking beside Kathyln and Curtis was walking beside Lilia. As we were walking toward the restaurant a commotion was heard from behind us. Turning around I see a small man in a cloak running towards us with a knife in his hand.

The guards get between us and the man right as he throws his knife, while they focused on stopping that knife however a second came from the hidden recesses of an alleyway headed straight for Kathyln. I could hear the beginning of Priscilla shouting in warning, and could even see the guards trying summon up a spell to stop it, but at the speed the knife was thrown and seemingly powered by wind magic they wouldn't make it in time.

Pushing Kathyln slightly with my left hand I reach and draw my sword with my right simultaneously. I couldn't use any mana as to not draw any more attention than what this is about to, but I still had 2 and half years for swinging this sword everyday for hours. My grip was relaxed and I tracked the path of the knife, even with my nudge the knife was still heading toward Kathyln. Conjurer? Are they controlling the flight path?

Just as the knife was 2 feet away I quickly slashed with one hand upwards to knock the knife off track. Though without being able to reinforce it with mana it barely adjusted the course meaning it would still hit her if I hadn't already known that would happen. As I had continued my shove while at the same time stepping into the flight path.

Luckily I had diverted it enough that it only sliced my cheek just below my left eye, causing a deep gash to form and blood to spill. Kathyln was already on the ground at that point with a brief screen as she looked up at me seeing the wound on my cheek. I sheathed my sword before quickly helping the princess back up, and giving her a smile.

"You need to be more careful, princess. I won't always be here to protect you." She had tears in her eyes and pointed at my cheek.

"You're hurt." Any response of mine was cutoff when I heard the Queen and Curtis rush towards Kathyln.

""Kathyln!"" They both shouted as they rushed forward, and checked her for wounds. I took a step back to be met by the scared expression of Tabitha and Lilia as she quickly produced a handkerchief to staunch the bleeding of my cheek.

"What were you thinking!? You could have been killed!" Tabitha yelled as she had tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Come on mom, it's just a scratch. Besides it's not like I could just stand there and do nothing. If I thought I was in real danger I wouldn't have hesitated to use it." I said nonchalantly, but finished the last in a whisper. Realization dawned in her eyes and she nodded, but still held the cloth to my cheek.

"Thank you so much Jaron, I don't know what I could do to repay you. Oh! You're hurt!" Priscilla started before realizing I actually did have a pretty deep gash across my cheek that will probably leave a big scar.

"Hugo! Please heal young Jaron's cheek."

"Right away my Queen." He hurriedly rushed over to me and a green glow flowed from his fingertips and I could feel my skin begin to stitch itself together.

"Sorry kid, the wound was too deep so you'll have to keep the scar. But I don't think anyone will look badly upon a scar you gained at 4 protecting the princess. If you ever need anything just ask, you did us a huge favor today. All of us would have been crushed had something happened to the princess." He said as he finished healing my cheek and then patting my shoulder firmly. I gave him a resolute nod.

"No thanks needed, I couldn't possibly allow a wound such as this to scar the princess' skin." He gave me one more pat on the shoulder as did the rest of the guards that hadn't went chasing off after the assassins.

"Bowman, I want a report on those assassins as soon as you know more. Get one to Blaine as well, also I think it best if we cancel our dinner plans. I'm sure he'll be happy about that at least." Priscilla said

"Thank you again Jaron, we owe you." I went to deny it, but the look I got promised that this was nonnegotiable. Curtis also approached me with his hand outstretched for a handshake, I held mine out and he gripped it firmly.

"Thank you for protecting my sister. I shall remember this." I give him a firm nod as we shake hands, only for the bro moment to end when I hear Lilia speak up.

"Brother, your sword." She said sadly as she held the remaining pieces of my sword, and I too had a deep pang of sadness go through me seeing the sword. The same one that Maeve had gifted me. Tabitha also rested a consoling hand on my shoulder as she knew the significance of the sword and how much I cherished it.

"Ahem, it seems I've already found the way to repay you even if just a little. Tomorrow at the auction choose anything you want and we shall get it for you" Priscilla spoke up from behind us, this time both me and Tabitha went to begin saying we couldn't accept such a thing.

"I will not take anything but "yes Priscilla" for answer." She said unmovingly. We both could only sigh in exasperation.

""Thank you, Priscilla."" We both said and a happy smile formed on the queens face.

"Good. Now we will see you tomorrow at the auction. I hate that our plans got ruined, but let's plan to eat after the auction. Another way of us saying thanks to you all." Priscilla spoke.

"That sounds like a great idea, Priscilla. I don't think I could eat anything after the… excitement of everything that just happened." Tabitha answered for us, and me and Lilia nodded.

"Very well, see you all tomorrow." She said as she turned to toward the carriage that had been brought for them. Kathyln stared at me for a second longer before waving, which I returned with a wave of my own. Once again catching my mother and the queen smiling with that same damn smile. I could only smile myself while feeling a tick mark forming on my brow.


Author's Note

First sorry for the long chapter, this scene ran a little longer than I expected it to.

Second. The love interest path for Kathyln Glayder is now unlocked. I'm sure a lot of you probably figured this after I said Lilia wouldn't be the love interest, or maybe you hoped I would cuck

Arthur and get Tess, but nope. Honestly my top picks for possible love interests was Kathyln and Claire Bladeheart.

Also I never realized her name was spelled Kathyln and not Kathlyn. Imagine my surprise, so if anywhere you see it spelled wrong let me know.

Also we got a royal credit card tomorrow for the auction! It will be less dramatic compared to this and I'll likely gloss over the dinner afterwards as we have to introduce the Leywins next. How will they feel seeing another young prodigy?

Thanks for reading.


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