

After a few hours of travelling the sun was nearly down. The forest was cool and as quiet as every as the small band of skeletons marched with their king on the throne; two other small ones carried the blanket with the girl in it.

Dark still had not died, so it was a sign the mage hunters had not crossed the desert and started exploring the forest - he was safe to camp for the night, or at least for part of it.

Jay found another decent camping spot, a similar area to before: three large trees forming an enclosed area between them.

Tonight he would have two more skeletons with him: Lamp and Handy. Each of them still didn't have minds, along with Sweeper.

So far, the skeletons with minds, which were Blue, Red, Dark and Heavy, all seemed to get along with each other and the non-mind skeletons.

Some even recognized the authority of and took orders from Blue.