
Harsh Lesson

“Say, what are the farmers doing?” Jay asked Paul, pointing at the large teepee structures.

“...and why are they covering them with dirt?”

“Oh. That’s how they make charcoal. Burning the wood with less air creates charcoal. I’m not really sure how it works though.” Paul shrugged, finally deciding to just pick Peter up and carry him to the guild.

“Oh okay, thanks… Thanks for today.”

“You’re welcome mate, and again, nice work. You kept your mind clear and focused out there…” Paul looked at some more adventurers fighting over the antlers, “...it’s a shame more aren’t like that.”

With a nod, Paul marched off, chatting to the other guard as he carried Peter.

“Charcoal huh…” Jay scratched his chin, watching the whole process.

“I suppose it must be for forges or alchemy,” he guessed.

Anya had been quietly following Jay the whole time - they were meant to be running into the mist keep dungeon today after all.