
Adventure time

The next day

It was a Thursday afternoon , Davida had left back to the capital city that Morning , Jessy was still getting used to living with her nanny in her house. It was a busy and hot afternoon , The city of Douala is generally known for too much heat throughout the year , It is one of the hottest cities in the country . Jessy sat outside the balcony watching how people were busy goin up and down . Carrying out thier daily activities . They leaved in an open neighborhood so it was quite easy for anyone to see the road from thier front yard.

I wonder what could be fun in this place , everything is just so bizarre , gosh I 'm already fed up . plus its too hot here. Jessy fretted and started panicking while using her hand to fan herself I can't take this .

Relax ! A voice from behind said ,causing Jessy to scream out of fright . She quickly turned around to see who it was ...Little girl! Jessy saw the little girl she saw last night standing just beside the door you live here.. she continued .

Its obvious isn't it ? , plus my name is Anna ! Anna replied as she walked slowly down the four stairs linking the balcony to the yard .

Do you need to behave like a ghost ? Jessy quipped.

I am tryin to be in my best mood!.. Anna replied with a little frown on her face .

Well that mood is still not the best , it freaks me out... Jessy replied .

Thats your business. Anna whispered to herself . How old are you little girl ? Jessy asked curiously, I am 15 Anna replied. wow you are grown up! Jessy exclaimed.

Listen so as you know I am new here and I need to get acquainted , do you think you can show me around ? Jessy asked nicely.

Sure thing, I will when you are ready .

Just then Miss Dorathy alighted a motorcycle with her bags just infront of the house, Anna rushed to go help her carry her market bags . Jessy wondered how can a little bike carry these market bags .

Wow nanny I didn't know bikes are this useful here . Jessy said with a smile .

They are the only easiest means of transport . Miss Dorathy confirmed. And fastest too huh Jessy added .

But nanny isn't it risky ? you know accidents are frequent with these bikes .

Miss Dorathy laughed wearily as she put her hands on Jessy's shoulder , Baby girl , we are used to these things, besides I have no other option . Oh oh yes u do nanny , my driver will bring my car this weekend , he can drive you where ever you wanna go .Jessy grinned.

But if he comes here , it's to ease your transport I mean you go to school don't you ? Asked Miss Dorathy . Well it is ok , I live here , so it is now a family ride . Jessy replied . And plus I will not be needing it often , this place is like survival of the fittest , one gotta survive. Jessy teased while trying to sit on one of the stirs .

Mami ( a local way of calling mother in pidgin English ) did you hear that ? She called this place a jungle Anna agitated .

Oh it is fine I am sure she didn't mean it that way , Come lets go cook , it is getting to launch time. whispered Miss Dorathy while ushering Anna to the kitchen.

The outside Kitchen as it was normally called was just beside the main doorway to enter the house, meaning every discussion in the living room especially if its loud enough could be heard in the kitchen and vice versa .

Oh I think I saw some huckleberry vegetables

how is it called again in pidgin Jessy asked ...

Jama jama ( local way of calling huckleberry vegetable ) Anna yelled from the kitchen . Yes Jama jama! Jessy confirmed , I am gonna eat plenty of that but no corn flour . More for us then Anna shouted again from the kitchen . Punk! she whispered to herself . Miss Dorathy who was with her in the kitchen gave her a disgustful look .

What! she is just too ... why do I have to be nice to her ? challenged Anna .

Because She is my job . I get paid to allow her stay in my house , she can rent a big apartment bigger than our house , but she chose here , it is my responsibility to make her feel comfortable so please "no spoil my market oh " ( pidgin way of saying dont mess up my business ) Miss Dorathy cautioned Anna. Yes mam ! Anna replied .