
The life saver

Destiny always carries us to where we belong , whether we like it or not.

Jessy's POV

Life isn't always as we plan , I totally got that now , I couldn't tell if this was the worst year of my life ever or it was just part of it . Uff! All I knew was I was determined to get pass this stage successfully . Its been over 3 weeks and I had started my Masters program and I must admit Davida was right. This was the best option I have gained more focus than ever, my nanny is very supportive and her annoyin lil girl is a great companion . In fact I think I have started liking it here.

While I am here , I had three goals to achieve

1) Stay sexy and classy

2)Graduate as a 1st class student

3) Get a soulmate .

Highlight the 3rd Goal . Hmmmm ! The first two are easy pizzy for me , but the third .... I am not the girl who dates a lot of boys . Yup I turn them down to an extend that some people thought I was a lesbian .Which made sense , if you are not into boys , you are into girls rightl . Ha not really , cos I was not into premature boys, who are not serious . I was looking for my Mr right . Well let us see how that will work.

I will just take everyday to be an adventure for me .

After Lectures it was exactly 7:33 pm every student was leaving the campus , Jessy stood there waiting for her driver , he had wasted so much time than usual , She began to worry what had happened as she watch everyone leaving the campus . Hey Jess! Sup Americana ... One of her classmates teased ( Americana is a nick name given to people who has the American accent , Jessy's classmates thought she sounded like an American ) . L O L ! Nothing , just waiting for my ride Jessy replied . Oh there he comes, she added. Ok see you on Monday then good night . Said her classmate as he drifted away from her. What the hell took u so long! Jessy scolded . I am sorry Mam.. It i .. i it was traffic. Daniel her driver stuttered . Well as you can see you are late , and I am not gettin in that car Jessy said as she hit the road on foot . But mam it's late and dangerous out there... Daniel ran after her trying to persuade her not to trek home. Hey young man listen up! You go get that car and go home , I will meet you there Jessy insisted. After numerous attempt to stop Jessy from trekking , Daniel gave up trying to stop Jessy so he decided to follow her with the car from behind .

Jessy's POV

Dont ask me nothing , I know Daniel is right it could be pretty dangerous out here, but I am enjoying this. Everything so on point . I have never thought it was this exciting . Plus its windy . Wait windy ? oh no I think its gonna rain soon . I better take a short cut , oh don't think I am stupid , I have my google map on so I know my way .

Beep beep beep beeeeeeep! Daniel hooted , Mam you can't use that road , it is isolated and this car can't drive on it Daniel explained as Jessy tried to take a short cut .

You dont have to follow me , just stick to your lane and I'll do same, Jessy replied . But mam it is really dangerous can you just get in the car lets go... Daniel grumbled , "ah.. we for don reach house by now ooh" ( pidgin English for " We would have been home by now") Daniel added. Jessy insisted on taking the road she wanted leaving Daniel with no choice but to go home alone.

Daniel's thoughts

Hmm ! really this rich kids think they have to beg them all the time , if something happens to her now I will be held responsible for it , See how she moves like someone who cannot hurt a fly .

But why is she doing this !? Why am I even bothered ,? I am only her driver , not bodyguard . I should just go home in peace as she said .

Jessy continued on her journey home, passing through the isolated narrow road. It was very dark and no single soul was found on the road , very quiet too. The only sound that could be heard was the rumble of thunderstorms indicating that it was going to rain soon. The road was so clear, everyone was rushing to thier destinations trying to avoid the rain .

Jessy's thoughts of regrets

Omg this is probably one silly thing I'm doing today , I feel so cold , I hope my GPS is doing a great job .

Just then it started raining cats and dogs , the only thing on Jessy's mind was getting home as soon as possible (Asap). But that looked so impossible as she was so wet and cold .

Ha! at last , a shelter. Jessy shouted happily as she found shelter under the roof of a restaurant that was closed for the day . She sat there with the aim of hitting the road again when the rain was over or subsided. I feel so cold . I dont think I'm gonna cope. Maybe I should call Daniel to come get me . Jessy said while shivering . Oh damn ! this asshole of a phone is off , oooh what am I gonna do ? Jessy began to worry . Wait a minuit, is this not a weekend ? why is there no merriment ? No club open , no bar ? what bush place is this Jessy wondered as she gazed around trying to see if she was secured where she was. The rest of the story was history .

The next Morning

"I am going to work soon" Sedrick said. Jessy slowly opened her eyes while thinking about the words " I am going to work soon" She felt like she had gone back to her childhood life , the memories of how her dad never had time for her and was always getting ready to go to work refreshed in her mind.

Miss... Miss... a servant to Sedrick called . Jessy slowly looked at his direction , she was still half as sleep . Bring her breakfast! Sedrick ordered . Sedrick's deep authoritative voice was so attractive that Jessy kept thinking she was dreaming . Sedrick was standing just beside the head of a king size bed . when Jessy opened her eyes fully, she drooled over Sedrick's sexy body figure, as she rolled her eyes up , she could see a fine, handsome , tall , body built , young man .

Oh my Gosh this is a dream how come I am with my dream man , ? Jessy said while blushing . Look at his strong sexy six packs, his hair so nice , his face so handsome,Jessy swooned in excitement .

Hello ..... , you can stop dreaming now. Sedrick said calmly .

Oh my gosh whe.....where am I ? Jessy sputtered . I was thinking that would have been the first thing you would ask when you woke up... Sedrick replied.

uuuhm I think I just asked , Jessy said.

I am Sedrick . Sedrick tried to introduce himself .

By the way who are you? Jessy interrupted .

I just introduced myself. Sedrick replied .

Well it means nothing and what am I doing in your house ? Jessy asked curiously . Yesterday I found you unconscious under some building and I thought of bringing you here. You had nothing on you that led me to your house . Sedrick tried to explain .

Oh ha! So you just bring every unconscious person to your house huh ? Jessy provoked

Young lady... you should be thanking me for saving your life . Sedrick exploded.

ah! thank you ... are you satisfied ? Who knows what you have done to me . Jessy said sarcastically .

I beg your pardon ! what do you mean by that. Sedrick agitated .

I wanna go home!. Jessy ordered . That is exactly what you to do , leave my house! Sedrick replied angrily.

Dont you dare yell at me ! who the hell do you think you are ?! Jessy shouted back while giving Sedrick a stern look into his eyes.

They remained in that position for some seconds, then suddenly Jessy burst into laughter . Chill man I was only messing with you, you should have seen your face . Jessy said while laughing .

Get out of my house when you are done! Sedrick ordered!

Such an annoyin brat. Sedrick murmured to himself . Show her the footage about last night on cc camera . Sedrick ordered his Servant as he left the room angrily

Oh come on don't be like that , I was just messing with you. psss! what is wrong with him. Jessy wondered .

Mam your breakfast is ready , The maid informed Jessy.

The person who told you I'm hungry is dumb. Jessy replied as she tries to leave the room . I'll take you home Mam. Sedrick's driver Landrine said. I know my way out ! Jessy replied as she hurriedly left the room.

She was marvelled by what she saw when she got out side the room . O M G! issa fancy house . Jessy said to herself .

Ok I will need just a lil help , Jessy said to Landrine who was right behind her.

The ride to Jessy's home.

Jessy accepted to ride with Landrine to her house . While in the car , Jessy thought how unfair she was to accuse Sedrick of doing something bad to her while she was unconscious. After a short distance of silence , So does your boss have a name? Jessy asked Landrine. He didn't reply , he remained silent.

Uuhm ... hello I dont think I am alone here , Jessy said . Ok fine , can you gimme his telephone number ? I just wanna call and thank him for helping me last night and stop giving me that look! Landrine still remained silent . Look I know everyone here is already grumpy , but honey you don't have to be this extra with me. Do you have a problem with me ? Jessy asked . whore! Landrine murmured . Excuse me did you say something Jessy asked . Landrine quickly shook his head in denial . No! I heard you. You just called me a whore, what the hell ? Jessy got mad . Yes ! You are a whore. it is girls like you who deprive me of my benefits . Landrine Spoke up , airing his mind .

I am a lil bit ... no I am very much confused , what are you talking about ? Jessy was curious . After he fucks any girl , he makes it a habit to give them money and you my dear is not left out so don't think you are so special . Landrine Provoked .

Ouch! Jessy exclaimed .

Yes that is the ouchy part of the story, what you gonna do about it huh. Landrine teased .

Jessy's P O V

I didn't know if that "ouch" was for the fact that my dream man was a play boy or for the fact that his weird driver is so miserable or for the fact that he treated me as one of his bitches. I am not even bothered cos I saw the footage , he did nothing , he was caring .

Just then Jessy looked in her bag and saw some money in it , it didn't belong to her . Damn he is right , he did put money in my bag , what gave him the right. Jessy thought to herself .

How many girl friends do your boss have? Jessy asked .

Ha! he doesn't do girlfriends , he does bitches Landrine replied .

So issa "cum and go" relationship ? Jessy asked . Hahaha , yes now you get it . Landrine confirmed . See I want his number , I gotta return this money. Jessy demanded .

Return wha ... what ! ha you just pretending don't tell me you don't like money ? No!I am not giving you his number . Landrine replied. Hey ! Mr ... look at me ? I dunno what benefits you talked of but we can make a deal , give me his number and I'll pay you. Jessy said . You are trying to bribe me ? Landrine was amazed .

No I am asking you a favor. Jessy replied. Landrine still refuse to give her, but Jessy didn't give up , she went as far as distracting Landrine while he was driving . Stop please you gonna get us killed! Landrine cried.

Oh so you know I am not afraid of death , Jessy said proudly .

Ok ok I will give you his personal card. Landrine replied.

Stop the car! Jessy demanded .

Huh! why ? Landrine was confused .

That's my driver. Jessy said. Landrine stopped the car, Jessy jumped out of the car. Her nanny saw her from a distance , ran towards her, hugged her . O my god Jessy I was so worried what happened to you ?

I am ok nanny just some lil things happened yesterday , but I was saved by a good Samaritan . Jessy explained .

Is this him? Miss Dorathy asked referring to Sedrick's driver .

No my boss is. he replied .

I was so worried , Daniel told me all , you are such a stubborn girl. Miss Dorathy complained .

I am sorry but it was kinda fun. Jessy smiled , Lets go home , please kindly thank your boss for me Miss Dorathy said to the driver.

At Miss Dorathy's home

Do my parents know about this ? Jessy asked miss Dorathy .

I will make breakfast Miss Dorathy tried to ignored the question .

Will they scold at me ? Jessy persisted .

Miss Dorathy sighed , I had to tell your mom dear and your Sister . She continued . ha! unno I bet Sis is gonna call , but Mom is not , she never does.

How much you have to lose ? Jessy said playfully .

Your mom isn't that bad c'mon... Miss Dorathy said.

Well we shall see about that Jessy replied. Come have breakfast and tell me all that happened to you last night.

Miss Dorathy invited Jessy over to the dinning table.