
Multiple Battlefields

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


After arriving at Ingrassia, Yuki didn't rush like an idiot as he was pretty sure that they must have laid a trap for him "Let's do a few investigations first" muttered Yuki before he found a not heavily guarded side of the wall that surrounded the capital of Ingrassia and phased through it using phantom phase…

After entering, Yuki's green eyes started shining eerily as he thought 'This trip is going to be quite fruitful for me, and miserable for this kingdom'

Then he immediately disappeared and started investigating what happened exactly since there most likely were witnesses to a fight of that scale…

Meanwhile back at the federation, They were suddenly visited by a beautiful woman, she had light green hair and blue eyes and she appeared quite shy as she approached the settlement and was stopped by some of the hobgoblins standing guard, however she said that she was only a traveler and after consulting Rimuru, they decided to let her stay since she appeared harmless… This was of course Mjurran, one of Clayman's strongest subordinates and Rimuru will soon regret his kindhearted decision…

'They seem nice, I feel bad for what I'm going to do to them… but I guess I can't disobey that bastard Clayman' she thought with a tired sigh at the helpless life she has to live because of the curse Clayman cast on her…

"Rimuru-sama, are you sure it's okay to accept strangers at this time?" Asked Benimaru who wasn't as trusting as Rimuru and the stupid slime simply shook his head and said "It's okay, Gerdal will keep watch on her in case she tries anything…"

Benimaru wasn't convinced but he nodded in the end and said "As you wish, however if she shows any suspicious movement, I will kill her right away"

Rimuru was a bit against the idea of killing right away but he still nodded since he understood that Benimaru was only this paranoid because of the news that they might be attacked by a few kingdoms…

'It seems like they won't let us live in peace if we don't show our power…' Thought Rimuru before he noticed Souei's expression changing and the latter immediately said "Rimuru-sama, some of the clones I use for surveillance had suddenly died… The enemies have probably already arrived…"

"Order everyone to prepare for enemy attack, we will…" However, before Rimuru could even finish what he was saying, they suddenly heard the sound of Gerdal getting blasted away as he moaned in pain and the girl that they just invited was suddenly emitting a terrifying amount of magicules which she used to create a giant barrier that covered all of their town…

Rimuru instantly analyzed the barrier and great sage told him that it was an anti-magic barrier that prevented the use of magic, which in turn weakened every being that relies on the use of magic and that included the monsters inhabiting the village

"That bitch!" Yelled Benimaru before he unsheathed his sword and rushed at Mjurran only to find himself getting blocked by a human

"Yo, you monsters are already done for" Spoke a young man before he yelled "Unique skill Berserker" as he rushed toward Benimaru with his fists…

Many more humans appeared as well, and all of them were otherworlders from the various kingdoms, but the most notable of all was a woman with short black hair that locked into Rimuru and said "Where's Shizue sensei?"

Rimuru was instantly triggered and yelled back "Sensei? How dare you call her that after what you people did to her! You don't deserve to be her students"

Hinata frowned at him and said "Did what? Where's that bastard Yuki?"

Rimuru frowned at her as well and said "Don't play dumb with me. He already went to get revenge for Shizue, and I won't allow you to stop him"

Hinata let out a sigh before she took out her sword and said "I will just kill all of you vermin and go after that liar's head" Then she rushed at Rimuru while the holly knights laid out a magicules purifying barrier that further weakened the monsters…

'This is bad, how did they set up these barriers so quickly? Was that woman working with them from the start?' wondered Rimuru before he put all his attention on Hinata since he could tell that he can't afford to divert his attention from her…


Meanwhile, in Dwargon, Gazel finally convinced Elmesia to not invade the federation with the other kingdoms, however this delayed them a lot and he couldn't help but think 'This woman… she kept wasting time on purpose…' then he quickly ordered his Pegasus riders to set out to the federation to assist them, although it might be already too late… 'I hope you can hold on until we arrive' thought Gazel…


After gathering enough information in Ingrassia, Yuki finally found out what exactly happened… Apparently, there were many posters of Shizue saying that anyone that can catch her and bring her to the free guild will be heavily rewarded and people were awarded even if they provided simple information. So, the moment that poor girl set foot into the capital city of Ingrassia, countless people started rushing to the free guild to inform them of her appearing and just as they did, multiple adventurer groups that were of A rank and even A+ Rank like Shizue used to be, all instantly attacked her to get the bounty.

Shizue of course fought back fearlessly. However, she couldn't defeat all those enemies, especially when she kept thinking of the common civilians and what would happen if she goes all out which was a fatal mistake as the others didn't care as much as she did and they ended up taking her down…

Meanwhile, Dariun who was flying around the capital sensed the shockwaves of the fight and instantly flew over and immediately started raining wind blades in rage at the adventurers in his attempt to save Shizue but then he was stopped by none other than Yuuki, the grandmaster of the free guild who declared him as a danger to the populace and destroyed him with his abilities… Before he let him escape in a half-dead state for his own reasons…

'Let's start with those adventurer groups that survived Dariun's assault' thought Yuki coldly as he disappeared like a ghost and started visiting the bases of those adventurer groups…

There were no sounds of fighting, no sounds of struggling… although soon in the future people would discover multiple massacred groups laying naked in their own blood with all their belongings and treasurers stolen… These incidents will be known as the massacres of the perverted ghost…

It took Yuki about an hour to deal with all the adventurers that attacked Shizue, and after he was finished, he turned his attention to his final destination, the free guild headquarters… It was a huge modern building that almost felt out of place in this fantasy world, but Yuki didn't appreciate the beauty at all as his only thought was 'This must have cost a lot huh?' Then he smirked coldly and entered the building with the intention to destroy it.

However, just as he did, two barriers similar to the ones used on the federation activated instantly and he felt his strong body weakening significantly as it was powered by magic and one of the barriers kept trying to purify it. However, it was a very slow process thanks to his strong body and resistance, not to mention that his magic core wasn't affected at all!

"Welcome to the free guild, Yuki Chibana-san, how may I help you?" Spoke a smiling young man in front of Yuki

Yuki smirked slightly and said "I didn't expect I would be greeted by the grandmaster himself"

"You shouldn't be humble, you deserve the highest level of attention" replied Yuuki still with the same annoying smile on his face, but it soon disappeared as Yuki's fist suddenly greeted his face before he could react and sent him flying through many walls before he stopped and coughed some blood from his mouth

"Go ahead, smile some more" Said Yuki with a cruel smile before he used frozen snare to root him in place but the asshole actually smiled and said "skills do not work on me"

'Hmm?' Yuki watched in surprise as Yuuki simply absorbed his skill but he ignored it and approached him again at a terrifying speed, this time his quick step was on cooldown so the asshole was able to react and blocked Yuki's punch. However, despite the difference in their strength, Yuuki was able to take that punch head-on, and it was all thanks to a sudden repulsive force that he used to assist himself…

'Did he absorb my frozen snare and used it to generate that force?' Yuki's mind instantly understood what happened and narrowed his eyes at Yuuki before he started exchanging punches with him at a very fast rate and the latter didn't seem to have that weird force which confirmed Yuki's guess as he sent him flying once more…

However, Yuuki used a skill and instantly recovered all of his health before he smiled at Yuki and said "It seems like it will take a while before your body weakens, I need to get a little bit serious the--"

"Shut the fuck up" Said Yuki coldly before he punched him through the floor causing him to cough up more blood and kept punching him until Yuuki used his psychokinesis ability and pushed Yuki away from him…

"Tch, don't think too highly of yourself" Said Yuuki before he suddenly created multiple clones and they started bombarding Yuki with all kinds of skills… However, not even a scratch was left on Yuki's body which made Yuuki start to realize that he actually fucked up…

"Kagali, Laplace, help me!" yelled Yuuki, and right after Kagali and Laplace who were watching this from a short distance away suddenly appeared and attacked Yuki as well with all kinds of explosives and curses.

However, Yuki simply smiled at them eerily and his voice echoed despite all of the explosions "Aura of corruption"

"BARRIER" Yelled Yuuki and created a barrier to block the aura of corruption but it was getting corroded quickly which prompted Kagali and Laplace to also use barriers of their own to stall for time while Yuuki started using his psychokinesis to move everyone out of the building! And right after, the barriers started crumbling especially when Yuki added a few punches…

However, he then suddenly knelt down as he felt power drained from his body "Finally, what a monster… the purification barrier is finally starting to drain him" Said Laplace and he was right, Yuki was becoming weaker and weaker just like during his time with the orc lord

'I need to end this quickly' Thought Yuki as he retrieved his swords and attacked them with all his power…


Meanwhile, inside the federation, the situation was starting to turn grim… some casualties were starting to appear on the hobgoblins' side which pained Rimuru's heart, especially when he couldn't assist them even if he wanted to, and he also noticed that the Kijin were also starting to be pushed back

'What should I do… I don't think I can beat this woman… Yuki, please come back quickly' Thought Rimuru, however horns started sounding in the distance and he heard one otherworlder say "Heh, now your fate is set in stone, the united army has finally arrived and none of you will survive…"

Rimuru's heart shook slightly before he barely dodged Hinata's attack... Rimuru was far stronger than in the original story since Yuki made sure to have him take full advantage of his broken abilities and made him devour every ant or monster that could be found in the forest… But even this wasn't enough to beat Hinata and he was merely buying as much time as possible, waiting… for that evil bastard to come and save them!

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