
My Life in HP

A Harry Potter fanfic. Disclaimer: Whatever is not mine belongs to someone else. That someone might be J.KRowling.

jdr1696 · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


After slowly digesting the memories and making sure I am not affected by them in any way, I got to a few conclusions.

First was that I was what he assumed, a muggleborn.

Next, from his rambling thoughts, he was either sent by a god like entity or appeared here by accident.

Next, the only reason I was able to, even slightly control the void energy, was because of my magic.

It was on an instinctive level some form of Occlumency born from my desire to survive which I concluded was my accidental magic.

The benifits of my slightly stronger soul was a great increase in memory and brain function and a higher magic energy.

I slowly started to form the Occlumency shields from his memories and modelling them after the void energy. I may not be able to keep out any legilimens but I was not leaking thoughts for them to pick up by the passive legilimens skill.

I also need to keep in mind the known legilimens like Dumledore and Snape.

I also need to take advantage of slight bits of foreknowledge from the plot points I could scrounge up frm the memories.

But these slight bits are quiet extensive if one knows how to use them, from the fanfictions he read or as I like to call AU's.

The canon version is extremely tame and I could understand for the need to make it tame as the franchise targeted children.

Whatever I could understand from the memories I need to consider them to be hundred times tamer than the real thing.

I also came to the conclusion that getting involved with the major characters is incredibly dangerous.

If Dumbledore is quarter a controlling people and playing them for pawns and fools, then even without his magical skill he is incredibly dangerous.

Not to even mention the Voldemort and his gang of highly influential pureblood death eaters.

My biggest rewards from this ordeal is not the knowledge of this world or even knowing that I have magic, it is the knowledge of cliches, as was called, from all the different types of fanfictions and arguments regarding them.

I can understand that when something is cliche, everyone dismisses them. Their value is that a cliche is most common behaviour or reaction to something. If you can learn to anticipate something you can control it to some extent and what better way to anticipate than to relate it to cliches from all kinds of stories. I mean some of the stories are incredibly shitty, but the rest are pure gold.

This collection of cliches will be my foundation of psychology, after i tested them ofcourse.