I died and woke up as Ben ten in his mother’s womb Power hungry person decides that the main character hasn’t used a tiny bit of his potential. After reincarnation, he believes that he will get all the itches and become overpowered, maybe rule over a country or two.
Bens expression Morphed into shock as he saw the resemblance in his face. Gwen dropped her rune book and I saw her jaw drop open far more than it should have been anatomically possible but she is a half Anodite. Kevin nearly dropped the belt he was using while grandpa max looked at me it's an look of both fear and nostalgia. Mostly fear though.
"Close your mouths, you might catch flies. I don't have time to babysit you and your friends. Tell me why you are here before I have to give you the boot"
"What...! The hell is going on. Is that Ben, I mean is that you? Why are you-"
Gwen went on rapid fire question mode but I stopped her by gathering mana underneath my feet and exploding it for an explosive burst of speed and using flash step, I stopped exactly 10 inches in front of her. I put my finger on her mouth in a shush manner and my hand landed on her head in a head pat before she could process it. As she was relying completely on instinct, she leaned into my head pat like a little kitten.
"Aww. You haven't changed a bit from my timeline. Just like a little cat, so curious, so cute and loving heatpats. Like a little kitten that turned into a lion but still behaves like a kitten."
I felt a blaster shot being fired at me from the side. Most likely grandpa max since he must have reacted on instincts and shot me since I basically teleported to his granddaughter in front of him. My hand flew up and the blaster shot stopped two feet from my open palm, all Jedi style.
"Well, it is rude to fire at your grandson from another version of yourself. Especially since you guys are crashing in my reality without permission or prior notice. Explain yourself before you regret it."
My voice snapped both Gwen and Kevin from their shock as Kevin grabbed his belt and turned into a red metal colored human but Gwen didn't do anything except freeze up. Ben was still in shock of processing a 7 year old version of himself was able to get past him without even a scratch.
"I am sorry about that. It was by instincts."
Max said as he threw his hands in the air as a sign of non aggression. He probably didn't want any conflict and was afraid that he escalated the battle but he did shoot at me and that blaster shot was still frozen in time in front of my open palm.
"Well. I guess peace is an option but I would recommend standing down. Also Ben you are embarrassing me."
"What is happening. Are you really me? The hell are you so different."
This time ben asked as he turned to see my smiling face. His hand was still hovering over the four arms transformation and Kevin was still in his red metal form even though I had recommended that they stand down.
"Everyone stand down. Mr. ?Ben?? What should I call you."
"Just call me alpha. It is a simple system. You guys are Prime, I am Alpha and any others can be gama and beta and so on. Also to answer little Ben here, I am the pinnacle of Ben kind."
I closed my palm and almost magically, the blaster shot in front me exploded into a red fizzle before fading out of existence.
"That makes no sense. What even is Ben kind?"
Kevin said as he morphed back into a normal human because he trusted grandpa max enough to follow his instructions.
I looked around with all my senses and concluded that even Kevin could beat me with ease and the only one I could defeat would be max.
Gwen was magically more powerful as she was much older and had achieved a full anodite form. She had a book of runes that contained hundreds of spells that I couldn't even understand.
Kevin and some magical metals on his belt and he was physically stronger than me. He probably had metals stronger than most of bens aliens and he would thrash me like Goku would trash krillin
Ben had the final omnitrix. Do you need anymore reason?
But I have one thing over all of these guys. Surprise. They know nothing about me, my strength, my personality or my weakness but I know them inside out. I know exactly how to dismantle and surprise all of them with my current power.
I decided to take a turned down Gilgamesh mask for my personality towards my alternate future. Extremely cocky and power hungry but not evil. Also strong enough to back up all my ridiculous claims.
"Well, one question at a time. Also to answer your question Kevin. The answer is that there are infinite possibilities and Ben is always in the center. We as bens are the protagonists of the universe. I am just one who has seen the infinite possibilities and understood what each choice means. So I thought, why don't I become the greatest I can. The strongest Ben to ever live.
Everything your Ben isn't. Magic, technology, aliens, political power, physical power, Kingdoms and everything in between. What is stopping me from getting all of them? But then I thought it was to time consuming to be a king. So like lightning, I was struck with enlightenment, why be a king, when you can be god?"
The moment I said this, I disappeared from their vision and reappeared on the rock I had originally stayed on but this time I was completely enclosed in the darkness.
"What the hell just happened?"
Gwen looked nauseous and I could literally feel her mind spiraling down just imagining a Ben who was power hungry and powerful as a god. So were Kevin and max. I mean they had known Ben for nearly 8 years and they couldn't fathom a version of Ben that was even close to me. They had known Ben for longer than I had been alive.
The most surprising reaction though was from Ben himself. He just took a deep breath before hitting his omnitrix to turn into brain storm of all aliens. Brainstormed opened its green eyes before saying in an weird distorted voice.
"Everyone calm down. I have computed the possibilities and there is a 92% chance that he was lying. He doesn't know anything about us and is bluffing."
I just smiled when I heard that. I Flash stepped to Gwen's side before talking out loud.
"I wonder how you would breath without that belt? After all, it isn't a belt but your breathing brace."
Brainstorms faced dropped and I could see his brain going SuperDrive trying to compute a reason for me to know exactly what his breathing brace was but it came up blank. I could see his face fall and his eyes turn completely into fear as he faced my roguish smile.
Author here. For those who didn't know, Inasis means Ανάσταση(Greek) which translates to Resurrección(Spanish) which translates to resurrection in English. Inasis is a bit of a foreshadowing signal, so watch out for that. Also extremely early chapter again.