
The Plan

"Jenn, could you please summarize the situation with SwarmTech for me?"

We were back in Hina's office, which was the first time for me in weeks. Since we spent much time at the park, by the time we got back it was close to 6 O'Clock, but I knew we had no time to waste on this matter now that there were only a few days left to salvage the situation.

"It is as you heard, Sin. The tech we need from SwarmTech is now under legal dispute over its IP and an embargo has been placed. Until we solve that we cannot make use of that particular technology. The official letter from the FTAP committee came over the night hence the emergency meeting this morning"

"What should we do, Sin?"

Hina asked sitting deep on her beanbag, doing her best to look like she was in serious work mode but something told me that she was still flustered from what happened earlier in the day.

Well, me too… but this is work and we have a serious problem.