
My Lady and I

Autor: Toobo
Contínuo · 197.1K Modos de exibição
  • 142 Chs
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  • NO.200+

A light-hearted romantic comedy between a young female boss and her older female assistant in a realistically reconstructed world of the defense industry based on the authentic experiences of the author. Plot Synopsis: 19yo Hina inherits a mega-corporation, but she is a billionaire underdog facing dauntingly massive pressure to succeed. Her sidekick, Sin, is an older and experienced woman who is a jack of all trades in the business world with a natural talent for improvising and working behind the scenes to make the clockwork tick. To repay her debt of gratitude to Hina’s late father who brought her under his wings and gave her a career in the defense industry, she dedicates herself to helping Hina and protecting her at all costs. The irresistible charm of Hina slowly starts to move Sin’s heart but she is a woman incapable of loving and being loved. However, Hina is an unpredictable force of nature and her nonchalant shower of affection makes it hard for Sin to juggle her ever-so-confusing feelings and professional commitment. The family feud within Hina’s family, power struggles in the company to oust the young heiress, and political landmines Sin needs to navigate with her young new boss make her life and career increasingly more precarious as time goes by.

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Chapter 1Death of the Chairman

So I stood in the rain holding a black umbrella to protect the precious, and now sobbing, daughter of our late Chairman from the rain as his coffin was lowered down to six feet under. He was a great man, possibly the greatest I have ever known, and certainly the greatest I have ever worked with. I joined the company at the tender age of 24 under the strange circumstances of being at the wrong place at the wrong time, but somehow that turned my life around for the better - I think. 

The great man had so many relatives. Brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews, and nieces. It took quite a while for everyone to get their turn to say the last goodbye with a shovel full of soil over the coffin. When her turn came, the young Miss - Hina - grabbed the shovel with a shaky hand, and what was a quiet sobbing through gritted teeth became a full wail as she buried her father.

Even before the wet soil that now fully covered her dead father dried, she - and I - was put through the cruel and cold reality of having to attend a meeting where the will of Chairman Chan, our late CEO, would be read. We all knew Chairman Chan wrote this will well in advance when it became evident that he would not survive through his lung cancer. I knew because I was there as his doctor apologetically delivered the grim news to Chairman Chan. When he heard that he would die soon he knew he had to do something now to avoid his mega-corporation and the family falling into a mess that is a dog fight for the inheritance of money and power. He sat silent for a full minute turned to face me and said,

"Sin, this is what happens when you've been smoking for most of your life. Everything you do in your life will bring a consequence, sooner or later"

"I'm truly sorry to hear that, Sir"


"Yes, Sir"

"Give me a cigarette"

I fetched one out from the inside pocket of my jacket and passed it over to Chairman Chan, lit it for him, and waited.


"Yes, sir"

"I will die"

"I'm sorry, Sir"

"You know what I need to do now"

"I will call for him right away, Sir"

"Good. Let's go back home"

I helped Chairman Chan to get up as he struggled to breathe. 

There were now 12 people sitting at the long table, with six on each side. It would normally have been thirteen with Chairman Chan sitting at the headside, but he can no longer take that seat ever again.

The twelve gathered here were his wife, his three sons, two brothers, and two sisters, the CFO & CTO of our great company, a Managing Director who has served the longest time under Chairman Chan, and his daughter - Hina. 

Of course, I did not have a seat and just stood well behind everyone, positioning myself in the corner of the room as I did not want to appear standing behind anyone in particular. That might give the impression that I am waiting to serve the one in front of me. I did not want to get mixed up in the inevitably upcoming power struggle and politics at all. 

I had immense personal respect for Chairman Chan, but those days are over for me now. It was unusual enough that a girl like me accompanied the Big Boss at all times as his right-hand 'man'. I wasn't an immaculately dressed pretty secretary who took care of the Big Boss. I was a trousers-wearing sidekick. That was the way for me to survive in this industry dominated by men. 

And therein lay a major problem for me. Will any of his sons, who will inevitably inherit the Chan Group, keep me around like Chairman Chan did? I, as someone who wasn't really specialized in anything, probably just get dropped and be replaced by an obedient - and capable - pretty face that his sons would prefer. My days in the company may be numbered already. I had to do all I could to make sure that I survived through the turmoil to come if I wanted to keep my livelihood. I should not be picking a side here. I'm in no position to do so. I should make myself appear useful and loyal to any eventual winner. It was a long shot but that was my only hope at this stage, so I told myself - Sin, stay put. Poker face, girl, poker face. 

The lawyer then entered the room, holding an A4 paper-sized and about 3 inches thick 'safe' that had the standard zero to nine numbers for keying in the password. 

"Why are you the one showing up the last while keeping everyone waiting? Your entire life costs less than an hour of my time", snarked Chairman Chan's third son Jiko, who was only 25. For he did not actually have a job or do any work or generate any income, the only way an hour of his time cost anything was in terms of how much it costs to keep up his lifestyle. 

"I apologize young Master, but it was Chairman Chan's order that we commence this procedure only after everyone is present and ready"

"That dick of a dad, phew", Jiko let out a sigh.

"Watch your tongue you spoiled brat. Going by the way you smoke you will end up just like dad, dying of lung cancer. The difference will be that nobody will gather like this to hear your will, and you will have nothing of worth to pass over", the second son of Chairman Chan, Jindo shot back.

"Behave, kids. Don't disgrace your father anymore", Mrs. Chan ordered in her usual calm and firm tone.

"Ahem, then without any further ado, let's proceed with the opening process". 

The lawyer announced and keyed in 6 digit code on the safe's keypad, and passed it over to Mrs. Chan, who also keyed in another six-digit code and passed it over to Jisoo, the first son, who also keyed in yet another six-digit code. 

When it did the full round around the table of twelve, I anticipated the safe to open like Pandora's box, but it didn't. 

"Ms. Sin"

"Yes, Sir" 

Why me all of a sudden?

"Please come over and key in your numbers"

"Er… sorry, what?"

"Everyone has keyed in their six-digit code, including me, in the correct order. The only thing left is for you to enter your final code and this will open, and we can get the procedure started"

"What? What code?"

"Chairman Chan said you will enter the last six digits"

"Chairman Chan never told me such a thing!"

"That does sound like something Chairman Chan would do"

"How could I know the code if I didn't make it myself?"

"Chairman Chan didn't tell you?"


"That does sound like something Chairman Chan would do"

"What is this farce!", shouted the snobby Jiko again. 

"Are you trying to tell me without this fucking idiot bitch we can't open the safe?!"

"I'm afraid so, Sir", said the lawyer. 


The entire destiny of our corporation, and possibly the Chan family lies in my hand. 

All eyes were on me, almost all of them hostile, except Mrs. Chan, who hardly ever showed any emotions anyway, and Hina, the young daughter of Chairman Chan, who was probably too deep in sorrow to care - probably the only one at the table that genuinely grieved.

"Please, you must be pulling my leg. I know Chairman Chan loved these pranks, but I can't believe he made up some number in his head and expected me to guess it, and put all his trust in me to get this right when it comes to deciding something so important", I pleaded but the entire room was silent.


Huh? Hina was trying to say something.

"Maybe that's exactly the reason Dad chose you. Because he felt only you could understand him without needing an explanation. :sob:"

Jesus. Now I do not only have the duty of opening Pandora's box as a burden on my shoulder but Hina will be disappointed that the only person her Dad trusted (she assumed) actually couldn't get it right.

"Sin, let me tell you one thing". Spoke the lawyer, breaking the momentary silence.

"What is it now?", I was doing my best not to panic. 

"If you get this number wrong, a capsule containing corrosive fume will be broken and dissolve the will document inside the safe. At least that's what Chairman Chan told me"


"And one more thing, you only have one chance to input your numbers"

Oh man, this is crazy.

"Did... Did Chairman Chan give any hint to you?"

"He did actually"

"Why the fuck are you only telling me that now?!"

"Watch your tongue in front of your superiors, you mongrel!", interjected Jiko. Gees, you are the one to talk.

"So what was the hint?"

"Chairman Chan said, 'Sin, value yourself. People see no worth in you, but I do'

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Tia Fielding · LGBTQ+
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs
Volume 1


  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo
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