
My Journey Through Life So Far

This are kinda the things that has happened in my life growing up. May seem kinda not necessary but I had this strong urge to put down most of it. Kinda like an open diary of sorts. I hate expressing myself by open mouth so I'm doing this open book. Some parts of my life may be offensive to others but it happened to me and I don't think I need to apologise for that. Well maybe sorry to those it happened to as well, I can relate. Although I'm still quite young, (shameless) I feel I've been through a bit. I don't know why but i just have the urge to put them down.

Carl_Joe · Realista
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30 Chs

That's When I Saw It and It did Something to Me

This time I do not remember how old i was, but i know I was young. I was bored in the house not really knowing what to do with my time. So, i decided to do some exploring. I put on my adventurer's gear, which was my tidy white, and i was all set.

As for what exactly i was looking for, i had no idea; I was just searching for anything i could call "treasure". I invited my brother, but he did not want to be bothered; Guess it was just me, and if I did find treasure, which was more than unlikely, I was not going to share or show. Even when i did not find any, i was going to lie and say i found something awesome. Hmm, did that count as being petty?

So i began my search from our room. My plan was to start from our room and end in my parent's room. In my room, apart from what I did not know at that time were condoms, i did not find much. Actually, there were a lot of them. It was crazy; I had not seen so many condoms before in my life. The funny thing was, even as we grew older, the numbers stayed the same. They belonged to our elder brother. Uncle? I don't know. Our family line is weird. Let's just go with uncle.

When i got slightly older, I asked him if he actually had sex. Which he replied, yes. Then how come the condoms were the same number every time? Was he replenishing them? Was he even having sex? I doubted that, cos he was a real ugly dude. No disrespect. But even i knew girls had standards. Again, no disrespect. There's nothing wrong with being ugly.

Aside condoms and old chewed up bones laying around, which by the way, solved the mystery of the ants, there was not much in our room. I went through the other rooms and found weird things; Come white something with wings, weird looking panties and bra. I remember going through them with a frown. But i had started, and I just could not stop just because i felt like throwing up my breakfast. It was all for the adventure. Okay, that is a lie. I run out the moment i saw a pantie.

Finally after going through almost all the rooms, there was just one more. I braced myself and went in. I rummaged and rummaged, and saw...nothing. Apart from clothes, i saw nothing. What a let down. As i lay on the floor depressed about finding nothing, and just as i was about to leave, i saw something twinkle.

Of course, the perfect place to hide treasure. Underneath their bed. Under their bed was the strangest place. It was terrifying. There were so many things under there that made you wonder exactly how many years worth of things had been put there. I could sit on a carpet singing 'A whole new world' under there.

As i pulled and pushed things out of the way, I finally felt it; they were bound in a black polythene, but i got a good feel for it. DVDs.

I pulled it out. It had a small tear. That was where the twinkle was from. Now, i was confused. Why were these ones bound like some sealing spells, trying to prevent it from coming into the world and causing havoc? My curiosity got the better of me and i opened it, hearing thunder rumble in the skies as i did. I put my hand in the bag slowly so i don't destroy the bag. It needed to stay the same. I couldn't be leaving evidence of my presence.

I pulled out the one at the top slowly, and what I saw on the cover completely blew my mind. She was naked, and looking at me in a weird way. Not only that; It was making me feel odd inside. I had no idea what was happening. I sealed up the others just like it was earlier and put them back. I put the one i took and hid it inside my tidy white and covered the sudden bulge with my hand like you would a sudden erection in public.

I had planned on lying about my finding to my brother earlier, but this time i had to show him. I needed to know if he felt the same 'odd' feeling i also felt. It was safe to say, he did, and more.

His first words after hanging his mouth open and drooling on the DVD for 5mins were, "Let's watch". He was brave. What if someone came? What if we were caught? Those questions were going through my mind, but the naked woman on the cover just winked at me, and i was not about to show her i was some bitch.

After checking fifteen times to see if someone was around, we popped it into the DVD and played. It was safe to say, it was a revelation. My little body was just a bundle of weird feelings at that point. There was a tiny bulge in my tidy whites but i was too invested in what they were doing to even notice. After a few minutes, i decided it was best to send it back before our parents returned. My brother wanted to continue, but since i was the one that took it out, it was best to send it back. He was definitely the type to think with his lower brain. I knew my brother. If we were caught and asked who gave it us, he would definitely point at me. It was best i sent it back, and he went for it, if he wanted to continue watching. That way if he was caught, he would answer his own questions.

I couldnt sleep that night. I just kept seeing her wink at me. I wanted so bad to watch her again.