
My Irresistible Sugarplum

They say. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Yeah! That statement is so damn true, and aside from that, no one dies a virgin, because life fucks us all. *** Natasha Adam is a young orphan. She had to fend for herself and her younger sister. Life had been incredibly cruel to her, leaving her with no choice but to accept a contract marriage as the wife of Ace Douglas, a disabled Cold-hearted CEO. He's a multibillionaire, and everyone fears him because of his cruel personality. Natasha's contract states that she should not fall in love with her contracted husband... Because Ace's reason for marrying her was to prevent his parents from arranging blind dates for him. 'But what if she can't help her feelings?' 'Would her contracted husband sue her for breach of contract, or would he reciprocate his feelings for her?' **Excerpt** "Be my wife." A hypnotic deep voice declared. "Be my wife, and I promise to give you everything!" The voice echoed throughout the living room. Natasha has no idea where the voice is coming from, but she suspects the owners aren't far away. "Be my..." Before the owner of the voice complete his sentence. She cut him off. "Sure! So, can you fucking come out of your hiding place, and let's talk marriage stuff properly?" Natasha demanded loudly. ** Excerpt** "You are not permitted to speak to me, stare at me, or come anywhere near me." His cold voice echoed around the room. "But.... What makes you think I'd stare at you? Besides, you're not that handso..." My voice trailed off. I couldn't finish my statement because he fiercely gaze at me. I wasn't scared of him, but rather I'm hypnotized by him. "Are you deaf? Or did you forget what I said about not staring at me? Come on! Close your mouth because you're drooling." He declared, clearly frustrated. "Hahaha. Why won't I drool? Besides, you're sexy." I declared, before winking seductively. WSA THEME: ROMANCE

Elona_Alone · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
152 Chs


"What did you see in my Mama that made you interested in her?" Bellatrix asked, which caught everyone off guard.

I could hear the sound of cricket all over the place, and it was an awkward moment for me.

After a total of one minute passed, I decided to break the awkward silence by clearing my throat. "Hmm hmm!" I cleared my throat, before forcing a smile on my face.

"She didn't mean that question, so let's get going." I force myself to say.

They yield to my words and continue walking, but the little one who's behind me still has a lot of unsaid questions.

"Don't ask any more silly questions Okay," I warn her with a friendly tone.

"But he's your boyfriend, so I have to be looking out for you. We never can tell if he's attracted to you because of your looks, so we need to be careful." She advised while sounding like a teenager this time around.

Bellatrix always seems to surprise me with her behavior. One minute she's a kid, and the other minute she's a teenager with a lot of experience and understanding.

"It's nice that you are trying to look after me dear, but I can take care of myself when I'm with him," I assured her.

She smiled and didn't utter anything else from her mouth.

Finally, we made our way inside the house, and I could see that there were a few changes compared to the way I saw the house some few hours ago.

"Is this the place you live?" Bellatrix asked while scanning her surroundings with her eyes, but she didn't seem to be fascinated.

"Do you have a problem with the house style?" Ace asked, as his brows were now slightly arched, and his hazel eyes were piercing through that of my sister.

"Do you want me to be sincere with you, or do you prefer that I should be frank?" Bellatrix asked.

Her question is confusing, so I was about to ask her to rephrase her statement when Ace suddenly replied.

"Those are the same thing, dear." He said, forcing a smile, as he stretched his hands forward to touch the hair of my sister, but she quickly move away.

She hates it when others touch her hair except that person is me.

"I can tell that you are from a rich family and that you are a billionaire..... because not all seem to figure out the error of the question, but anyway." Her voice trailed, as she stared at Ace with a serious gaze. "This house doesn't give the feeling of a house, and it's cold."

After my sister made those sentences, she sat down on the couch and crossed her legs.

We all stare at her in confusion, and deep down I'm proud of my baby sister.

She's never afraid to voice out what she's thinking.

"Hmm! So are you preparing the late lunch?" Abe breaks the total silence that arose between all of us.

"Yeah! I'll get to it right away." I mumble before grabbing my younger sister to the kitchen.

I have heard people say that the kitchen isn't a place for kids, but I always allow my sister to be in the kitchen.

I grabbed an apron and wrapped it around my waist, before turning on the music on my phone.

It is a song by Ella and it motivate me.

Within the next thirty minutes, lunch was ready, and the aroma of my loaded brown rice pasta filled the entire air.

My baby sister is the one who helped out in the slicing of vegetables.

She isn't good at it, but I can't say she is bad at it either.

"Lunch is ready." I declare while carrying the dish to the dining room.

The two brothers who had been in the sitting room for some time now quickly got their asses up from the couch, as they made their way towards the dining room.

They immediately got themselves seated, for Ace remain seated on his wheelchair, and instead of digging in... They stare at me with a suspicious gaze.

"Is there something on my face?" I find myself asking, because the manner which they are currently using to stare at me, just made me to think that way.

"It's advisable that you shouldn't poison the food that we are going to eat. I have informed some of my workers about you and that I would be having dinner with you, so if anything bad happens to me, then you won't be able to escape without ending up in jail." Abe said with an authoritative voice.

Now that I can see his face properly, then he doesn't cause a chill to run down my spine.

"You shouldn't eat if you feel insecure," I said while filling my baby sister's plate with rice pasta.

"Shouldn't you find a way to convince us that we should eat?" Ace asked, but I shook my head sideways.

"Convincing you isn't an option. If you already believe that I poisoned the food, then what do you think I can do that would make you believe that I didn't poison?" I asked, before putting the spoon filled with food inside my mouth.

No answer was heard, and the two gentlemen just stared at us as we ate in absolute silence.

After some time, they decided to start dishing food on their plate.

I chuckled, seeing their funny behavior. "So you both have finally decided to eat my poison?" I asked while smirking.

"Since your child is eating the food, then it's even. Besides, if it's poison then all of us are going to end up dying." He said proudly.

I rolled my eyes, and then I continued eating my lunch.

"So since you won't be working at the restaurant anymore, where do you have in mind to start working?" Abe asked, without making contact with me, for he was eating his food.

"I don't have any job in mind for now, but tomorrow is another day, and it's going to speak for itself," I uttered, before passing a smile his way.

"Sounds like a quote from a cold digger," Abe mumbled beneath his breath, but it was still audible for me to capture.

I scuffed, before continuing eating. When they say silence is the best answer given to a fool... The quote is hundred and one percent right.

"Why do you wear glasses?" Ace suddenly asked.

"Why do you wear a suit?" I asked in return.

I know that he's expecting me to reply to his question with an answer, but that's not going to work.

"Are you always like this?" He asked.

Well. It seems that we are now playing a game of question-asking.

"Why do you speak sexily?" I asked and quickly scolded myself.

That question didn't come out the way I had expected it. "I mean to say do you always ask questions like this to the opposite sex?" I tried to cover up my previous statement.

"No I don't." He replied firmly.

"Then who were you asking to be your wife when I came over some hours ago?" I throw another question at him.

"It... She... You...."

He was unable to complete his statement when I suddenly cut him off. "Come-on! Or are you hiding something from your wife?" I asked while sneering at him.

My younger sister also focuses her gaze on him, and likewise Abe.

Ace became speechless. "Hahaha! I was just pulling your legs okay. I don't care about anything concerning you." I said while laughing.

I know that they currently see me as a freak now, but why pretend to be normal... When you know that you are a big-time freak.