
My Hybrid System, Long forgotten.

In olden times, there was an orphan named Alec. Growing up without the knowledge of who his parents were, Alec was forced to live with his uncle who mistreated him and barely gave him a proper meal.  However, in an effort to get food he committed an unintentional crime whose penalty was death. When Alec was caught, he ran into the woods and was chased down by the local police officers, along with his uncle's sister, Elva. While running in the woods, he unconsciously stumbled over a tree root causing him to fall back down the hill. "No!!" He screamed as he rolled down the hill.  "Arrr!!" Alec winced in pain when he subsequently stopped rolling.  As he observed the damages he bought from the fall, he heard far away chatterings of the police officers after him. "Shit! They are nearby," Alec muttered in panic as he right away stood on his feet to continue running. However, just as he took one step farther from the place he stood, he fell inside a deep dark hole.  "No!!!!!!" Alec screamed as he went down the deep dark hole. The last thing he saw was a mild red light before passing out. "Where am I? " he asked, "What happened?" Just then a screen appeared before his eyes. [System processing…] [System activated] [You have successfully activated your Long forgotten hybrid system] "What?" This was where his ride began.  Now the fate of mankind lies in his hands as he keeps on completing quests and tasks to get stronger. The question is, will he be able to cease and defeat Lucifer? ******* Support the author with your votes. ********* Note to new readers, The first few chapters may appear similar to MVS if you have a look at it carefully but as the book goes it will take turns to become a story of its own. If you are not relaxed reading it, I will advise that you do not even begin but if you wanna stick with me till the story's transformation then I will be glad to have you as one of my readers. ********** Author's note, There might be a few grammatical errors in the first few chapters but I promise that as you read, you will get to revel the story.

Ultimatefive · Fantasia
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23 Chs

Soul weapon.

Alec went downstairs to go meet Kim at the training ground.

"What the heck does she want from me this time?" Alec sighed inwardly.

He got to the training ground with the help of Karg who he met on his way downstairs.

"She hates me already or is she planning on getting me killed too?" Alec paused at the entrance of the training ground.

Sometime later after thinking, he entered the training ground.

After another four rounds of dagger throw, Kim stopped. She heard footsteps approaching the training ground so she assumed Alec had arrived. Kim quickly tossed back her daggers into her hand which went invisible immediately after.

"Is that also one of her invisibility skills?" Alec thought, seeing how the daggers went invisible on reaching Kim's hands.

"My dad made mention of you wanting to get trained, right? If yes, come over here." Kim blurted out without bothering to look at Alec.

"I did?" Alec was a bit taken aback by her statement. 

Though he wanted to get strong, he never said anything about it to anyone. He was still contemplating whether to ask Kim or not.

Either way, it wasn't a bad thing since he was gonna ask for it, anyway.

Wasting no time, Alec strode in front of her. 

"I'm just gonna teach you a few fighting steps you should know before using a dagger," Kim said, summoning two daggers out of her hand immediately.

"That's cool. Could you mind teaching me how you brought the weapon out of space?" Alec asked with a smile.

Kim chuckled on hearing Alec's words.

"You must be kidding, right? You seriously wanna have a soul weapon? Such a dumbass you are Alec," Kim couldn't hide the amusement in her voice as she uttered those words.

"Soul weapon? What's a soul weapon," Alec asked in confusion. 

Seeing her laugh, he wondered whether what he said was funny.

Suddenly turning serious, she said,

"You can't have a soul weapon, at least not at this level. If I remember correctly, you came from a world of no ability, so I guess you have no ability, which is quite bad for humans in this world."

Alec perfectly understood Kim's last few words. After that demon attacked him, he understood how bad it was for humans of this world to have no ability.

Though Kim was able to acquire her soul weapon when she was only in middle school, the same wouldn't be said for others. 

Soul weapons were skills meant to be taught in the second year in the military academy.

Kim only learned hers because her father pushed her hard for it, so the same wasn't gonna be said for others.

"And at what stage will I get to learn how to use it?" Alec asked, not wanting to limit himself.

"Probably a few level increases will do, now if you don't mind, let's continue. Grab this dagger," Kim said, handing Alec a danger.

"Watch and follow every step I take," Kim said as she positioned herself in a fighting stance.

"Since a dagger is a short blade knife, you'll have to learn how to fight close combat. In most cases, you'll have to punch, kick, and block incoming attacks simultaneously to your counterattack with a dagger. In most cases, the fight will be over quickly, especially if the opponent doesn't think you are a nice fighter." Kim said those words as she demonstrated simultaneously.

After she was done showing the demonstration, she shrugged realizing the boy was only a beginner and wouldn't be able to perform those kicks and punches she demonstrated.

"I guess this is gonna be difficult for you since this is your first time. Why don't you go and stab the wooden figure with that dagger you're holding? That way I will figure out your strength."

Looking down at the dagger in his hand, Alec swallowed nervously before walking toward the figure.

Reaching the figure, Alec began stabbing it. His stabs were tactless and aimless. After several attempts to stab the dagger into the wooden figure, he was unable to do so.

"This wood is strong and hard. Just how the fuck was she able to stick her blade on it that easily?" Alec muttered, feeling out of energy and exhausted. None of his stabs penetrated the wood. All of his attacks bounced off.

He continued attacking the wooden figure till he ran out of breath.

"Hey, you can stop now. It's enough." Alec was already breathing heavily in exhaustion, so hearing that, he slumbered to the ground. 

"Oh, shit! Do...Do we really have to do this? The wood is very strong," Alec stuttered, gasping for air on the ground.

"Oh yeah, we really have to do it. Maybe you are just too weak to pierce the wood instead of terming it as hard. Let me show you what I'm talking about." 

As soon as she said those words, she released three daggers into the wood. When Alec looked up to check the impact she made on the wood, he saw that the blade of the three daggers was all sunken inside the wooden figure leaving only the hilt in view.

"I think we should call it a day. And don't expect me to train you tomorrow 'cause I won't be here by then," With that said, Kim went back into the house.

Alec felt humiliated when he saw how easily the daggers went into the wood with just a single strike.

"Am I really weak?" Alec asked himself but then he remembered something. He recalled how he felt a new surge of energy in him when he leveled up to level 2.

"Maybe if I keep on leveling up and unlocking those locked skills, I will get to become stronger and then protect myself from the dangers of this world," Alec thought.

"I think this system is my ability."

The only problem was that he had yet to understand how the system works.

As he thought of how he was gonna acquire more information about the system, a message appeared before his eyes.


[A Quest has been received]

[Try knowing more about the system]

[Reward: +5 Xp]

[Time limit: 7 days]

"Well, that's a good thing cause I'm already planning to research the system. At least I know now that I'm not gonna be doing it for free. But for the time limit? I have never had a quest with it." Alec thought. 

Realizing he was still on the ground, he quickly jolted up and entered the house.

However, not too far from the training ground at one of the windows, Karg was standing, secretly observing how the training was going. 

"My gut tells me you are different, Alec," Karg muttered before leaving the window.

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